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Color mixer
I'm trying implement this tool:
I already have this:
I don't know, don't want to working as expected, F1 :sad:
TColorArray = array of TColor; function GetColors(const C1, C2: TColor; Steps: Byte): TColorArray; function Blend(Color1, Color2: TColor; A: Byte): TColor; // by R. M. Klever var c1, c2: LongInt; r, g, b, v1, v2: byte; begin A:= Round(2.55 * A); c1 := ColorToRGB(Color1); c2 := ColorToRGB(Color2); v1:= Byte(c1); v2:= Byte(c2); r:= A * (v1 - v2) shr 8 + v2; v1:= Byte(c1 shr 8); v2:= Byte(c2 shr 8); g:= A * (v1 - v2) shr 8 + v2; v1:= Byte(c1 shr 16); v2:= Byte(c2 shr 16); b:= A * (v1 - v2) shr 8 + v2; Result := (b shl 16) + (g shl 8) + r; end; var V, T: Byte; begin SetLength(Result, 0); V := 100 div (Steps + 1); T := 0; while T < 100 do begin Inc(T, V); SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1); Result[High(Result)] := Blend(C1, C2, T); end; end; |
Re: Color mixer
F1 :(
V, T: Byte; begin SetLength(Result, 0); V := 100 div (EnsureRange(ASteps, 1, 64) + 1); T := V; while (T < 100) and (100 - T >= V) do begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1); Result[High(Result)] := BlendColors(AColor1, AColor2, T); Inc(T, V); end; end; |
AW: Color mixer
Unfortunately you forgot to tell us what does happen instead of what should have happened.
And I do not know where you use this function and how you use this function. |
Re: Color mixer
Did you saw link above? So, generaly thera are 2 colors on input and on output I want to array with n colors between input colors - it mean not full gradient, but just n colors.
AW: Color mixer
I understood what you want to do but I have no idea what your problem is. Does the code result in a wrong display? Or do you have a problem when you try to use the code? At the moment I am not at home, I will continue there...
Re: Color mixer
Maybe my idea is good but imprecise? |
AW: Color mixer
for 100 div (64 + 1) = 1 so you get 100 steps also 100 div (16 +1) = 5 you get 20 steps
var V,T : single; S : byte; V := 100 / (Steps + 1); T := 0; while T < 100 do begin T := T + V; //add real S := trunc(T); //get byte SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1); Result[High(Result)] := Blend(C1, C2, S); end; end; |
AW: Color mixer
Liste der Anhänge anzeigen (Anzahl: 1)
10 Steps on color_tool_mixer.php = 12 with GetColors() (including Color1 and Color2)
uses Math;
(...) function GetColors(const C1, C2: TColor; Steps: Byte): TColorArray; function Blend(const Color1, Color2: TColor; const A: Byte): TColor; // by Aphton var dA : Single; c1 : Array[0..3] of Byte Absolute Color1; c2 : Array[0..3] of Byte Absolute Color2; rs : Array[0..3] of Byte Absolute Result; begin dA := A/100; rs[0] := Round(c1[0] + (c2[0] - c1[0]) * dA); rs[1] := Round(c1[1] + (c2[1] - c1[1]) * dA); rs[2] := Round(c1[2] + (c2[2] - c1[2]) * dA); rs[3] := 0; end; var i: Integer; V, T: Byte; begin if Steps < 3 then Exit; SetLength(Result, Steps); dec(Steps); Result[0] := C1; Result[Steps] := C2; V := 100 div Steps; T := 0; for i := 1 to Steps - 1 do begin inc(T, V); Result[i] := Blend(C1, C2, Min(T, 100)); end; end; Results in... |
AW: Color mixer
Die Sache mit dem
ist unglücklich und führt zu ungenauen Ergebnissen.
V := 100 div Steps;
Wieso nicht einfach eine Mischroutine schreiben, die einen Float-Wert als Mischungsverhältnis akzeptiert (also einfach die von Aphton leicht umschreiben).
Wer komplett auf Floatingpointarithmetik verzichten will, kann es so probieren
function Blend(const Color1, Color2: TColor; const MixRatio: Double): TColor; // by Aphton
var c1 : Array[0..3] of Byte Absolute Color1; c2 : Array[0..3] of Byte Absolute Color2; rs : Array[0..3] of Byte Absolute Result; begin rs[0] := Round(c1[0] + (c2[0] - c1[0]) * MixRatio); rs[1] := Round(c1[1] + (c2[1] - c1[1]) * MixRatio); rs[2] := Round(c1[2] + (c2[2] - c1[2]) * MixRatio); rs[3] := 0; end; ... Delta := 1/Steps; MixRatio := 0; For i:=0 To Steps-1 do begin ColorArray[i] := MixColors(Color1, color2, MixRatio); MixRatio := MixRatio + Delta End;
Die Integer-Variante könnte marginal andere Ergebnisse liefern (sofern sie denn funktioniert).
function Blend(const Color1, Color2: TColor; const MixColor1, MixColor2 : Integer): TColor; // by Aphton
// Mische zwei Farben im Verhältnis MixColor1:MixColor2 var c1 : Array[0..3] of Byte Absolute Color1; c2 : Array[0..3] of Byte Absolute Color2; rs : Array[0..3] of Byte Absolute Result; MixColors : Integer; begin MixColors := MixColor1 + MixColor2; rs[0] := Min(255, (c1[0]*MixColor1 + c2[0]*MixColor2) div MixColors); rs[1] := Min(255, (c1[0]*MixColor1 + c2[0]*MixColor2) div MixColors); rs[2] := Min(255, (c1[0]*MixColor1 + c2[0]*MixColor2) div MixColors); rs[3] := 0; end; ... For i:=1 To Steps-1 do ColorArray[i] := MixColors(Color1, color2, i, Steps - i - 1); |
AW: Color mixer
Ja stimmt, so ist es eig. besser.
Ich habs ja auch nur schnell hingeschrieben, nicht groß überlegt, sry xD |
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