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Cpp > Pas
ich muss einen Cpp-Code übersetzen und habe Probleme mit den gegebenen Typen. Extreme Probleme macht mir die Übersetzung von einem LPVOID und CHAR_INFO. Was ich ebensowenig herausfinden konnte ist, was ein &... bedeutet. Ich wusste einfach nicht, was ich da Google fragen sollte. Ich habe im unteren Code (Pascal) die problematischen Zeilen markiert und die Fehlermeldung dazugeschrieben. Hier die beiden Codes:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h> VOID main(void) { HANDLE hStdout, hNewScreenBuffer; SMALL_RECT srctReadRect; SMALL_RECT srctWriteRect; CHAR_INFO chiBuffer[160]; // [2][80]; COORD coordBufSize; COORD coordBufCoord; BOOL fSuccess; // Get a handle to the STDOUT screen buffer to copy from and // create a new screen buffer to copy to. hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); hNewScreenBuffer = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( GENERIC_READ | // read/write access GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // not shared NULL, // default security attributes CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, // must be TEXTMODE NULL); // reserved; must be NULL if (hStdout == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hNewScreenBuffer == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("CreateConsoleScreenBuffer (%d)\n", GetLastError()); return; } // Make the new screen buffer the active screen buffer. if (! SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hNewScreenBuffer) ) { printf("SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer (%d)\n", GetLastError()); return; } // Set the source rectangle. srctReadRect.Top = 0; // top left: row 0, col 0 srctReadRect.Left = 0; srctReadRect.Bottom = 1; // bot. right: row 1, col 79 srctReadRect.Right = 79; // The temporary buffer size is 2 rows x 80 columns. coordBufSize.Y = 2; coordBufSize.X = 80; // The top left destination cell of the temporary buffer is // row 0, col 0. coordBufCoord.X = 0; coordBufCoord.Y = 0; // Copy the block from the screen buffer to the temp. buffer. fSuccess = ReadConsoleOutput( hStdout, // screen buffer to read from chiBuffer, // buffer to copy into coordBufSize, // col-row size of chiBuffer coordBufCoord, // top left dest. cell in chiBuffer &srctReadRect); // screen buffer source rectangle if (! fSuccess) { printf("ReadConsoleOutput (%d)\n", GetLastError()); return; } // Set the destination rectangle. srctWriteRect.Top = 10; // top lt: row 10, col 0 srctWriteRect.Left = 0; srctWriteRect.Bottom = 11; // bot. rt: row 11, col 79 srctWriteRect.Right = 79; // Copy from the temporary buffer to the new screen buffer. fSuccess = WriteConsoleOutput( hNewScreenBuffer, // screen buffer to write to chiBuffer, // buffer to copy from coordBufSize, // col-row size of chiBuffer coordBufCoord, // top left src cell in chiBuffer &srctWriteRect); // dest. screen buffer rectangle if (! fSuccess) { printf("WriteConsoleOutput (%d)\n", GetLastError()); return; } Sleep(5000); // Restore the original active screen buffer. if (! SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hStdout)) { printf("SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer (%d)\n", GetLastError()); return; } }
HANDLE WINAPI CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(
__in DWORD dwDesiredAccess, __in DWORD dwShareMode, __in_opt const SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* lpSecurityAttributes, __in DWORD dwFlags, __reserved LPVOID lpScreenBufferData );
procedure TfrmMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var hStdout, hNewScreenBuffer : THandle; srctReadRect, srctWriteRect : TRect; coordBufSize, coordBufCoord : TPoint; fSuccess : Boolean; CHAR_INFO chiBuffer[160]; // [2][80]; <-- begin hStdout := GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); hNewScreenBuffer := CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_READ, GENERIC_WRITE, nil, 0, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, 0); <-- [Fehler] Unit1.pas(34): Inkompatible Typen: 'Integer' und 'Pointer' >>> siehe "Nützliches" if (hStdout = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) or (hNewScreenBuffer = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then raise Exception.Create('CreateConsoleScreenBuffer: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)); if not SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hNewScreenBuffer) then raise Exception.Create('SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)); srctReadRect.Top := 0; // top left: row 0, col 0 srctReadRect.Left := 0; srctReadRect.Bottom := 1; // bottom right: row 1, col 79 srctReadRect.Right := 79; // The temporary buffer size is 2 rows x 80 columns coordBufSize.Y := 2; coordBufSize.X := 80; // The top left destination cell of the temporary buffer is // row 0, col 0. coordBufCoord.X := 0; coordBufCoord.Y := 0; // Copy the block from the screen buffer to the temp. buffer. fSuccess := ReadConsoleOutput(hStdout, chiBuffer, coordBufSize, coordBufCoord, ^srctReadRect); <-- hierfür müsste ich CHAR_INFO übersetzen können, abgesehen davon könnte es noch mehr Ärger in dieser Zeile geben if not fSuccess then raise Exception.Create('ReadConsoleOutput: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)); // Set the destination rectangle. srctWriteRect.Top := 10; // top lt: row 10, col 0 srctWriteRect.Left := 0; srctWriteRect.Bottom := 11; // bot. rt: row 11, col 79 srctWriteRect.Right := 79; // Copy from the temporary buffer to the new screen buffer. fSuccess := WriteConsoleOutput(hNewScreenBuffer, chiBuffer, coordBufSize, coordBufCoord, ^srctWriteRect); <-- hierfür müsste ich CHAR_INFO übersetzen können, abgesehen davon könnte es noch mehr Ärger in dieser Zeile geben if not fSuccess then raise Exception.Create('WriteConsoleOutput: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)); Sleep(5000); // Nötig ???? // Restore the original active screen buffer. if not SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hStdout) raise Exception.Create('SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)); end; |
Re: Cpp > Pas
Das '&' in C ist das @ in Pascal.
Re: Cpp > Pas
CHAR_INFO ist in Windows.pas deklariert. Du kannst dabei auch den Alias TCharInfo nutzen.
Integer=0 => Pointer=nil *srctReadRect ist bei Delphi srctReadRect^ (das Dächen ist hinten und nicht wie bei C/C++ vorne) Zitat:
Re: Cpp > Pas
Re: Cpp > Pas
Ahja, sollst ja auch was lernen bei:
Ist ein einfaches Array aus CHAR_INFO. Die Übersetzung lautet entsprechend einfach:
CHAR_INFO chiBuffer[160]; // [2][80]; <--
chiBuffer : array[0..159] of CHAR_INFO;
Schau im Original Code. Da steht GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE und nicht GENERIC_READ, GENERIC_WRITE. | ist in C die Bitweise or Verknüpfung, entsprechend wird daraus:
hNewScreenBuffer := CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_READ, GENERIC_WRITE, nil, 0, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, 0); <-- [Fehler] Unit1.pas(34): Inkompatible Typen: 'Integer' und 'Pointer' >>> siehe "Nützliches"
Auf die anderen Fehler wurdest ja bereits hingewiesen. Entsprechend hier mal das komplette Machwerk:
hNewScreenBuffer := CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, nil);
Compiled, macht aber gar nichts. Was sollte denn passieren? Hab keine Lust mich durch die API Dokumentation zu wühlen.
program Project2;
{$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses sysutils, windows; var hStdout, hNewScreenBuffer : THandle; srctReadRect, srctWriteRect : _SMALL_RECT; coordBufSize, coordBufCoord : _COORD; fSuccess : Boolean; chiBuffer : array[0..159] of CHAR_INFO; // [2][80]; <-- begin hStdout := GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); hNewScreenBuffer := CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, nil); if (hStdout = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) or (hNewScreenBuffer = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then raise Exception.Create('CreateConsoleScreenBuffer: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)); if not SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hNewScreenBuffer) then raise Exception.Create('SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)); srctReadRect.Top := 0; // top left: row 0, col 0 srctReadRect.Left := 0; srctReadRect.Bottom := 1; // bottom right: row 1, col 79 srctReadRect.Right := 79; // The temporary buffer size is 2 rows x 80 columns coordBufSize.Y := 2; coordBufSize.X := 80; // The top left destination cell of the temporary buffer is // row 0, col 0. coordBufCoord.X := 0; coordBufCoord.Y := 0; // Copy the block from the screen buffer to the temp. buffer. fSuccess := ReadConsoleOutput(hStdout, @chiBuffer[0], coordBufSize, coordBufCoord, srctReadRect); if not fSuccess then raise Exception.Create('ReadConsoleOutput: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)); // Set the destination rectangle. srctWriteRect.Top := 10; // top lt: row 10, col 0 srctWriteRect.Left := 0; srctWriteRect.Bottom := 11; // bot. rt: row 11, col 79 srctWriteRect.Right := 79; // Copy from the temporary buffer to the new screen buffer. fSuccess := WriteConsoleOutput(hNewScreenBuffer, @chiBuffer[0], coordBufSize, coordBufCoord, srctWriteRect); if not fSuccess then raise Exception.Create('WriteConsoleOutput: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)); Sleep(5000); // Nötig ???? // Restore the original active screen buffer. if not SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hStdout) then raise Exception.Create('SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)); readln; end. |
Re: Cpp > Pas
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Re: Cpp > Pas
@wido: Danke, ich hätte vieles noch von früher (hatte mal etwas mit Cpp zu tun) wissen müssen, aber einiges geht dann doch wieder verloren. An alle: Wir müssen nun aufpassen, dass wir das ![]() |
Re: Cpp > Pas
Für das Demo ja. Es dient zur visualisierung des Demos ;)
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils; procedure Main; var hStdout, hNewScreenBuffer: THANDLE; srctReadRect: TSMALLRECT; srctWriteRect: TSMALLRECT; chiBuffer: array [0..160] of TCHARINFO; // [2]*[80]; coordBufSize: TCOORD; coordBufCoord: TCOORD; fSuccess: BOOL; begin // Get a handle to the STDOUT screen buffer to copy from and // create a new screen buffer to copy to. hStdout := GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); hNewScreenBuffer := CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( GENERIC_READ or // read/write access GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // not shared nil, // default security attributes CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, // must be TEXTMODE nil); // reserved; must be NULL if (hStdout = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) or (hNewScreenBuffer = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin WriteLn(format('CreateConsoleScreenBuffer (%d)', [GetLastError])); exit; end; // Make the new screen buffer the active screen buffer. if not SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hNewScreenBuffer) then begin WriteLn(format('SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer (%d)', [GetLastError])); exit; end; // Set the source rectangle. srctReadRect.Top := 0; // top left: row 0, col 0 srctReadRect.Left := 0; srctReadRect.Bottom := 1; // bot. right: row 1, col 79 srctReadRect.Right := 79; // The temporary buffer size is 2 rows x 80 columns. coordBufSize.Y := 2; coordBufSize.X := 80; // The top left destination cell of the temporary buffer is // row 0, col 0. coordBufCoord.X := 0; coordBufCoord.Y := 0; // Copy the block from the screen buffer to the temp. buffer. fSuccess := ReadConsoleOutput( hStdout, // screen buffer to read from @chiBuffer[0], // buffer to copy into coordBufSize, // col-row size of chiBuffer coordBufCoord, // top left dest. cell in chiBuffer srctReadRect); // screen buffer source rectangle if not fSuccess then begin WriteLn(format('SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer (%d)', [GetLastError])); exit; end; // Set the destination rectangle. srctWriteRect.Top := 10; // top lt: row 10, col 0 srctWriteRect.Left := 0; srctWriteRect.Bottom := 11; // bot. rt: row 11, col 79 srctWriteRect.Right := 79; // Copy from the temporary buffer to the new screen buffer. fSuccess := WriteConsoleOutput( hNewScreenBuffer, // screen buffer to write to @chiBuffer[0], // buffer to copy from coordBufSize, // col-row size of chiBuffer coordBufCoord, // top left src cell in chiBuffer srctWriteRect); // dest. screen buffer rectangle if not fSuccess then begin WriteLn(format('WriteConsoleOutput (%d)', [GetLastError])); exit; end; Sleep(5000); // <--<< // Restore the original active screen buffer. if not SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hStdout) then begin WriteLn(format('SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer (%d)', [GetLastError])); exit; end; end; BEGIN AllocConsole; Main; FreeConsole; END. |
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