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Dimo_bo 30. Mär 2007 12:58

I need to build an ebook writer using delphi , is there any open source ebook writer programmed with delphi .


Der_Unwissende 30. Mär 2007 13:03

Re: ebook
there are a lot of ebook-formats available (e.g. PDF, LIT, DJVU, ...). So what kind of ebook are you thinking about?

best regards,
Der Unwissende

Robert Marquardt 30. Mär 2007 13:18

Re: ebook
Welcome to the DP.
At least two ebook formats can be created through a Delphi program (i know because i did it myself).
For MS Reader (.lit) i have successfully accessed the litgen.dll which is available from Microsoft. It is a COM object with a small twist for instanciating.
For Mobipocket (.mobi) i have enslaved their commandline tool mobigen.exe which is available from their website.

Dimo_bo 30. Mär 2007 13:26

Re: ebook

Zitat von Der_Unwissende
there are a lot of ebook-formats available (e.g. PDF, LIT, DJVU, ...). So what kind of ebook are you thinking about?

Der Unwissende

OK sir all what i want is : to build an Ebook writer - builder - where the user will browse for his Html files , then all these will be compressed and embeded in One Exe file , with an internal viewer
as an exemple ( ebook maker ):

thank you

Robert Marquardt 30. Mär 2007 13:32

Re: ebook
Are you the one asking this on Experts-Exchange already?
You obviously do not know what an ebook is.

Fuer die anderen siehe hier
Diagnose beratungsresistent.

Dimo_bo 30. Mär 2007 13:39

Re: ebook

Zitat von Robert Marquardt
Are you the one asking this on Experts-Exchange already?
You obviously do not know what an ebook is.

Fuer die anderen siehe hier
Diagnose beratungsresistent.

No sire .

Luckie 30. Mär 2007 13:49

Re: ebook
@Robert: Gibst du mir mal bitte deine Kreditkartennummer und/oder Logindaten, sonst kann ich den Thread nicht lesen.

Klaus01 30. Mär 2007 13:52

Re: ebook

Zitat von Luckie
@Robert: Gibst du mir mal bitte deine Kreditkartennummer und/oder Logindaten, sonst kann ich den Thread nicht lesen.

Musst nur ganz nach unten scrollen.
[edit] eben habe ich noch den Thread lesen können, jetzt klappt es nicht mehr :o( [/edit]


Robert Marquardt 30. Mär 2007 13:59

Re: ebook
The main problem is that this company names something ebook which is not considered an ebook by anybody else.
It is also rather silly. Since it needs the Internet Explorer it would be easier to generate a .chm help file which serves the same purpose.

@Luckie, sorry aber meine Kreditkartendaten kriegst du nicht :-)
Es geht um jemanden der genau dem gleichen Tool aufgesessen ist und es auch fuer einen ebook-Generator haelt.

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