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agresso 11. Okt 2006 11:08

Datenbank: Firebird • Version: 1.5 • Zugriff über: Turbo Delphi for .NET with BDP-Components

Ambiguous field names in firebird system tables
When I try to access any table in my Firebird database with a simple Select statement, I got the error message "Amgiguous field names in RDB$Relations, ...". These are system tables of Firebird. I try to use the BDP components to access my DB. Any help would be appreciated.

mkinzler 11. Okt 2006 11:10

Re: Ambiguous field names in firebird system tables
Have you looked at the stated table(s)?

agresso 11. Okt 2006 17:29

Re: Ambiguous field names in firebird system tables
Not yet, but i would if you could tell me how and what you are about to find in the "Stated Tables". I don't know how to look at the Stated Tables, but I think it's because I'm a rookie in Firebird, only have worked with SQLServer and Oracle.

mkinzler 11. Okt 2006 18:44

Re: Ambiguous field names in firebird system tables
I meant the table(s) that was/were meantioned in the error message.

shmia 11. Okt 2006 19:03

Re: Ambiguous field names in firebird system tables
SELECT * FROM Mastertable INNER JOIN DetailTable ON MasterTable.keyfield=DetailTable.keyfield
You get all fields from both table as the result set.
Problem: there are 2 fields with the same name ("keyfield")
These fields are called ambiguous fields.
It depends on the DBMS how this conflict is solved. Some databases add the tablename as prefix:
Mastertable.keyfield, ...., DetailTable.keyfield
Other databases simply throw a error message.
You should show your complete SQL-Statement

agresso 12. Okt 2006 08:53

Re: Ambiguous field names in firebird system tables
Unfortunately, the tables I've mentioned are tables of the database itself (internal tables not created by me or any other user). So with IBExpert (the tool I use to access the database (modify tables, etc.)) I don't see the internal tables of the Database (i.e. RDB$Relations, etc.). Any help appreciated...

mkinzler 12. Okt 2006 09:02

Re: Ambiguous field names in firebird system tables
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Zitat von agresso
Unfortunately, the tables I've mentioned are tables of the database itself (internal tables not created by me or any other user). So with IBExpert (the tool I use to access the database (modify tables, etc.)) I don't see the internal tables of the Database (i.e. RDB$Relations, etc.). Any help appreciated...

You can tell IBExpert to show the System Tables, too.

agresso 12. Okt 2006 12:14

Re: Ambiguous field names in firebird system tables

Zitat von mkinzler

Zitat von agresso
Unfortunately, the tables I've mentioned are tables of the database itself (internal tables not created by me or any other user). So with IBExpert (the tool I use to access the database (modify tables, etc.)) I don't see the internal tables of the Database (i.e. RDB$Relations, etc.). Any help appreciated...

You can tell IBExpert to show the System Tables, too.

OK, thanks for that. I'll try that out, trying to find the ambiguous fields...

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