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sk.Silvia 13. Mai 2006 23:01

Virus In DELPHI ??"!
Liste der Anhänge anzeigen (Anzahl: 1)
thats the whole program, i just wanted only try the inputbox

unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, StdCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Memo1: TMemo;
    Button1: TButton;
    Button2: TButton;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var i:integer;
      inputbox('Enter Number', 'Enter field values '+IntToStr(i),' ');

    until i=3;

[edit=alcaeus]Added the image as an attachment. Please think about people with 56k-Internet connections and use attachments ;) Mfg, alcaeus[/edit]

Dax 13. Mai 2006 23:05

Re: Virus In DELPHI ??"!
Really wierd :gruebel: Did that happen before with other programs?

BtW: please make your Screenshot an attachment ;)

Daniel G 13. Mai 2006 23:27

Re: Virus In DELPHI ??"!
I guess that your definition files just need an update. We had a similiar message in another thread. So nothin' to worry about. :wink:

If this problem still occurs after an update, you should send them your exe, so that they can adjust their definition file.

inherited 13. Mai 2006 23:34

Re: Virus In DELPHI ??"!
just a question, why is your antivirus-software german?

sk.Silvia 14. Mai 2006 09:34

Re: Virus In DELPHI ??"!
cause i have everything in german language, windows, antivirus, mobile software (not delphi:( )(when i can choose a language i choose german)...german language is cool

ich kann auch deutch, nur kann ich mich damit nicht so gut ausdrucken wie in english, deshalb schreibe ich in english (seit mir nich bose daruber)

sk.Silvia 14. Mai 2006 09:55

Re: Virus In DELPHI ??"!
here is the solution :

to use InputQuery('Enter Number', 'Enter field values ', result);

instate of inputbox('Enter Number', 'Enter field values ',' ');

3_of_8 14. Mai 2006 10:31

Re: Virus In DELPHI ??"!
Perhaps even a
would have done.

thomasw 14. Mai 2006 10:58

Re: Virus In DELPHI ??"!
No, the correct solution would be: Get a better virus scanner...

3_of_8 14. Mai 2006 11:06

Re: Virus In DELPHI ??"!
Reducing the heuristics would be another solution.

mkinzler 14. Mai 2006 11:06

Re: Virus In DELPHI ??"!
The same situation has benn shown with other scanners like AntiVir and MCAfee, so it'S no specific problem of avast. Slvia, have you try to check your executable with another scanner?

BTW. Would you mind us try to anwer in german?

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