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Build Heap And Heapsort Without Array
hi there i would like to know how to build a heap and heapsort without using an array (i found many alghortims, but they are all using array representation of heap)
thanks:) |
Re: Build Heap And Heapsort Without Array
A heap can be very easily organized into an array, but if you use binary heaps, this type should be able to help you:
With this you should be able to build a heap:
PHeapNode = ^THeapNode; THeapNode = record Parent,Left,Right: PHeapNode; Value: Integer; end;
maybe I left out some pointer conversions, but that should be it.
function RandomHeap(depth: Integer; BaseNode: PHeapNode = nil): THeapNode
var i: Integer; begin if (BaseNode = nil) then begin Result := New(THeapNode) end else begin Result := BaseNode; Result.Value := random(100); end; if depth > 0 then begin Result.Left := New(THeapNode); Result.Left.Parent := BaseNode; ReandomHeap(depth-1,Result.Left); Result.Right := New(THeapNode); Result.Left.Parent := BaseNode; RandomHeap(depth-1,Result.Right); end; end; procedure MaxSort(Heap: THeapNode); begin // too lazy to write that now xD end; And don't forget to free all memory you assign! (When you make the record a class, you can implement this in the class) |
Re: Build Heap And Heapsort Without Array
you are 17? nice:)
hmm. your alghoritm is nice, but cause of random(100) it wont produce a heap (child can have higher value then parent) but ok, lets say i have a binar tree and will rebuild it to a heap, what then? |
Re: Build Heap And Heapsort Without Array
i didn't say it produced a sorted heap, which in your case would be a MAX-Heap, right? ;)
well, isn't a binary tree just about the same thing? You're right, I'm just 17, and I only took a glance at wikipedia to get the structure of a binary heap. The rest is merely pointer acrobatics... Just looked at wikipedia again... "a heap is an abstract data structure, mostly based on trees" (rough translation ;) ) So what does your tree look like? Is it just unsorted? EDIT: btw, the "too lazy to write that now" comment above should not suggest that i understand heapsorting in any way (well, it does, but honestly I don't know - well, wikipedia educates) ;) EDIT: OK, I think I got it about now - we need a heap that maintains its (existing) order so we can just pick out the biggest element one after the other. EDIT: and yes, there are sources saying a heap is a binary tree which is sorted. As I just feel like it, I'll outline a simple heap class based on THeapNode. Stand By ;) EDIT: Well, I'll try ;) it's not that easy. But it should be rather easy to make a (balanced, sort of) binary tree into a sorted heap. Just take the lowest leaf and check if its value is less than its parent's value. if it is, check the next leaf. if it is not, swap them. |
Re: Build Heap And Heapsort Without Array
if you already have a binary tree, you should be able to transform it into a heap by successively performing a so-called sift operation on the nodes from the bottom up. A sift operation means exchanging the given node with the tree root. Then if necessary, you exchange that node with the larger one of its two sons to keep the ordering. After that, recursively repeat on the just-changed subtree, until the node is at its correct position. If I remember right, it should actually be enough to do this on only the bottom half of the tree, but I'm not going to give you any guarantuee on that one... :stupid: I would suspect Wikipedia has an article on this operation, given that there seems to be one on the heapsort algorithm itself. Hope this helped. :) |
Re: Build Heap And Heapsort Without Array (Sift-operation)
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Re: Build Heap And Heapsort Without Array
so ok, i have this code :
it works fine, but only just with one bug, it exchanges bad the values by the tree root (it dont makes just one exchange, the rest of the tree is ok)
procedure TBinTree.BuildHeap;
begin if not(Left=nil) then begin if Left.Value>Value then begin Exchange(Left,Self); BuildHeap; end; Left.BuildHeap; end; if not(Right=nil) then begin if Right.Value>Value then begin Exchange(Right,Self); BuildHeap; end; Right.BuildHeap; end; end; somebody has an idea how to fix it? |
Re: Build Heap And Heapsort Without Array
Hi Silvia,
I'm not sure if this will solve your problem, but if I read your code right you neglect to determine which one is the larger of the child nodes before you swap with the root. That might look something like this:
If that doesn't do it, we'll need to look again.
procedure TBinTree.BuildHeap;
var Larger: TBinTree; begin // Lazy evaluation of boolean expressions needs to be switched on for this to work Larger := Left; if not Assigned(Larger) then Larger := Right else if Assigned(Right) and (Left.Value < Right.Value) then LargerSon := Right; if Assigned(Larger) and (Value < Larger.Value) then begin Exchange(Larger,self); Larger.BuildHeap; end; end; |
Re: Build Heap And Heapsort Without Array
thanks for helping
aoup it actualy dont work right... but when i cal my method 2 times after itself, like : BinTree.BuildHeap; BinTree.BuildHeap; it makes a good heap its not neccessary to call it more times, cause the heap is created and the output will be the same but thats not the right way:/, it dont handle good the main root point:( |
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