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was beduetet {$IFDEF RWFPCHOICE}?
also wie die frage schon sagt, würde ich gerne wissen, was das RWFPCHOICE bedeutet? Das IFDEF weiß ich...
Hier der Source von Eugen
MFG Alex
function RealWindowFromPoint(pt: TPoint{$IFDEF RWFPCHOICE}; swinvis: boolean = true{$ENDIF}): HWND;
(* Functionality: This will get a windows handle from the position of the mouse, even if it is for example inside the area occupied by a groupbox. [GENERIC] It may be used as a substitute to "ChildWindowFromPoint" which however doesn't work as well as this one ;) Featured by Eugen, all credits go to him ... Corrected version (by Eugen) - should work on 9x now ;) I changed a few things more to have a more consistent behavior *) type PCHILDS_ENUM = ^CHILDS_ENUM; CHILDS_ENUM = record nDiff: integer; hWndFound: HWND; pt: TPoint; {$IFDEF RWFPCHOICE} showinvis: boolean; {$ENDIF RWFPCHOICE} end; var ce: CHILDS_ENUM; function EnumProc(hwndChild: HWND; lParam: LPARAM): Boolean; stdcall; (* Functionality: This is the core of RealWindowFromPoint. It enumerates child windows of the window given by handle. [SPECIFIC] only useful in the context of this function. *) var rc: TRECT; begin GetWindowRect(hwndChild, rc); with PCHILDS_ENUM(lParam)^, rc do {$IFDEF RWFPCHOICE} case showinvis of true: if (pt.x >= Left) and (pt.x < Right) and (pt.y >= Top) and (pt.y < Bottom) and (nDiff > (Right - Left) + (Bottom - Top)) then begin hWndFound := hwndChild; nDiff := (Right - Left) + (Bottom - Top); end; else if (pt.x >= Left) and (pt.x < Right) and (pt.y >= Top) and (pt.y < Bottom) and (nDiff > (Right - Left) + (Bottom - Top)) and IsWindowVisible(hwndChild) then begin hWndFound := hwndChild; nDiff := (Right - Left) + (Bottom - Top); end; end; {$ELSE RWFPCHOICE} if (pt.x >= Left) and (pt.x < Right) and (pt.y >= Top) and (pt.y < Bottom) and (nDiff > (Right - Left) + (Bottom - Top)) then begin hWndFound := hwndChild; nDiff := (Right - Left) + (Bottom - Top); end; {$ENDIF RWFPCHOICE} Result := True; end; begin ce.nDiff := MAXLONG; ce.hWndFound := WindowFromPoint(pt); ce.pt.x := pt.x; //scheiss-w9x ce.pt.y := pt.y; //scheiss-w9x {$IFDEF RWFPCHOICE} ce.showinvis := swinvis; {$ENDIF RWFPCHOICE} if (ce.hWndFound <> 0) then begin // Windows 9x does not like NULL for a handle handed over to EnumChildWindows() // The NT platform treats this just like EnumWindows() if (GetWindowLong(ce.hWndFound, GWL_STYLE) and WS_CHILD <> 0) then ce.hwndFound := GetParent(ce.hwndFound); EnumChildWindows(ce.hWndFound, @EnumProc, Integer(@ce)); end; Result := ce.hwndFound; end; |
Re: was beduetet {$IFDEF RWFPCHOICE}?
RWFPCHOICE ist einfach eine Bedingung, die bei den Projektoptionen gesetzt ist, oder halt nicht. Die kannst du (weitgehend) nennen wie du willst. grüße, daniel |
Re: was beduetet {$IFDEF RWFPCHOICE}?
okay danke, ich dachte das wäre eine "feste" Direktive (wie z.B. Ver120 oder so)
danke nochmals.MFG Alex |
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