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Transparent Canvas VCL vs. FMX
Hallo Zusammen,
wir haben diese unit für eine Transparent Canvas unter VCL verwendet. Gibt es hier eine analoge Funktionalität im FMX Framework ? Wir möchten unser app für beide Frameworks FMX und VCL gleichteitig verwenden können .
unit transparentCanvas;
{ The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is an alpha-aware canvas class and associated classes. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is David Millington. Portions created by David Millington are Copyright (C) 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): David Millington. Frank Staal } interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Types, Windows, VCL.Controls, VCL.Graphics, {$IF CompilerVersion >= 23.0} // XE2 UITypes // Let inline function TFont.GetStyle be expanded {$ENDIF}; type ETransparentCanvasException = class(Exception) end; TQuadColor = record constructor Create(Color: TColor); procedure Clear; function WrittenByGDI: Boolean; procedure SetAlpha(const Transparency: Byte; const PreMult: Single); function AsColorRef: COLORREF; procedure SetFromColorRef(const Color: COLORREF); procedure SetFromColorMultAlpha(const Color: TQuadColor); case Boolean of // These values are not in the same order as COLORREF RGB values - don't assign from a COLORREF directly True: (Blue, Green, Red, Alpha: Byte ); False: (Quad: Cardinal); end; PQuadColor = ^TQuadColor; PPQuadColor = ^PQuadColor; TGDIObjects = record private FBrush: HBRUSH; FPen: HPEN; FFont: HFONT; public constructor CreateWithHandles(const HBRUSH: HBRUSH; const HPEN: HPEN; const HFONT: HFONT); property Brush: HBRUSH read FBrush; property Pen: HPEN read FPen; property Font: HFONT read FFont; end; TAlphaBitmapWrapper = class(TPersistent) private FDCHandle: HDC; FBMPHandle, FOriginalBMP: HBitmap; FQuads: PQuadColor; FWidth, FHeight: Integer; FOriginalObjects: TGDIObjects; procedure Construct(DC: HDC; Empty: Boolean; Width, Height: Integer; Inverted: Boolean = False); procedure CheckHandles; procedure Clear; public constructor CreateBlank(DC: HDC; Width, Height: Integer); // The DummyX parameters are to avoid duplicate constructors with the same parameter list being // inaccessible from C++, although only necessary if you write C++ code that uses this (internal) // class constructor CreateForGDI(DC: HDC; Width, Height: Integer; DummyGDI: Byte = 0); constructor CreateForDrawThemeTextEx(DC: HDC; Width, Height: Integer; DummyDrawThemeTextEx: SmallInt = 0); constructor Create(var ToCopy: TAlphaBitmapWrapper); destructor Destroy; override; procedure SelectObjects(const GDI: TGDIObjects); procedure SelectOriginalObjects; procedure SetAllTransparency(const Alpha: Byte); procedure ProcessTransparency(const Alpha: Byte); overload; procedure ProcessTransparency(const Alpha: Byte; TranspRect: TRect); overload; procedure ProcessMaskTransparency(var MaskImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper); procedure ProcessTransparentColor(const TransparentColor: COLORREF; const TransparentEdgeWidth: Integer = -1); procedure TintByAlphaToColor(const Color: TQuadColor); procedure BlendTo(X, Y: Integer; var Image: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; Transparency: Byte = $FF); procedure BlendToStretch(X, Y, StretchWidth, StretchHeight: Integer; var Image: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; Transparency: Byte); procedure BlendToDC(X, Y: Integer; DC: HDC; Transparency: Byte = $FF); function GetRawPixelPtr(const X, Y: Integer): PQuadColor; procedure SafeSetRawPixel(const X, Y: Integer; Color: TQuadColor); published property Handle: HDC read FDCHandle; property BitmapHandle: HBitmap read FBMPHandle; function QuadPointer: PQuadColor; property Width: Integer read FWidth; property Height: Integer read FHeight; end; TCustomTransparentCanvas = class(TPersistent) class function TColorToQuadColor(Color: TColor): TQuadColor; class function QuadColorToTColor(Color: TQuadColor): TColor; private FFont: TFont; FBrush: TBrush; FPen: TPen; FAttachedDC: HDC; function GetHandle(): HDC; procedure SetFont(NewFont: TFont); procedure SetBrush(NewBrush: TBrush); procedure SetPen(NewPen: TPen); function GetPenPos: TPoint; procedure SetPenPos(NewPos: TPoint); function GetWidth: Integer; function GetHeight: Integer; // Converts to non-premultiplied alpha function GetPixel(X, Y: Integer): COLORREF; procedure SetPixel(X, Y: Integer; Color: Cardinal); overload; procedure SetPixel(X, Y: Integer; Color: Cardinal; Alpha: Byte); overload; // Direct pre-multiplied alpha function GetRawPixel(X, Y: Integer): TQuadColor; procedure SetRawPixel(X, Y: Integer; Color: TQuadColor); procedure TextOutPreVista(const Rect: TRect; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment; const Alpha: Byte); procedure TextOutVistaPlus(const ARect: TRect; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment; const Alpha: Byte); function CanUseDrawThemeTextEx: Boolean; procedure InternalGlowTextOut(const X, Y, GlowSize: Integer; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment; const Alpha: Byte; const ProcessBackColor: Boolean; const BackColor: TQuadColor); overload; procedure InternalGlowTextOut(const ARect: TRect; const GlowSize: Integer; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment; const Alpha: Byte; const ProcessBackColor: Boolean; const BackColor: TQuadColor); overload; protected FWorkingCanvas: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; function OrphanAliasedFont: HFONT; public constructor Create(Width, Height: Integer); overload; constructor Create(Canvas: TCanvas); overload; constructor Create(DC: HDC; Width, Height: Integer); overload; constructor Create(ToCopy: TCustomTransparentCanvas); overload; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; procedure SaveToFile(const Filename: string); procedure Draw(const X, Y: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; const Width, Height: Integer; const UseTransparentColor: Boolean = False; const TransparentColor: COLORREF = $0; const TransparentEdgeWidth: Integer = -1); overload; procedure Draw(const X, Y: Integer; const Metafile: TMetafile; const Width, Height: Integer; const Transparency: Byte = $FF); overload; procedure Draw(const X, Y: Integer; Other: TCustomTransparentCanvas; const Transparency: Byte = 255); overload; procedure DrawTo(const X, Y: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; const TargetWidth, TargetHeight: Integer; const Transparency: Byte = $FF); overload; procedure DrawTo(const X, Y: Integer; DC: HDC; const TargetWidth, TargetHeight: Integer; const Transparency: Byte = $FF); overload; procedure DrawToGlass(const X, Y: Integer; DC: HDC; const Transparency: Byte = $FF); procedure Ellipse(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); overload; procedure Ellipse(const Rect: TRect; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); overload; procedure Polygon(const Polygon: array of TPoint; const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; const Alpha: Byte); overload; procedure Polyline(const Polygon: array of TPoint; const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; const Alpha: Byte); overload; procedure LineTo(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; const Alpha: Byte); overload; procedure MoveTo(const X, Y: Integer); procedure RoundRect(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2, XRadius, YRadius: Integer; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); overload; procedure RoundRect(const Rect: TRect; const XRadius, YRadius: Integer; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); overload; procedure Rectangle(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); overload; procedure Rectangle(const Rect: TRect; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); overload; function TextExtent(const Text: string): TSize; function TextHeight(const Text: string): Integer; procedure TextOut(const X, Y: Integer; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment = taLeftJustify; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); procedure TextRect(const Rect: TRect; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment = taLeftJustify; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); function TextWidth(const Text: string): Integer; function CanDrawGlowText: Boolean; procedure GlowTextOut(const X, Y, GlowSize: Integer; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment = taLeftJustify; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); procedure GlowTextOutBackColor(const X, Y, GlowSize: Integer; const Text: string; const BackColor: TColor; const Alignment: TAlignment = taLeftJustify; const GlowAlpha: Byte = $FF; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); procedure Clear; property Handle: HDC read GetHandle; property PenPos: TPoint read GetPenPos write SetPenPos; property Pixels[X, Y: Integer]: COLORREF read GetPixel write SetPixel; property RawPixels[X, Y: Integer]: TQuadColor read GetRawPixel write SetRawPixel; published property Brush: TBrush read FBrush write SetBrush; property Font: TFont read FFont write SetFont; property Pen: TPen read FPen write SetPen; property Width: Integer read GetWidth; property Height: Integer read GetHeight; end; TTransparentCanvas = class(TCustomTransparentCanvas) end; TTransparentControlCanvas = class(TCustomTransparentCanvas) private FControl: TWinControl; FControlDC: HDC; public constructor Create(Control: TWinControl); destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses Math, VCL.Themes, UxTheme, RTLConsts; {$IF CompilerVersion >= 23.0} // XE2 function InternalStyleServices: TCustomStyleServices; begin {$IF declared(StyleServices)} Result := StyleServices; {$ELSE} Result := ThemeServices; // Deprecated in favour of StyleServices {$IFEND} end; {$ELSE} function InternalStyleServices: TThemeServices; begin Result := ThemeServices; end; {$IFEND} function AlignmentToFlags(const Alignment: TAlignment): DWORD; begin Result := 0; case Alignment of taLeftJustify: Result := DT_LEFT; taRightJustify: Result := DT_RIGHT; taCenter: Result := DT_CENTER; end; end; { TCustomTransparentCanvas } function TCustomTransparentCanvas.CanDrawGlowText: Boolean; begin Result := CanUseDrawThemeTextEx; end; function TCustomTransparentCanvas.CanUseDrawThemeTextEx: Boolean; begin Result := {$IF declared(StyleServices)} // Can't test TCustomStyleServices.Enabled, assume deprecation follows StyleServices InternalStyleServices.Enabled {$ELSE} InternalStyleServices.ThemesEnabled {$IFEND} and (Win32MajorVersion >= 6); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.Clear; begin FWorkingCanvas.Clear; end; constructor TCustomTransparentCanvas.Create(Width, Height: Integer); begin inherited Create(); FWorkingCanvas := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateBlank(0, Width, Height); FFont := TFont.Create; FBrush := TBrush.Create; FPen := TPen.Create; FAttachedDC := 0; end; constructor TCustomTransparentCanvas.Create(ToCopy: TCustomTransparentCanvas); begin inherited Create(); FWorkingCanvas := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.Create(ToCopy.FWorkingCanvas); FFont := TFont.Create; FFont.Assign(ToCopy.FFont); FBrush := TBrush.Create; FBrush.Assign(ToCopy.FBrush); FPen := TPen.Create; FPen.Assign(ToCopy.FPen); FAttachedDC := 0; end; constructor TCustomTransparentCanvas.Create(Canvas: TCanvas); begin inherited Create(); FAttachedDC := Canvas.Handle; FWorkingCanvas := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateBlank(Canvas.Handle, Width, Height); FFont := TFont.Create; FBrush := TBrush.Create; FPen := TPen.Create; end; constructor TCustomTransparentCanvas.Create(DC: HDC; Width, Height: Integer); begin inherited Create(); FAttachedDC := DC; FWorkingCanvas := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateBlank(DC, Width, Height); FFont := TFont.Create; FBrush := TBrush.Create; FPen := TPen.Create; end; destructor TCustomTransparentCanvas.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FWorkingCanvas); FreeAndNil(FFont); FreeAndNil(FBrush); FreeAndNil(FPen); inherited; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.Assign(Source: TPersistent); var ToCopy: TCustomTransparentCanvas; begin if Source is TCustomTransparentCanvas then begin ToCopy := Source as TCustomTransparentCanvas; FWorkingCanvas.Free; FWorkingCanvas := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.Create(ToCopy.FWorkingCanvas); assert(Assigned(FFont) and Assigned(FBrush) and Assigned(FPen)); FFont.Assign(ToCopy.FFont); FBrush.Assign(ToCopy.FBrush); FPen.Assign(ToCopy.FPen); FAttachedDC := 0; end else begin if Assigned(Source) then raise EConvertError.CreateResFmt(@RTLConsts.SAssignError, [Source.ClassName, ClassName]) else raise EConvertError.CreateResFmt(@RTLConsts.SAssignError, ['nil', ClassName]); end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); begin Dest.Assign(Self); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.SaveToFile(const Filename: string); var BMP: TBitmap; begin // Draw to a transparent 32-bit bitmap, and save that BMP := TBitmap.Create; try BMP.PixelFormat := pf32bit; BMP.Width := Width; BMP.Height := Height; DrawTo(0, 0, BMP.Canvas, Width, Height); BMP.SaveToFile(Filename); finally BMP.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.Draw(const X, Y: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; const Width, Height: Integer; const UseTransparentColor: Boolean; const TransparentColor: COLORREF; const TransparentEdgeWidth: Integer); var TempImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; begin TempImage := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForGDI(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, Width, Height); try BitBlt(TempImage.FDCHandle, 0, 0, Width, Height, Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); TempImage.SetAllTransparency($FF); // No need to test, all written by GDI if UseTransparentColor then TempImage.ProcessTransparentColor(TransparentColor, TransparentEdgeWidth); TempImage.BlendTo(X, Y, FWorkingCanvas); finally TempImage.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.Draw(const X, Y: Integer; const Metafile: TMetafile; const Width, Height: Integer; const Transparency: Byte = $FF); var TempImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; begin TempImage := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForGDI(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, Width, Height); try TempImage.SelectObjects(TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(Brush.Handle, Pen.Handle, Font.Handle)); try PlayEnhMetaFile(TempImage.FDCHandle, Metafile.Handle, Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)); TempImage.ProcessTransparency(Transparency); TempImage.BlendTo(X, Y, FWorkingCanvas); finally TempImage.SelectOriginalObjects; end; finally TempImage.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.Draw(const X, Y: Integer; Other: TCustomTransparentCanvas; const Transparency: Byte = 255); begin Other.FWorkingCanvas.BlendTo(X, Y, FWorkingCanvas, Transparency); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.DrawTo(const X, Y: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; const TargetWidth, TargetHeight: Integer; const Transparency: Byte = 255); begin DrawTo(X, Y, Canvas.Handle, TargetWidth, TargetHeight, Transparency); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.DrawTo(const X, Y: Integer; DC: HDC; const TargetWidth, TargetHeight: Integer; const Transparency: Byte = 255); var TempCanvas: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; begin // Create a 32-bit canvas with a copy of the dc drawn in it with opaque alpha TempCanvas := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateBlank(DC, TargetWidth, TargetHeight); try BitBlt(TempCanvas.FDCHandle, 0, 0, TargetWidth, TargetHeight, DC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); TempCanvas.SetAllTransparency($FF); // Now blend the working image onto it at (X, Y), possibly stretched if (TargetWidth = Width) and (TargetHeight = Height) then begin FWorkingCanvas.BlendTo(X, Y, TempCanvas, Transparency); end else begin FWorkingCanvas.BlendToStretch(X, Y, TargetWidth, TargetHeight, TempCanvas, Transparency); end; // Now blit the composited image back to the DC BitBlt(DC, 0, 0, TargetWidth, TargetHeight, TempCanvas.FDCHandle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); finally TempCanvas.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.DrawToGlass(const X, Y: Integer; DC: HDC; const Transparency: Byte); begin FWorkingCanvas.BlendToDC(X, Y, DC, Transparency); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.Ellipse(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; const Alpha: Byte); var TempImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; begin TempImage := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForGDI(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, X2 - X1, Y2 - Y1); try TempImage.SelectObjects(TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(Brush.Handle, Pen.Handle, Font.Handle)); SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, X1 - Pen.Width div 2, Y1 - Pen.Width div 2, nil); Windows.Ellipse(TempImage.FDCHandle, X1, Y1, X2, Y2); SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, 0, 0, nil); TempImage.ProcessTransparency(Alpha); TempImage.BlendTo(X1, Y1, FWorkingCanvas); TempImage.SelectOriginalObjects; finally TempImage.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.Ellipse(const Rect: TRect; const Alpha: Byte); begin Ellipse(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom, Alpha); end; function TCustomTransparentCanvas.GetHandle: HDC; begin Result := FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle; end; function TCustomTransparentCanvas.GetHeight: Integer; begin Result := FWorkingCanvas.FHeight; end; function TCustomTransparentCanvas.GetPenPos: TPoint; begin GetCurrentPositionEx(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, @Result); end; function TCustomTransparentCanvas.GetPixel(X, Y: Integer): COLORREF; begin Result := GetRawPixel(X, Y).AsColorRef; end; function TCustomTransparentCanvas.GetRawPixel(X, Y: Integer): TQuadColor; var PQuad: PQuadColor; InverseY: Integer; begin InverseY := FWorkingCanvas.FHeight - Y - 1; // 0 is top not bottom PQuad := FWorkingCanvas.FQuads; Inc(PQuad, (InverseY * Width) + X); Result := PQuad^; end; function TCustomTransparentCanvas.GetWidth: Integer; begin Result := FWorkingCanvas.FWidth; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.InternalGlowTextOut(const X, Y, GlowSize: Integer; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment; const Alpha: Byte; const ProcessBackColor: Boolean; const BackColor: TQuadColor); var TextSize: TSize; begin TextSize := TextExtent(Text); InternalGlowTextOut(Rect(X, Y, X + TextSize.cx, Y + TextSize.cy), GlowSize, Text, Alignment, Alpha, ProcessBackColor, BackColor); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.InternalGlowTextOut(const ARect: TRect; const GlowSize: Integer; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment; const Alpha: Byte; const ProcessBackColor: Boolean; const BackColor: TQuadColor); var TempImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; TextSize: TSize; Options: TDTTOpts; Details: TThemedElementDetails; TextRect: TRect; AlignFlags: DWORD; begin if Length(Text) = 0 then Exit; // Crash creating zero-sized bitmap if not CanDrawGlowText then raise ETransparentCanvasException.Create('Cannot use DrawThemeTextEx'); TextSize := ARect.Size; AlignFlags := AlignmentToFlags(Alignment); TempImage := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForDrawThemeTextEx (FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, TextSize.cx + GlowSize * 2, TextSize.cy + GlowSize * 2); try TempImage.SelectObjects(TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(0, 0, Font.Handle)); SetBkMode(TempImage.FDCHandle, TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(TempImage.FDCHandle, ColorToRGB(Font.Color)); ZeroMemory(@Options, SizeOf(Options)); Options.dwSize := SizeOf(Options); Options.dwFlags := DTT_TEXTCOLOR or DTT_COMPOSITED or DTT_GLOWSIZE; Options.crText := ColorToRGB(Font.Color); Options.iGlowSize := GlowSize; Details := InternalStyleServices.GetElementDetails(teEditTextNormal); TextRect := Rect(GlowSize, GlowSize, TextSize.cx + GlowSize * 2, TextSize.cy + GlowSize * 2); DrawThemeTextEx(InternalStyleServices.Theme[teEdit], TempImage.FDCHandle, Details.Part, Details.State, PChar(Text), Length(Text), AlignFlags or DT_TOP or DT_NOCLIP, TextRect, Options); if ProcessBackColor then begin TempImage.TintByAlphaToColor(BackColor); // Now draw the text over again, but with no glow, so only the text is drawn TextRect := Rect(GlowSize, GlowSize, TextSize.cx + GlowSize, TextSize.cy + GlowSize); Options.dwFlags := DTT_TEXTCOLOR or DTT_COMPOSITED; Options.crText := ColorToRGB(Font.Color); Options.iGlowSize := 0; DrawThemeTextEx(InternalStyleServices.Theme[teEdit], TempImage.FDCHandle, Details.Part, Details.State, PChar(Text), Length(Text), AlignFlags or DT_TOP or DT_NOCLIP, TextRect, Options); end; case Alignment of taLeftJustify: TempImage.BlendTo(ARect.Left - GlowSize, ARect.Top - GlowSize, FWorkingCanvas, Alpha); taRightJustify: TempImage.BlendTo(ARect.Left - GlowSize * 2, ARect.Top - GlowSize, FWorkingCanvas, Alpha); taCenter: TempImage.BlendTo(ARect.Left - GlowSize * 2 + 1 + IfThen(GlowSize > 0, 1, -1), ARect.Top - GlowSize, FWorkingCanvas, Alpha); end; SetBkMode(TempImage.FDCHandle, OPAQUE); TempImage.SelectOriginalObjects; finally TempImage.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.GlowTextOut(const X, Y, GlowSize: Integer; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment; const Alpha: Byte); begin InternalGlowTextOut(X, Y, GlowSize, Text, Alignment, Alpha, False, TQuadColor.Create(0)); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.GlowTextOutBackColor(const X, Y, GlowSize: Integer; const Text: string; const BackColor: TColor; const Alignment: TAlignment; const GlowAlpha: Byte; const Alpha: Byte); var Background: TQuadColor; begin if (COLORREF(ColorToRGB(BackColor)) = RGB(255, 255, 255)) and (GlowAlpha = 255) then begin // White is the default on // Windows; do no special processing GlowTextOut(X, Y, GlowSize, Text, Alignment, Alpha); end else begin // Windows draws glowing text with a white background, always. To change the background colour, // draw with the normal white background and black text, then process the colours to change // white to the specified colour, and black to the font colour Background := TQuadColor.Create(BackColor); Background.SetAlpha(GlowAlpha, Alpha / 255.0); InternalGlowTextOut(X, Y, GlowSize, Text, Alignment, Alpha, True, Background); end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.MoveTo(const X, Y: Integer); begin MoveToEx(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, X, Y, nil); end; function TCustomTransparentCanvas.OrphanAliasedFont: HFONT; var FontWeight: Cardinal; begin // Font output and alpha is tricky with a ClearType or antialiased font. This method takes FFont // and creates a new font with the same attributes, but with ClearType and AA explicitly disabled if fsBold in Font.Style then FontWeight := FW_BOLD else FontWeight := FW_NORMAL; Result := CreateFont(FFont.Height, 0, 0, 0, FontWeight, Cardinal(fsItalic in Font.Style), Cardinal(fsUnderline in Font.Style), Cardinal(fsStrikeOut in Font.Style), DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, ANTIALIASED_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH, PChar(Font.Name)); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.Polygon(const Polygon: array of TPoint; const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; const Alpha: Byte); var TempImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; begin TempImage := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForGDI(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, X2 - X1 + 1, Y2 - Y1 + 1); try TempImage.SelectObjects(TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(Brush.Handle, Pen.Handle, Font.Handle)); SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, X1 - Pen.Width div 2, Y1 - Pen.Width div 2, nil); Windows.Polygon(TempImage.FDCHandle, Polygon, Length(Polygon)); SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, 0, 0, nil); TempImage.ProcessTransparency(Alpha); TempImage.BlendTo(X1, Y1, FWorkingCanvas); TempImage.SelectOriginalObjects; finally TempImage.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.Polyline(const Polygon: array of TPoint; const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; const Alpha: Byte); var TempImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; begin TempImage := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForGDI(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, X2 - X1 + 1, Y2 - Y1 + 1); try TempImage.SelectObjects(TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(Brush.Handle, Pen.Handle, Font.Handle)); SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, X1 - Pen.Width div 2, Y1 - Pen.Width div 2, nil); Windows.Polyline(TempImage.FDCHandle, Polygon, Length(Polygon)); SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, 0, 0, nil); TempImage.ProcessTransparency(Alpha); TempImage.BlendTo(X1, Y1, FWorkingCanvas); TempImage.SelectOriginalObjects; finally TempImage.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.LineTo(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; const Alpha: Byte); var TempImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; X, Y: Integer; begin TempImage := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForGDI(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, abs(X2 - X1) + Pen.Width, abs(Y2 - Y1) + Pen.Width); try TempImage.SelectObjects(TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(Brush.Handle, Pen.Handle, Font.Handle)); if X1 > X2 then begin X := X2; end else begin X := X1; end; if Y1 > Y2 then begin Y := Y2; end else begin Y := Y1; end; SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, X - Pen.Width div 2, Y - Pen.Width div 2, nil); Windows.MoveToEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, X1, Y1, nil); Windows.LineTo(TempImage.FDCHandle, X2, Y2); SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, 0, 0, nil); TempImage.ProcessTransparency(Alpha); TempImage.BlendTo(X, Y, FWorkingCanvas); TempImage.SelectOriginalObjects; finally TempImage.Free; end; end; class function TCustomTransparentCanvas.QuadColorToTColor (Color: TQuadColor): TColor; begin Result := TColor(RGB(Color.Red, Color.Blue, Color.Green)); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.Rectangle(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; const Alpha: Byte); var TempImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; begin TempImage := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForGDI(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, X2 - X1, Y2 - Y1); try TempImage.SelectObjects(TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(Brush.Handle, Pen.Handle, Font.Handle)); SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, X1 - Pen.Width div 2, Y1 - Pen.Width div 2, nil); Windows.Rectangle(TempImage.FDCHandle, X1, Y1, X2, Y2); SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, 0, 0, nil); TempImage.ProcessTransparency(Alpha); TempImage.BlendTo(X1, Y1, FWorkingCanvas); TempImage.SelectOriginalObjects; finally TempImage.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.Rectangle(const Rect: TRect; const Alpha: Byte); begin Rectangle(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom, Alpha); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.RoundRect(const Rect: TRect; const XRadius, YRadius: Integer; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); begin RoundRect(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom, XRadius, YRadius, Alpha); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.RoundRect(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2, XRadius, YRadius: Integer; const Alpha: Byte = $FF); var TempImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; begin TempImage := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForGDI(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, X2 - X1 + Pen.Width, Y2 - Y1 + Pen.Width); try TempImage.SelectObjects(TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(Brush.Handle, Pen.Handle, Font.Handle)); SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, X1 - Pen.Width div 2, Y1 - Pen.Width div 2, nil); Windows.RoundRect(TempImage.FDCHandle, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, XRadius, YRadius); SetWindowOrgEx(TempImage.FDCHandle, 0, 0, nil); TempImage.ProcessTransparency(Alpha); TempImage.BlendTo(X1, Y1, FWorkingCanvas); TempImage.SelectOriginalObjects; finally TempImage.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.SetBrush(NewBrush: TBrush); begin FBrush.Assign(NewBrush); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.SetFont(NewFont: TFont); begin FFont.Assign(NewFont); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.SetPen(NewPen: TPen); begin FPen.Assign(NewPen); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.SetPenPos(NewPos: TPoint); begin MoveToEx(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, NewPos.X, NewPos.Y, nil); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.SetPixel(X, Y: Integer; Color: Cardinal); begin SetPixel(X, Y, Color, $FF); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.SetPixel(X, Y: Integer; Color: Cardinal; Alpha: Byte); var PQuad: PQuadColor; InverseY: Integer; begin InverseY := FWorkingCanvas.FHeight - Y - 1; // 0 is top not bottom PQuad := FWorkingCanvas.FQuads; Inc(PQuad, (InverseY * Width) + X); PQuad.Quad := Color; PQuad.Alpha := Alpha; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.SetRawPixel(X, Y: Integer; Color: TQuadColor); var PQuad: PQuadColor; InverseY: Integer; begin InverseY := FWorkingCanvas.FHeight - Y - 1; // 0 is top not bottom PQuad := FWorkingCanvas.FQuads; Inc(PQuad, (InverseY * Width) + X); PQuad.Quad := Color.Quad; end; class function TCustomTransparentCanvas.TColorToQuadColor(Color: TColor) : TQuadColor; begin Result := TQuadColor.Create(Color); end; function TCustomTransparentCanvas.TextExtent(const Text: string): TSize; var OldFontHandle, FontHandle: HFONT; begin if Length(Text) = 0 then begin Result.cx := 0; Result.cy := 0; Exit; end; if CanUseDrawThemeTextEx then begin // Can use DrawThemeTextEx; just get text extent normally FWorkingCanvas.SelectObjects(TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(0, 0, Font.Handle)); GetTextExtentPoint32(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, PChar(Text), Length(Text), Result); FWorkingCanvas.SelectOriginalObjects; end else begin // Can't use DrawThemeTextEx; use aliased font (may affect output size, so need to explicitly // measure using the aliased font) FontHandle := OrphanAliasedFont; try OldFontHandle := SelectObject(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, FontHandle); GetTextExtentPoint32(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, PChar(Text), Length(Text), Result); SelectObject(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, OldFontHandle); finally DeleteObject(FontHandle); end; end; end; function TCustomTransparentCanvas.TextHeight(const Text: string): Integer; begin Result := TextExtent(Text).cy; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.TextOut(const X, Y: Integer; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment; const Alpha: Byte); var TextSize: TSize; begin if Length(Text) = 0 then Exit; // Crash creating zero-sized bitmap TextSize := TextExtent(Text); if CanUseDrawThemeTextEx then TextOutVistaPlus(Rect(X, Y, X + TextSize.cx, Y + TextSize.cy), Text, Alignment, Alpha) else TextOutPreVista(Rect(X, Y, X + TextSize.cx, Y + TextSize.cy), Text, Alignment, Alpha); end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.TextOutPreVista(const Rect: TRect; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment; const Alpha: Byte); var TempImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; FontHandle: HFONT; TextSize: TSize; OldAlign: UINT; begin if Length(Text) = 0 then Exit; // Crash creating zero-sized bitmap TextSize := TextExtent(Text); // Clip to the rest by restricting the size it thinks the text is - the bitmap will be this size, thus clipped TextSize.cx := min(TextSize.cx, Rect.Right - Rect.Left); TextSize.cy := min(TextSize.cy, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top); FontHandle := OrphanAliasedFont; // Antialiased or cleartype text works terribly when trying to fix the alpha TempImage := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForGDI(FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, TextSize.cx, TextSize.cy); try TempImage.SelectObjects(TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(0, 0, FontHandle)); SetBkMode(TempImage.FDCHandle, TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(TempImage.FDCHandle, ColorToRGB(Font.Color)); OldAlign := GetTextAlign(TempImage.FDCHandle); try case Alignment of taLeftJustify: SetTextAlign(TempImage.FDCHandle, TA_LEFT); taRightJustify: SetTextAlign(TempImage.FDCHandle, TA_RIGHT); taCenter: SetTextAlign(TempImage.FDCHandle, TA_CENTER); end; ExtTextOut(TempImage.FDCHandle, 0, 0, ETO_CLIPPED, nil, PChar(Text), Length(Text), nil); finally SetTextAlign(TempImage.FDCHandle, OldAlign); end; SetBkMode(TempImage.FDCHandle, OPAQUE); TempImage.ProcessTransparency(Alpha); TempImage.BlendTo(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, FWorkingCanvas); TempImage.SelectOriginalObjects; finally DeleteObject(FontHandle); TempImage.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.TextOutVistaPlus(const ARect: TRect; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment; const Alpha: Byte); var TempImage: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; TextSize: TSize; Options: TDTTOpts; Details: TThemedElementDetails; TextRect: TRect; AlignFlags: DWORD; begin if Length(Text) = 0 then Exit; // Crash creating zero-sized bitmap if not CanUseDrawThemeTextEx then raise ETransparentCanvasException.Create('Cannot use DrawThemeTextEx'); AlignFlags := AlignmentToFlags(Alignment); TextSize := ARect.Size; // TextExtent(Text); // Clip by clipping the size of the rectangle it assumes the text fits in TextSize.cx := min(TextSize.cx, ARect.Right - ARect.Left); TextSize.cy := min(TextSize.cy, ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top); TempImage := TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForDrawThemeTextEx (FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle, TextSize.cx, TextSize.cy); try TempImage.SelectObjects(TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(0, 0, Font.Handle)); SetBkMode(TempImage.FDCHandle, TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(TempImage.FDCHandle, ColorToRGB(Font.Color)); ZeroMemory(@Options, SizeOf(Options)); Options.dwSize := SizeOf(Options); Options.dwFlags := DTT_TEXTCOLOR or DTT_COMPOSITED; Options.crText := ColorToRGB(Font.Color); Options.iGlowSize := 0; Details := InternalStyleServices.GetElementDetails(teEditTextNormal); TextRect := Rect(0, 0, TextSize.cx, TextSize.cy); DrawThemeTextEx(InternalStyleServices.Theme[teEdit], TempImage.FDCHandle, Details.Part, Details.State, PChar(Text), Length(Text), AlignFlags or DT_TOP, TextRect, Options); SetBkMode(TempImage.FDCHandle, OPAQUE); TempImage.BlendTo(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, FWorkingCanvas, Alpha); TempImage.SelectOriginalObjects; finally TempImage.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomTransparentCanvas.TextRect(const Rect: TRect; const Text: string; const Alignment: TAlignment; const Alpha: Byte); begin if Length(Text) = 0 then Exit; // Crash creating zero-sized bitmap if CanUseDrawThemeTextEx then TextOutVistaPlus(Rect, Text, Alignment, Alpha) else TextOutPreVista(Rect, Text, Alignment, Alpha); end; function TCustomTransparentCanvas.TextWidth(const Text: string): Integer; begin Result := TextExtent(Text).cx; end; { TAlphaBitmapWrapper } procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.BlendTo(X, Y: Integer; var Image: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; Transparency: Byte); var BlendFunc: TBlendFunction; begin with BlendFunc do begin BlendOp := AC_SRC_OVER; BlendFlags := 0; SourceConstantAlpha := Transparency; // Normally 255 AlphaFormat := AC_SRC_ALPHA; end; AlphaBlend(Image.FDCHandle, X, Y, FWidth, FHeight, FDCHandle, 0, 0, FWidth, FHeight, BlendFunc); end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.BlendToDC(X, Y: Integer; DC: HDC; Transparency: Byte); var BlendFunc: TBlendFunction; begin with BlendFunc do begin BlendOp := AC_SRC_OVER; BlendFlags := 0; SourceConstantAlpha := Transparency; AlphaFormat := AC_SRC_ALPHA; end; AlphaBlend(DC, X, Y, FWidth, FHeight, FDCHandle, 0, 0, FWidth, FHeight, BlendFunc); end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.BlendToStretch(X, Y, StretchWidth, StretchHeight: Integer; var Image: TAlphaBitmapWrapper; Transparency: Byte); var BlendFunc: TBlendFunction; begin with BlendFunc do begin BlendOp := AC_SRC_OVER; BlendFlags := 0; SourceConstantAlpha := Transparency; // Normally 255 AlphaFormat := AC_SRC_ALPHA; end; AlphaBlend(Image.FDCHandle, 0, 0, StretchWidth, StretchHeight, FDCHandle, X, Y, FWidth, FHeight, BlendFunc); end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CheckHandles; begin if FDCHandle = 0 then raise ETransparentCanvasException.Create('Cannot create device context'); if FBMPHandle = 0 then raise ETransparentCanvasException.Create('Cannot create 32-bit bitmap'); if FQuads = nil then raise ETransparentCanvasException.Create('Cannot access bitmap bits'); end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.Clear; begin ZeroMemory(FQuads, FWidth * FHeight * SizeOf(TQuadColor)); end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.Construct(DC: HDC; Empty: Boolean; Width, Height: Integer; Inverted: Boolean); var BMPInfo: TBitmapInfo; PQuads: Pointer; begin FWidth := Width; FHeight := Height; if (FWidth <= 0) or (FHeight <= 0) then raise ETransparentCanvasException.Create ('Invalid size specified; Width and Height must both be greater than zero.'); FDCHandle := CreateCompatibleDC(DC); ZeroMemory(@BMPInfo, SizeOf(TBitmapInfo)); with BMPInfo.bmiHeader do begin biSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfo); biWidth := FWidth; if Inverted then begin biHeight := -FHeight // For DrawThemeTextEx: requires inverted (bottom-up) bitmap end else begin biHeight := FHeight; end; biPlanes := 1; biBitCount := 32; biCompression := BI_RGB; biSizeImage := FWidth * FHeight * SizeOf(TQuadColor); end; PQuads := nil; FBMPHandle := 0; FBMPHandle := CreateDIBSection(FDCHandle, BMPInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, PQuads, 0, 0); FQuads := PQuadColor(PQuads); CheckHandles; FOriginalBMP := SelectObject(FDCHandle, FBMPHandle); GdiFlush; // Need to flush before any manipulation of bits if Empty then begin ZeroMemory(FQuads, Width * Height * SizeOf(TQuadColor)); end else begin FillMemory(FQuads, Width * Height * SizeOf(TQuadColor), $FF); end; end; constructor TAlphaBitmapWrapper.Create(var ToCopy: TAlphaBitmapWrapper); begin inherited Create(); Construct(ToCopy.FDCHandle, True, ToCopy.FWidth, ToCopy.FHeight); // true = init to all zeroes ToCopy.BlendTo(0, 0, Self); end; constructor TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateBlank(DC: HDC; Width, Height: Integer); begin inherited Create(); Construct(DC, True, Width, Height); // true = init to all zeroes end; constructor TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForDrawThemeTextEx(DC: HDC; Width, Height: Integer; DummyDrawThemeTextEx: SmallInt = 0); begin inherited Create(); Construct(DC, True, Width, Height, True); // init to all zeroes; inverted (upside down) because DrawThemeTextEx needs it end; constructor TAlphaBitmapWrapper.CreateForGDI(DC: HDC; Width, Height: Integer; DummyGDI: Byte = 0); begin inherited Create(); Construct(DC, False, Width, Height); // false = init all bytes to $FF, so can test if written to end; destructor TAlphaBitmapWrapper.Destroy; begin SelectOriginalObjects; SelectObject(FDCHandle, FOriginalBMP); DeleteObject(FBMPHandle); FBMPHandle := 0; DeleteObject(FDCHandle); FDCHandle := 0; inherited; end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.TintByAlphaToColor(const Color: TQuadColor); var Loop: Integer; PQuad: PQuadColor; begin // Change the background colour of glowing text by changing white to BackColor, and black to // TextColor. Alpha remains the same GdiFlush; // Need to flush before any manipulation of bits PQuad := FQuads; for Loop := 0 to FWidth * FHeight - 1 do begin if PQuad.Alpha <> 0 then begin PQuad.SetFromColorMultAlpha(Color); // Sets the colour, and multiplies the alphas together end; Inc(PQuad); end; end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.ProcessMaskTransparency(var MaskImage : TAlphaBitmapWrapper); var Loop: Integer; PQuad, PMaskQuad: PQuadColor; begin if not((FWidth = MaskImage.FWidth)) and (FHeight = MaskImage.FHeight) then raise ETransparentCanvasException.Create ('Mask images must be identical in size'); GdiFlush; // Need to flush before any manipulation of bits PQuad := FQuads; PMaskQuad := MaskImage.FQuads; for Loop := 0 to FWidth * FHeight - 1 do begin if (PMaskQuad.Quad and $00FFFFFF) = 0 then begin PQuad.SetAlpha(255, 1.0); end else begin PQuad.Quad := 0; end; Inc(PQuad); Inc(PMaskQuad); end; end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.ProcessTransparentColor(const TransparentColor : COLORREF; const TransparentEdgeWidth: Integer); function IsEdge(const PixelIndex: Integer): Boolean; var X, Y: Integer; begin if TransparentEdgeWidth < 0 then Exit(True); // Entire image should be processed // index = (Y * width) + X (note Y is inverse) Y := PixelIndex div FWidth; X := PixelIndex - (Y * FWidth); Result := (X < TransparentEdgeWidth) or (Y < TransparentEdgeWidth) or (X > (FWidth - TransparentEdgeWidth - 1)) or (Y > (FHeight - TransparentEdgeWidth - 1)); end; var Loop: Integer; PQuad: PQuadColor; R, G, B: Byte; begin if TransparentEdgeWidth = 0 then Exit; // Want to process an edge, but no edge width (pass -1 for whole image) GdiFlush; // Need to flush before any manipulation of bits R := GetRValue(TransparentColor); G := GetGValue(TransparentColor); B := GetBValue(TransparentColor); PQuad := FQuads; for Loop := 0 to FWidth * FHeight - 1 do begin if (PQuad.Red = R) and (PQuad.Green = G) and (PQuad.Blue = B) and IsEdge(Loop) then begin PQuad.SetAlpha(0, 0); // 32-bit OSes must have all channels 0 (premultiplied) for 0 alpha end; Inc(PQuad); end; end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.ProcessTransparency(const Alpha: Byte; TranspRect: TRect); var LoopX: Integer; PreMult: Single; PQuad: PQuadColor; LoopY: Integer; begin GdiFlush; // Need to flush before any manipulation of bits IntersectRect(TranspRect, TranspRect, Rect(0, 0, FWidth, FHeight)); // Clip to valid bounds PreMult := Alpha / 255.0; for LoopY := TranspRect.Top to TranspRect.Bottom - 1 do begin PQuad := FQuads; Inc(PQuad, LoopY); for LoopX := TranspRect.Left to TranspRect.Right - 1 do begin if PQuad.WrittenByGDI then begin PQuad.SetAlpha(Alpha, PreMult); end else begin PQuad.Quad := 0; end; Inc(PQuad); end; end; end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.ProcessTransparency(const Alpha: Byte); var Loop: Integer; PreMult: Single; PQuad: PQuadColor; begin GdiFlush; // Need to flush before any manipulation of bits PreMult := Alpha / 255.0; PQuad := FQuads; for Loop := 0 to FWidth * FHeight - 1 do begin if PQuad.WrittenByGDI then begin PQuad.SetAlpha(Alpha, PreMult); end else begin PQuad.Quad := 0; end; Inc(PQuad); end; end; function TAlphaBitmapWrapper.QuadPointer: PQuadColor; begin Result := FQuads; end; function TAlphaBitmapWrapper.GetRawPixelPtr(const X, Y: Integer): PQuadColor; var PQuad: PQuadColor; InverseY: Integer; begin if (X >= 0) and (X < FWidth) and (Y >= 0) and (Y < FHeight) then begin InverseY := FHeight - Y - 1; // 0 is top not bottom PQuad := FQuads; Inc(PQuad, (InverseY * FWidth) + X); Result := PQuad; end else begin Result := nil; end; end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.SafeSetRawPixel(const X, Y: Integer; Color: TQuadColor); var PQuad: PQuadColor; InverseY: Integer; begin if (X >= 0) and (X < FWidth) and (Y >= 0) and (Y < FHeight) then begin InverseY := FHeight - Y - 1; // 0 is top not bottom PQuad := FQuads; Inc(PQuad, (InverseY * FWidth) + X); PQuad.Quad := Color.Quad; end; end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.SelectObjects(const GDI: TGDIObjects); begin // This is only one layer deep - it stores the old objects in FOriginalObjects // If you call if more than once, it will overwrite the values in FOriginalObjects // If you find yourself doing this, this needs to be rewritten as a stack, and you'd // push and pop the handles. if (FOriginalObjects.FBrush <> 0) or (FOriginalObjects.FPen <> 0) or (FOriginalObjects.FFont <> 0) then raise ETransparentCanvasException.Create ('SelectObjects has already been called'); FOriginalObjects.FBrush := SelectObject(FDCHandle, GDI.Brush); FOriginalObjects.FPen := SelectObject(FDCHandle, GDI.Pen); FOriginalObjects.FFont := SelectObject(FDCHandle, GDI.Font); end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.SelectOriginalObjects; begin SelectObject(FDCHandle, FOriginalObjects.FBrush); FOriginalObjects.FBrush := 0; SelectObject(FDCHandle, FOriginalObjects.FPen); FOriginalObjects.FPen := 0; SelectObject(FDCHandle, FOriginalObjects.FFont); FOriginalObjects.FFont := 0; end; procedure TAlphaBitmapWrapper.SetAllTransparency(const Alpha: Byte); var Loop: Integer; PreMult: Single; PQuad: PQuadColor; begin GdiFlush; // Need to flush before any manipulation of bits PreMult := Alpha / 255.0; PQuad := FQuads; for Loop := 0 to FWidth * FHeight - 1 do begin PQuad.SetAlpha(Alpha, PreMult); Inc(PQuad); end; end; { TQuadColor } function TQuadColor.AsColorRef: COLORREF; var PreDiv: Single; begin // contains premultiplied alpha, so un-premultiply it and return that if Alpha = 0 then begin Result := $00000000; end else begin PreDiv := 1 / (Alpha / 255.0); Result := RGB(Trunc(Red * PreDiv), Trunc(Green * PreDiv), Trunc(Blue * PreDiv)) or (Alpha shl 24); end; end; procedure TQuadColor.Clear; begin Quad := 0; end; constructor TQuadColor.Create(Color: TColor); var ColorRGB: COLORREF; begin Alpha := 255; ColorRGB := ColorToRGB(Color); Red := GetRValue(ColorRGB); Green := GetGValue(ColorRGB); Blue := GetBValue(ColorRGB); end; procedure TQuadColor.SetAlpha(const Transparency: Byte; const PreMult: Single); begin Alpha := Transparency; Blue := Trunc(Blue * PreMult); Green := Trunc(Green * PreMult); Red := Trunc(Red * PreMult); end; procedure TQuadColor.SetFromColorRef(const Color: COLORREF); begin // Sets the colour, but keeps the current alpha if Alpha = 0 then begin Quad := 0; end else begin Red := GetRValue(Color); Green := GetGValue(Color); Blue := GetBValue(Color); SetAlpha(Alpha, Alpha / 255.0); end; end; procedure TQuadColor.SetFromColorMultAlpha(const Color: TQuadColor); var MultAlpha: Byte; begin Red := Color.Red; Green := Color.Green; Blue := Color.Blue; MultAlpha := Round(Integer(Alpha) * Integer(Color.Alpha) / 255.0); SetAlpha(MultAlpha, MultAlpha / 255.0); end; function TQuadColor.WrittenByGDI: Boolean; begin Result := (Alpha = 0); end; { TTransparentControlCanvas } constructor TTransparentControlCanvas.Create(Control: TWinControl); begin if Control = nil then raise ETransparentCanvasException.Create('Control must not be nil'); if Control.Handle = 0 then raise ETransparentCanvasException.Create('Cannot access control handle'); FControl := Control; FControlDC := GetWindowDC(Control.Handle); if FControlDC = 0 then raise ETransparentCanvasException.Create ('Cannot obtain control device context'); inherited Create(FControlDC, Control.Width, Control.Height); end; destructor TTransparentControlCanvas.Destroy; begin DrawTo(0, 0, FControlDC, FControl.Width, FControl.Height); ReleaseDC(FControl.Handle, FControlDC); FControlDC := 0; FWorkingCanvas.FDCHandle := 0; inherited; end; { TGDIObjects } constructor TGDIObjects.CreateWithHandles(const HBRUSH: HBRUSH; const HPEN: HPEN; const HFONT: HFONT); begin FBrush := HBRUSH; FPen := HPEN; FFont := HFONT; end; end. |
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