DP News-Robot |
12. Jan 2022 06:12 |
Delphi SetRoundMode: gets sets part of the 8087 control word (related: GetRoundMode a
I thought I had written about this a long time ago, as Math.SetRoundMode (and now System.Math.SetRoundMode) has been introduced since at least Delphi 2007. There are also related GetRoundMode and TFPURoundingMode. Delphi 2009 also introduced TFPUPrecisionMode, GetPrecisionMode*and SetPrecisionMode. Delphi 2010 also introduced TFPUException, TFPUExceptionMask, TFPUPrecisionMode, TFPURoundingMode, ClearExceptions, GetExceptionMask, and SetExceptionMask. Delphi XE2 introduced namespaces, so […]