DP News-Robot |
26. Sep 2021 23:51 |
New PDF editing toolbar, high quality PDF printing and support for eight extra langua
ImageEn, image editing and display library for Delphi/BCB, v10.2.0 is now generally available.This update is free if you purchased a license or extension after 15 September 2020:
Other users can extend their registration for 12 months at:
More info and a free trial of ImageEn are available at:
Top Ten Enhancements in ImageEn 10.2.0
- ImageEn now uses a DLL for localization support. If you do not need localization it reduces your the EXE size by 780KB. If you use localization it adds support for eight more languages: Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, Slovenian
- The ImageEnViewToolbar can now be used to view and edit PDF files
- Now supports high quality PDF printing, including via ImageEn TAction classes
- Various improves to measurement, including new interactions to measure areas and lengths with a polyline and more detail in hover hints, e.g. perimeters when measuring by rectangular or circular areas
- Masks can now be applied to non-image layers, like text and shapes
- TIERichEdit adds support for all RichEdit 8.0 features, including spell checking
- All ImageEn keyboard shortcuts can now be easily customized or disabled
- New mouse interaction allows selection of text or images in a PDF files (with automatic detection based on what is under cursor), plus it is much easier to switch to pan and zoom mode
- Many other improvements for PDF file viewing, including new options for selection, highlight and form field colors, and performance enhancements
- Now supports Delphi 11