DP News-Robot |
16. Okt 2019 13:10 |
Some Delphi settings require you to run with an Administrative UAC token
Though user-defined Code Templates live under*%UserProfile%\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\c ode_templates\Delphi, the stock ones (standard ones shipping with Delphi) ones do not: they live under %ProgramFiles(x86)%\x\Studio\y.0\ObjRepos\en\Code_ Templates. Above, x*usually is Embarcadero, and y*is your Galileo version number; see for instance*Update to*List-Delphi-Installed-Packages.ps1 shows HKCU/HKLM keys and doesn’t truncated fields any more. Unlike user registry settings, which are copied from HKEY_LOCAL_M