DP News-Robot |
5. Okt 2018 20:21 |
First milestone of ScroogeXHTML for the Java™ platform 8.0
Version 8.0.MS1 of the RTF (Rich Text) to HTML5 and XHTML converter library ScroogeXHTML for the Java™ platform is now available for registered users. New features in 8.0.MS1 compiles with Oracle JDK 8 and Oracle OpenJDK 11 JUnit tests pass with Oracle JDK 8 and Oracle OpenJDK 11 Other changes in 8.0.MS1: moved package to … <a href="https://mikejustin.wordpress.com/2018/10/05/first-milestone-of-scroogexhtml-for-the-java-platform-8-0/" class="more-link">Continue reading