bernhard_LA |
9. Feb 2018 12:39 |
Datenbank: MSSQL • Version: 14 • Zugriff über: ZEOS
ZEOS mit XE 10.2
wir möchten die ZEOS DB Kompomenten mit einer Delphi Starter Edition verwenden .
die aktuelle Version haben wir hier gefunden
den patch um die Version ZEOS XE 7 mit Delphi XE 10 zu verwenden steht hier :
anbei mein gescheiterer versuch ZEOS zu kompilieren, was muss ich machen damit es funktioniert ?
- [dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(572): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'CharInSet'
- System.SysUtils.pas(5929): Related method: function CharInSet(Char; const TSysCharSet): Boolean;
- ZCompatibility.pas(286): Related method: function CharInSet(Char; const TSysCharSet): Boolean;
- [dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(576): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'CharInSet'
- System.SysUtils.pas(5929): Related method: function CharInSet(Char; const TSysCharSet): Boolean;
- ZCompatibility.pas(286): Related method: function CharInSet(Char; const TSysCharSet): Boolean;
- [dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(638): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'DecimalSeparator'
- [dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(639): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'ThousandSeparator'
- [dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(642): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'CharInSet'
- System.SysUtils.pas(5929): Related method: function CharInSet(Char; const TSysCharSet): Boolean;
- ZCompatibility.pas(286): Related method: function CharInSet(Char; const TSysCharSet): Boolean;
- [dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(661): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'DecimalSeparator'
- [dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(751): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'CharInSet'
- [dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(1464): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'DecimalSeparator'
- [dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(1465): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'ThousandSeparator'
- [dcc32 Warning] ZSysUtils.pas(1467): W1000 Symbol 'AnsiStrPos' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
- [dcc32 Warning] ZSysUtils.pas(1468): W1000 Symbol 'AnsiStrPos' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
- [dcc32 Warning] ZSysUtils.pas(1479): W1000 Symbol 'AnsiStrPos' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
- [dcc32 Warning] ZSysUtils.pas(1483): W1000 Symbol 'AnsiStrPos' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
- [dcc32 Warning] ZSysUtils.pas(1484): W1000 Symbol 'AnsiStrPos' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
- [dcc32 Warning] ZSysUtils.pas(1512): W1000 Symbol 'StrLen' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
- [dcc32 Warning] ZSysUtils.pas(1531): W1000 Symbol 'StrLen' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
- [dcc32 Fatal Error] ZEncoding.pas(951): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'ZSysUtils.pas'
- Failed
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.3