![]() |
Delphi-Version: 10 Seattle
MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot
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I had build part of this code below based in
![]() Then i have two troubles with this following code: 1 - MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove main form (Form1). 2 - How recovery the content of "MagnifierWindow" to a image format? My actual code is this: Magnification.pas
unit Magnification;
{$ALIGN ON} {$MINENUMSIZE 4} interface uses Windows; const // Magnifier Class Name WC_MAGNIFIERA: AnsiString = 'Magnifier'; WC_MAGNIFIERW: WideString = 'Magnifier'; WC_MAGNIFIER = 'Magnifier'; // Magnifier Window Styles MS_SHOWMAGNIFIEDCURSOR = $0001; MS_CLIPAROUNDCURSOR = $0002; MS_INVERTCOLORS = $0004; // Filter Modes MW_FILTERMODE_EXCLUDE = 0; MW_FILTERMODE_INCLUDE = 1; type tagMAGTRANSFORM = record v: array[1..3, 1..3] of Single; end; MAGTRANSFORM = tagMAGTRANSFORM; TMagTransform = tagMAGTRANSFORM; PMagTransform = ^TMagTransform; tagMAGIMAGEHEADER = record width: UINT; height: UINT; format: TGUID; stride: UINT; offset: UINT; cbSize: UINT; end; MAGIMAGEHEADER = tagMAGIMAGEHEADER; TMagImageHeader = tagMAGIMAGEHEADER; PMagImageHeader = ^TMagImageHeader; tagMAGCOLOREFFECT = record transform: array[1..5, 1..5] of Single; end; MAGCOLOREFFECT = tagMAGCOLOREFFECT; TMagColorEffect = tagMAGCOLOREFFECT; PMagColorEffect = ^TMagColorEffect; TMagImageScalingCallback = function (hwnd: HWND; srcdata: Pointer; srcheader: MAGIMAGEHEADER; destdata: Pointer; destheader: MAGIMAGEHEADER; unclipped: TRect; clipped: TRect; dirty: HRGN): BOOL; stdcall; THWNDArray = array[0..0] of HWND; PHWNDArray = ^THWNDArray; // Public Functions function MagInitialize(): BOOL; stdcall; function MagUninitialize(): BOOL; stdcall; function MagSetWindowSource(hwnd: HWND; rect: TRect): BOOL; stdcall; function MagGetWindowSource(hwnd: HWND; var Rect: TRect): BOOL; stdcall; function MagSetWindowTransform(hwnd: HWND; var Transform: TMagTransform): BOOL; stdcall; function MagGetWindowTransform(hwnd: HWND; var Transform: TMagTransform): BOOL; stdcall; function MagSetWindowFilterList(hwnd: HWND; dwFilterMode: DWORD; count: Integer; pHWND: PHWNDArray): BOOL; stdcall; function MagGetWindowFilterList(hwnd: HWND; var dwFilterMode: DWORD; count: Integer; pHWND: PHWNDArray): Integer; stdcall; function MagSetImageScalingCallback(hwnd: HWND; MagImageScalingCallback: TMagImageScalingCallback): BOOL; stdcall; // MagImageScalingCallback WINAPI MagGetImageScalingCallback(HWND hwnd ); function MagSetColorEffect(hwnd: HWND; var Effect: TMagColorEffect): BOOL; stdcall; function MagGetColorEffect(hwnd: HWND; var Effect: TMagColorEffect): BOOL; stdcall; implementation const MagnificationDll = 'Magnification.dll'; function MagInitialize; external MagnificationDll name 'MagInitialize'; function MagUninitialize; external MagnificationDll name 'MagUninitialize'; function MagSetWindowSource; external MagnificationDll name 'MagSetWindowSource'; function MagGetWindowSource; external MagnificationDll name 'MagGetWindowSource'; function MagSetWindowTransform; external MagnificationDll name 'MagSetWindowTransform'; function MagGetWindowTransform; external MagnificationDll name 'MagGetWindowTransform'; function MagSetWindowFilterList; external MagnificationDll name 'MagSetWindowFilterList'; function MagGetWindowFilterList; external MagnificationDll name 'MagGetWindowFilterList'; function MagSetImageScalingCallback; external MagnificationDll name 'MagSetImageScalingCallback'; function MagSetColorEffect; external MagnificationDll name 'MagSetColorEffect'; function MagGetColorEffect; external MagnificationDll name 'MagGetColorEffect'; end.
Form1: TForm1; implementation uses Unit3, Magnification; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); var desktop, hwndMag: HWND; desktoprect, sourceRect: TRect; filterList: PHWNDArray; m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY, m_ScreenT, m_ScreenL: Integer; begin desktop := GetDesktopWindow; GetWindowRect(desktop, desktoprect); m_ScreenT := desktoprect.Top; m_ScreenL := desktoprect.Left; m_ScreenX := desktoprect.right; m_ScreenY := desktoprect.bottom; Form3 := TForm3.Create(Form3); SetWindowPos(Form3.Handle, 0, 0, 0, desktoprect.right, desktoprect.bottom, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); SetWindowLong(Form3.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(Form3.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or WS_EX_LAYERED); SetLayeredWindowAttributes(Form3.Handle, 0, 255, LWA_ALPHA); if (not MagInitialize) then begin Application.MessageBox('Init magnification failed', 'Error', mb_Ok + mb_IconError); Exit; end; hwndMag := CreateWindow(WC_MAGNIFIER, 'MagnifierWindow', WS_CHILD {or MS_SHOWMAGNIFIEDCURSOR} or WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY, Form3.Handle, 0, hInstance, nil); if (hwndMag = 0) then begin Application.MessageBox('MagnifierWindow creation failed', 'Error', mb_Ok + mb_IconError); Exit; end; try filterList[0] := Handle; except end; if (not MagSetWindowFilterList(hwndMag, MW_FILTERMODE_EXCLUDE, 1, filterList)) then begin Application.MessageBox('Cannot exclude main window', 'Error', mb_Ok + mb_IconError); Exit; end; sourceRect.Top := m_ScreenT; sourceRect.Left := m_ScreenL; sourceRect.right := m_ScreenX; sourceRect.bottom := m_ScreenY; if (not MagSetWindowSource(hwndMag, sourceRect)) then begin Application.MessageBox('Cannot set source to MagnifierWindow', 'Error', mb_Ok + mb_IconError); Exit; end; { if (not MagUninitialize) then begin Application.MessageBox('Finalize magnification failed', 'Error', mb_Ok + mb_IconError); Exit; end; } end; |
AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot
{ Here's how you can save the screen content into a bitmapfile.
If you don't want to include the active (Delphi-)Application just put easily a 'Application.Minimize;' at the beginning of the procedure } uses Windows, Graphics, Forms; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var DC: HDC; Canvas: TCanvas; MyBitmap: TBitmap; begin Canvas := TCanvas.Create; MyBitmap := TBitmap.Create; DC := GetDC(0); try Canvas.Handle := DC; with Screen do begin { detect the actual height and with of the screen } MyBitmap.Width := Width; MyBitmap.Height := Height; { copy the screen content to the bitmap } MyBitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height), Canvas, Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)); { stream the bitmap to disk } MyBitmap.SaveToFile('c:\windows\desktop\screen.bmp'); end; finally { free memory } ReleaseDC(0, DC); MyBitmap.Free; Canvas.Free end; end; |
AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot
I really need of help to fix code that was posted on question. |
AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot
use this command wherever you need
this will hide a window by its handle
use this code careful, it can be used to also tweak control (in and outside of your program)
ShowWindow(EnterHandle, SW_HIDE); // Enter Handle of Window wich needs to become invisible
or ShowWindow(FindWindow(EnterClassName,nil), SW_HIDE); // EnterClassName can be something like TForm1 etc, adjust to your or ShowWindow(FindWindow(nil,'Enter Forms Caption'), SW_HIDE); // self explaining replace SW_HIDE with SW_SHOW to bring it back |
AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot
Hiding / minimizing a window to exclude it from a screenshot is an invasive operation and I as an user would not like it (even if it's only for a split second).
. Just use a normal
as variable declaration and pass it like this:
. You could even use plain
MagSetWindowFilterList(hwndMag, MW_FILTERMODE_EXCLUDE, 1, @filterList[0])
as type for
(in case there's always only one handle in your "list").
AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot
thank you very much, your suggestion about MagSetWindowFilterList worked fine. I will try translate the part of save content of hwndmag to a image format. I tried the suggestion of @Fukiszo but not worked see:
But if someone know a way in Delphi and that works, i will accept.
Canvas := TCanvas.Create;
MyBitmap := TBitmap.Create; DC := GetWindowDC(hwndMag); GetWindowRect(hwndMag, r); try Canvas.Handle := DC; MyBitmap.Width := r.Width; MyBitmap.Height := r.Height; MyBitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, MyBitmap.Width, MyBitmap.Height), Canvas, Rect(0, 0, r.Width, r.Height)); MyBitmap.SaveToFile('c:\screen.bmp'); finally ReleaseDC(0, DC); MyBitmap.Free; Canvas.Free end; |
AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot
but better wait, others may give much better methods than my rude ones.
my example was made for a full screen, not part of screen
use it like this: MyBitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(X.Start, Y.Start, X.End, Y.End), Canvas, Rect(X.Start, Y.Start, X.End, Y.End)); X and Y are Screen Offsets, not your Application Window Offsets eg, Position [0,0] = topleft screen corner and not your application windows coordinate! |
AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot
i tried your two suggestions and none works, but this can be the reason: Zitat:
So, i think that with BMP.Canvas.CopyRect() also not is different. |
AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot
sorry i dont know MagXXXXX.pas units neither their .dll,
i gave general examples, if MAGxxx uses overlay to display something, my method fail. that i think your warning is telling. I'm sorry! Zitat:
AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot
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