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How kill process using your duplicated handle?
I have the following code based in
Then when "jump" to:
st:=ZwQuerySystemInformation(16{SystemModuleInformation}, @bytBuf, Length(bytBuf), @arySize);
I got a Acess Violation here:
if not NT_SUCCESS(st) then
begin if st<>$C0000004{STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH} then Exit; SetLength(bytBuf, arySize); st:=ZwQuerySystemInformation(16{SystemModuleInformation}, @bytBuf, arySize, @TempNum); if not NT_SUCCESS(st) then Exit; end;
How fix?
SetLength(bytBuf, arySize);
Complete code:
unit LzOpenProcessU;
interface uses Windows, SysUtils; type NTSTATUS = DWORD; PVOID = Pointer; SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS = ULONG; type PUnicodeString = ^TUnicodeString; TUnicodeString = packed record Length: Word; MaximumLength: Word; Buffer: PWideChar; end; type PObjectAttributes = ^TObjectAttributes; TObjectAttributes = packed record Length: Cardinal; RootDirectory: THandle; ObjectName: PUnicodeString; Attributes: Cardinal; SecurityDescriptor: Pointer; SecurityQualityOfService: Pointer; end; type PClientId = ^TClientId; TClientId = packed record UniqueProcess: Cardinal; UniqueThread: Cardinal; end; type PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION = ^TPROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION; TPROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION = packed record ExitStatus: NTSTATUS; PebBaseAddress: ULONG; AffinityMask: ULONG; BasePriority: ULONG; UniqueProcessId: ULONG; InheritedFromUniqueProcessId: ULONG; end; type PTSYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO = ^TSYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO; TSYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO = record UniqueProcessId : SHORT; CreatorBackTraceIndex : SHORT; ObjectTypeIndex : BYTE ; HandleAttributes : BYTE ; HandleValue : SHORT; pObject : DWORD ; GrantedAccess : ULONG ; end; function ZwQueryInformationProcess(ProcessHandle: THANDLE; ProcessInformationClass: ULONG; ProcessInformation: PVOID; ProcessInformationLength: ULONG; ReturnLength: PULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll'; function ZwQuerySystemInformation(SystemInformationClass: SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS; SystemInformation: PVOID; SystemInformationLength: ULONG; lpReturnLength: PULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll'; function ZwDuplicateObject(SourceProcessHandle: THANDLE; SourceHandle: THANDLE; TargetProcessHandle: THANDLE; TargetHandle: PHANDLE; DesiredAccess: ACCESS_MASK; Attributes: ULONG; Options: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll'; function ZwOpenProcess(ProcessHandle: PHandle; DesiredAccess: ACCESS_MASK; ObjectAttributes: PObjectAttributes; ClientId: PClientId): NTSTATUS; stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll'; function ZwTerminateProcess(ProcessHandle: DWORD; ExitStatus: DWORD): NTSTATUS; stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll'; function ZwClose(Handle: THandle): NTSTATUS; stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll'; function LzOpenProcess(dwDesiredAccess, ProcessId: Cardinal; TryZwFirst: Boolean): Cardinal; implementation uses Unit1 {Form1}; function NT_SUCCESS(Status: Integer):Boolean; inline; begin Result:= (Status >= 0); end; function LzOpenProcess(dwDesiredAccess, ProcessId: Cardinal; TryZwFirst: Boolean): Cardinal; var st: Cardinal; cid: TClientId; oa: TObjectAttributes; NumOfHandle: Integer; pbi: TPROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION; I: Integer; hProcessToDup,hProcessCur,hProcessToRet: Cardinal; arySize: Cardinal; TempNum: Cardinal; bytBuf: array of Byte; h_info: array of TSYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO; begin Result:=0; ZeroMemory(@oa, SizeOf(oa)); ZeroMemory(@cid, SizeOf(cid)); oa.Length:=SizeOf(oa); if TryZwFirst then begin cid.UniqueProcess:=ProcessId; st:=ZwOpenProcess(@hProcessToRet, dwDesiredAccess, @oa, @cid); if NT_SUCCESS(st) then begin Result:=hProcessToRet; Exit; end; end; SetLength(bytBuf,1024); st:=ZwQuerySystemInformation(16{SystemModuleInformation}, @bytBuf, Length(bytBuf), @arySize); Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add('0x' + IntToHex(st, 8)); if not NT_SUCCESS(st) then begin if st<>$C0000004{STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH} then Exit; SetLength(bytBuf, arySize); st:=ZwQuerySystemInformation(16{SystemModuleInformation}, @bytBuf, arySize, @TempNum); if not NT_SUCCESS(st) then Exit; end; NumOfHandle:=PULONG(@bytBuf)^; SetLength(h_info, NumOfHandle); CopyMemory(@h_info, Pointer(Cardinal(@bytBuf)+SizeOf(ULONG)), SizeOf(TSYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO)*NumOfHandle); for I := Low(h_info) to High(h_info) do begin if h_info[I].ObjectTypeIndex=5{OB_TYPE_PROCESS} then begin cid.UniqueProcess:=h_info[I].UniqueProcessId; st:=ZwOpenProcess(@hProcessToDup, $40{PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE}, @oa, @cid); if NT_SUCCESS(st) then begin st:=ZwDuplicateObject(hProcessToDup, h_info[I].HandleValue, $FFFFFFFF{ZwGetCurrentProcess}, @hProcessCur, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, $4{DUPLICATE_SAME_ATTRIBUTES}); if NT_SUCCESS(st) then begin st:=ZwQueryInformationProcess(hProcessCur, 0{ProcessBasicInformation}, @pbi, SizeOf(TPROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION), nil); if NT_SUCCESS(st) then begin if pbi.UniqueProcessId = ProcessId then begin st:= ZwDuplicateObject(hProcessToDup, h_info[I].HandleValue, $FFFFFFFF{ZwGetCurrentProcess}, @hProcessToRet, dwDesiredAccess, 0, $4{DUPLICATE_SAME_ATTRIBUTES}); if NT_SUCCESS(st) then Result := hProcessToRet; end; end; end; ZwClose(hProcessCur); end; ZwClose(hProcessToDup); end; end; end; end.
PS: Running in Windows Ultimte 7 x64
Form1: TForm1; implementation uses LzOpenProcessU; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const STATUS_SUCCESS = $00000000; var hproc: DWORD; Status: NTSTATUS; begin Status:= STATUS_SUCCESS; hproc := LzOpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, GetPidByName('notepad.exe'), False); if hproc > 0 then Status := ZwTerminateProcess(hproc, 0); Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add('ZwTerminateProcess() = 0x' + IntToHex(Status, 8)); end; |
AW: How kill process using your duplicated handle?
I already solved this error with
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