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WojTec 5. Feb 2014 17:40

Delphi-Version: 2010

Is volume compressed?
How to receive from GetVolumeInformation.lpFileSystemFlags if volume is compressed or not?

I have
but not working. F1, please.

DeddyH 5. Feb 2014 17:48

AW: Is volume compressed?
Do you really mean a compressed volume or a volume which supports compression of indivual files?

The FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED flag is the only indicator of volume-based compression. The file system name is not altered to indicate compression, for example, this flag is returned set on a DoubleSpace volume. When compression is volume-based, an entire volume is compressed or not compressed.

The FS_FILE_COMPRESSION flag indicates whether a file system supports file-based compression. When compression is file-based, individual files can be compressed or not compressed.

The FS_FILE_COMPRESSION and FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED flags are mutually exclusive. Both bits cannot be returned set.

himitsu 5. Feb 2014 17:54

AW: Is volume compressed?
MSDN-Library durchsuchenGetVolumeInformation


WojTec 5. Feb 2014 18:45

Re: Is volume compressed?
So, I still don't know hot to get information if volome is compressed or not :(

WojTec 5. Feb 2014 18:54

Re: AW: Is volume compressed?

Zitat von DeddyH (Beitrag 1246844)
Do you really mean a compressed volume or a volume which supports compression of indivual files?

So, compressed volume, in properties when checked specified checkbox and then volume showed in blue (usually) - I want to detect this situation :)

WojTec 6. Feb 2014 10:50

Re: Is volume compressed?
None of above flags (flags and flag <> 0) are working, some always returns false, another always true. Any help? :(

Der schöne Günther 6. Feb 2014 12:43

AW: Is volume compressed?
I might be wrong, but I believe there is no clear indication if a volume is either compressed or not compressed at all. We're talking about NTFS, right? I think the
flag still hails from the time of the FAT file system. Back then, a volume was either entirely compressed ("double space volume") or no compression at all was taking place.

Take a look: Set a volume of yours to "compressed". Create some folders, they're all blue (compressed). Now set a folder to "uncompressed". Your volume will still state "compressed". I believe "volume compression" only means "Default setting for compressing content or not".

Keeping this in mind, this is what I baked together:
procedure TForm18.checkCompression();
   // According to
   fileHandle: THandle;
   outBuffer: ^USHORT;
   bufferLength: DWORD;

   // Fetch Handle
   fileHandle := CreateFile(

   if (fileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then raise Exception.Create('CreateFile Failed');

   // Init Buffer

   if not DeviceIoControl(
   ) then raise Exception.Create('DeviceIoControl failed');

   if (outBuffer^ and COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1) <> 0 then
      ShowMessage('it is compressed');


himitsu 6. Feb 2014 16:40

AW: Is volume compressed?

lpFileSystemFlags [out, optional]

A pointer to a variable that receives flags associated with the specified file system.

This parameter can be one or more of the following flags. However, FS_FILE_COMPRESSION and FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED are mutually exclusive.


The FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED flag is the only indicator of volume-based compression. The file system name is not altered to indicate compression, for example, this flag is returned set on a DoubleSpace volume. When compression is volume-based, an entire volume is compressed or not compressed.

Es kann nur Einen geben.

Entweder ist alles immer komprimiert,

oder das Volume unterstützt eine eine Komprimierung.
Und wenn das Volume nun manuell komprimiert wurde, dann ist das andere Flag dennoch nicht aktiv, da nicht das Volume, sondern nur das Root-Verzeichnis komprimiert wurde.

Der schöne Günther 6. Feb 2014 17:07

AW: Is volume compressed?
Ja, aber er hat ja schon gesagt, dass das Flag trotzdem nicht gesetzt wird, auch wenn man im Explorer für das gesamte Laufwerk das "komprimiert"-Häkchen gesetzt hat. Und das kann ich auch bestätigen. Das war vielleicht unter FAT noch so, aber unter NTFS zwingt kein übergeordnetes Verzeichnis/Laufwerk einen, jetzt gefälligst komprimiert zu sein.

Wie das unter exFat, ReFS und was weiß ich aussieht- Keine Ahnung.

WojTec 6. Feb 2014 17:56

Re: Is volume compressed?
Thanks, your explanation is helpful and now I understand more 8-)

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