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Search for multiple files at once in PC
Hi all,
please help. How do I write a function to search for multiple files on your computer at once. I need to find files: abcd.exe, 1234.ini, GHIJ.BAT, 0987.dat, tinyplay.exe !! I use to find one set this feature:
Thanks all.
function Tfindplayer.ScanL7(root, filemask: string; hitlist: String): Boolean;
function ScanDirectory(var path: string): Boolean; var SRec: TSearchRec; pathlen: Integer; res: Integer; begin pathlen := Length(path); { first pass, files } res := FindFirst(path + filemask, faAnyfile+faHidden, SRec); If (FileExists(path+'tinyplay.exe') = True) then begin FScanAborted := True; sLabel24.Caption := ExtractShortPathName(ExcludeTrailingBackslash(sLabel24.Caption)); sProgressBar1.Position := sProgressBar1.Position + 10; image12.Picture.Assign(x1); Exit; end; if res = 0 then try while res = 0 do begin hitlist := (path + SRec.Name); res := FindNext(SRec); end; finally FindClose(SRec); end; Application.ProcessMessages; Result := not (FScanAborted or Application.Terminated); if not Result then Exit; {second pass, directories} res := FindFirst(path + '*.*', faDirectory+faHidden, SRec); if res = 0 then try while (res = 0) and Result do begin if ((Srec.Attr and (faReadOnly or faHidden or faSysFile or faDirectory)) <> 0) and (Srec.Name <> '.') and (Srec.Name <> '..') then begin path := path + SRec.Name + '\'; Result := ScanDirectory(path); SetLength(path, pathlen); end; res := FindNext(SRec); end; finally FindClose(SRec); end; end; begin FScanAborted := False; Screen.Cursor := crHourglass; try Result := ScanDirectory(root); finally Screen.Cursor := crDefault end; end; function Tfindplayer.L7:boolean; var Item: string; i: integer; ch: Char; root: string; begin root := 'C:\'; for ch := 'A' to 'Z' do begin root[1] := ch; case GetDriveType(PChar(root)) of DRIVE_FIXED, DRIVE_REMOTE: if not ScanL7(root,'tinyplay.exe', sLabel22.Caption) then Break; end; end; end; |
AW: Search for multiple files at once in PC
1. Load all filenames from directory using FindFirst/FindNext/FindClose
1.1 If a filename matches your list of files => found it 2. Do the same with all directories in your directory: 2.1 let PATH be the path to the directory you are currently searching in. Let SearchRec.Name be the name of a subdirectory. Then simply call yourself with PATH+'\'+SearchRec.Name |
AW: Search for multiple files at once in PC
Thank you, can you please give some code.
Daniel |
AW: Search for multiple files at once in PC
Maybe that this code not exactly feed your needs, but I used it in a big program to check if some of the filetypes are found in the given path.
In a checklistbox I gave some names of filetypes, then I let the program search for it in a given path. If same type matches in this directory, this type is checked in the checklistbox. Instead of using the checkboxes you may use boolean variables that shows, if the searched file/fileytpe was found.
edit :
PROCEDURE FindTypes(s:string); // "s" ist the path to search in
VAR cnt: integer; pfad, n: string; sr: TSearchRec; PROCEDURE SUBB; BEGIN WITH Form1 DO BEGIN n:=AnsiUpperCase(ExtractFileExt(sr.name)); IF n='.BMP' THEN CheckListBox1.checked[ 0]:=TRUE; IF n='.GIF' THEN CheckListBox1.checked[ 1]:=TRUE; IF n='.ICO' THEN CheckListBox1.checked[ 2]:=TRUE; IF n='.JPG' THEN CheckListBox1.checked[ 3]:=TRUE; IF n='.PCX' THEN CheckListBox1.checked[ 4]:=TRUE; IF n='.PNG' THEN CheckListBox1.checked[ 5]:=TRUE; IF n='.TIF' THEN CheckListBox1.checked[ 6]:=TRUE; IF n='.WMF' THEN CheckListBox1.checked[ 7]:=TRUE; END; END; { PROCEDURE SUBB } BEGIN { PROCEDURE FindTypes } WITH Form1 DO BEGIN FOR cnt:=0 TO CheckListBox1.Items.count-1 DO CheckListBox1.checked[cnt]:=FALSE; IF DirectoryExists(s) THEN pfad:=s ELSE pfad:=ExtractFilePath(s); IF pfad[length(pfad)]<>'\' THEN pfad:=pfad+'\'; { showmessage(pfad+^J^M+s);} IF autoFind THEN BEGIN IF FindFirst(pfad+'*.*',faAnyFile,sr)=0 THEN BEGIN WHILE FindNext(sr) = 0 DO BEGIN subb; END; FindClose(sr); END; END ELSE BEGIN IF FindFirst(pfad+'*.*',faAnyFile,sr)=0 THEN BEGIN WHILE FindNext(sr) = 0 DO IF AnsiUpperCase(sr.name)=extractFileName(s) THEN BEGIN subb; END; FindClose(sr); END; END; //SetPicTypes; END; END; { PROCEDURE FindTypes } Just I don't know, what the boolean variable "autofind" was. I wrote the program several years ago and just took that bit of the code. Instead of the checklistbox you can use a listbox with files to search for and then put the results into another listbox with the whole result ( drive + path + filename ) ... |
AW: Search for multiple files at once in PC
Ok, It's new year.
The function 'MatchesAny' tries to match a filename with a list of given files (including wildcards). Maybe you can code this yourself.
Procedure FindFiles (path : String; Files : TStrings; FoundFiles : TSTrings);
Var S : TSearchRec; Begin if FindFirst(path+'\*.*',faAnyFile,S)=0 then begin repeat if S.Attr and faDirectory<>0 then FindFiles(path+'\'+s.Name,Files,FoundFiles) else if MatchesAny(S.Name, Files) then FoundFiles.Add(path+'\'+S.Name); until FindNext(S)<>0; FindClose(S); end; if FindFirst(path+'\*',faDirectory ,S)=0 then begin repeat if (s.Name<>'.') and (s.Name<>'..') Then FindFiles(path+'\'+s.Name,Files,FoundFiles) until FindNext(S)<>0; FindClose(S); end; End; |
AW: Search for multiple files at once in PC
Maybe you want to give
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