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Delphi-Version: 2010
Text parsing - need method
I need to parse input in this format to get RGB and color name. Just question: do you know method how to get these data?
COLS 1 WIDTH 140 HEIGHT 30 TEXTHEIGHT 12 SPACING 1 R:247, G:224, B:23 HV:0.00, SV:0.00, VV:0.00 PANTONE Yellow C R:247, G:217, B:23 HV:0.00, SV:0.00, VV:0.00 PANTONE Yellow 012 C R:237, G:110, B:0 HV:0.00, SV:0.00, VV:0.00 PANTONE Orange 021 C R:245, G:64, B:41 HV:0.00, SV:0.00, VV:0.00 PANTONE Warm Red C R:237, G:46, B:56 HV:0.00, SV:0.00, VV:0.00 PANTONE Red 032 C R:207, G:3, B:92 HV:0.00, SV:0.00, VV:0.00 PANTONE Rubine Red C R:230, G:0, B:148 HV:0.00, SV:0.00, VV:0.00 PANTONE Rhodamine Red C R:186, G:31, B:181 HV:0.00, SV:0.00, VV:0.00 PANTONE Purple C R:102, G:0, B:161 HV:0.00, SV:0.00, VV:0.00 PANTONE Violet C R:41, G:5, B:161 HV:0.00, SV:0.00, VV:0.00 PANTONE Blue 072 C R:23, G:23, B:150 HV:0.00, SV:0.00, VV:0.00 PANTONE Reflex Blue C |
AW: Text parsing - need method
Just split each line e.g. using a TStrings-object (have a look at the DelimitedText-property). If the resulting list contains more than 8 lines, it seems to be color-data, which you can process further.
AW: Text parsing - need method
TR=Record R:byte; G:Byte; B:Byte; HV:Double; SV:Double; VV:Double; Panthone:String; End; Function GetInfos(Const s:String):TR; var sl:TStringList; Function SaveStrToInt(const st:String):Integer; begin Result := StrToInt(TRIM(st)); end; begin sl:=TStringList.Create; try sl.Delimiter :=','; sl.StrictDelimiter := true; sl.DelimitedText :=StringReplace( StringReplace( StringReplace( StringReplace(s,'HV:',',HV:',[]) ,'PANTONE ',',PANTONE=',[]) ,', ',',',[rfReplaceAll]) ,':','=',[rfReplaceAll]); Result.r := SaveStrToInt(sl.Values['R']); Result.g := SaveStrToInt(sl.Values['G']); Result.b := SaveStrToInt(sl.Values['B']); Result.HV := StrToFloat(StringReplace(sl.Values['HV'],'.',DecimalSeparator,[])); Result.SV := StrToFloat(StringReplace(sl.Values['SV'],'.',DecimalSeparator,[])); Result.VV := StrToFloat(StringReplace(sl.Values['VV'],'.',DecimalSeparator,[])); Result.Panthone := sl.Values['PANTONE']; finally sl.Free; end; end; use as
r:TR; I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to Yourlist.Count - 1 do if pos('R:',Yourlist[i])=1 then begin r := getInfos(Yourlist[i]); // work with r end; |
AW: Text parsing - need method
If you don't want to use the "delimitedText" try this way:
for i:=0 to lines.count-1 do begin if (pos('R:',line)>0) and (pos('G:',line)>0) and (pos('B:',line)>0) and (pos('PANTONE',line)>0) then GetDatafromLine(line) else donothing; end; K-H |
Re: Text parsing - need method
Guys, 'PANTONE*' is color name ;) RGB is color, HSV are not used (in all files I saw), after HSV is color name :) Sorry, I should write it early ;)
AW: Text parsing - need method
So what? Just ignore the values you do not need, and you are done.
AW: Text parsing - need method
I think a regular expression might be a simpler approach to get the relevant data.
Re: Text parsing - need method
Hm, regex, but what lib for that?
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