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OpenAl header + MemLeak
Ich hatte in meinen Programm einige Speicherlecks und hab das dann einmal mit MemCheck geprüft. Konnte dann auch alles fixen bis auf einen Fehler. Hier mal der Log file:
Wenn ich das nun richtig verstehe entsteht der Fehler hier
MemCheck version 2.75
TOP 10 Leaks: begin Leak #0 User allocated memory (GetMem) Size: 4 2 Occurences call stack - 0 : Module OpenAL.pas Routine @Openal@LoadWavStream Line 2243 Find error: 00481E48 call stack - 1 : Module OpenAL.pas Routine @Openal@alutLoadWAVFile Line 2282 Find error: 00482012 call stack - 2 : Module USoundHelper.pas Routine @Usoundhelper@TSoundHelper@loadSoundFromFile Line 58 Find error: 0048A7D1 call stack - 3 : Module UGui.pas Routine @Ugui@TGui@Init Line 116 Find error: 0048B072 call stack - 4 : Module UWnd.pas Routine @Uwnd@TWnd@InitGame Line 149 Find error: 0048FE9A call stack - 5 : Module UWnd.pas Routine @Uwnd@TWnd@FormCreate Line 285 Find error: 004905F8 call stack - 6 : Routine @Forms@TCustomForm@DoCreate Find error: 0044D8FF call stack - 7 : Routine @Forms@TCustomForm@AfterConstruction Find error: 0044D5EB call stack - 8 : Routine @Forms@TApplication@CreateForm Find error: 00454A34 call stack - 9 : Module Maze.dpr Routine initialization Line 18 Find error: 00495F25 call stack - 10 : (no debug info) Find error: 7C817073 call stack - 11 : (no debug info) Find error: FFFFFFFC TOP 10 Leaks: end Total leak: 8 bytes *** MEMCHK: Blocks STILL allocated *** Leak #0 User allocated memory (GetMem) Size: 4 2 Occurences call stack - 0 : Module OpenAL.pas Routine @Openal@LoadWavStream Line 2243 Find error: 00481E48 call stack - 1 : Module OpenAL.pas Routine @Openal@alutLoadWAVFile Line 2282 Find error: 00482012 call stack - 2 : Module USoundHelper.pas Routine @Usoundhelper@TSoundHelper@loadSoundFromFile Line 58 Find error: 0048A7D1 call stack - 3 : Module UGui.pas Routine @Ugui@TGui@Init Line 116 Find error: 0048B072 call stack - 4 : Module UWnd.pas Routine @Uwnd@TWnd@InitGame Line 149 Find error: 0048FE9A call stack - 5 : Module UWnd.pas Routine @Uwnd@TWnd@FormCreate Line 285 Find error: 004905F8 call stack - 6 : Routine @Forms@TCustomForm@DoCreate Find error: 0044D8FF call stack - 7 : Routine @Forms@TCustomForm@AfterConstruction Find error: 0044D5EB call stack - 8 : Routine @Forms@TApplication@CreateForm Find error: 00454A34 call stack - 9 : Module Maze.dpr Routine initialization Line 18 Find error: 00495F25 call stack - 10 : (no debug info) Find error: 7C817073 call stack - 11 : (no debug info) Find error: FFFFFFFC *** MEMCHK: End of allocated blocks *** *** MEMCHK: Chronological leak information *** * User allocated memory (GetMem) (Leak #0) Size: 4 * User allocated memory (GetMem) (Leak #0) Size: 4 *** MEMCHK: End of chronological leak information *** *** MEMCHK: Blocks written to after destruction *** Bad blocks count: 0 *** MEMCHK: End of blocks written to after destruction *** @Openal@LoadWavStream Line 2243 Und setzt sich dann über alle Methoden fort, die diese Aufrufen. Nun ist der OpenAL header ja nicht von mir. Den hab ich nämlich hier: ![]() In @Usoundhelper@TSoundHelper@loadSoundFromFile Line 58 lade ich eine WAV-Datei in einen Buffer:
Alles streng nach Tutorial.
function TSoundHelper.loadSoundFromFile(f: String): Integer;
var format: TALEnum; size: TALSizei; freq: TALSizei; loop: TALInt; data: TALVoid; begin setLength(sounds, length(sounds) +1); result := high(sounds); try AlGenBuffers(1, @sounds[result]); AlutLoadWAVFile(f, format, data, size, freq, loop); AlBufferData(sounds[result], format, data, size, freq); finally AlutUnloadWav(format, data, size, freq); end; ![]() Nun, wie werde ich das Speicherleck los? Oder geht das nicht weil die OpenAL.pas fhelerhaft ist. hier mal die Zeilen in der openal.pas wo der Fehler auftritt.
Gruß roboter202
function LoadWavStream(Stream: Tstream; var format: TALenum; var data: TALvoid; var size: TALsizei; var freq: TALsizei; var loop: TALint): Boolean;
var WavHeader: TWavHeader; readname: pansichar; name: ansistring; readint: integer; begin Result:=False; //Read wav header stream.Read(WavHeader, sizeof(TWavHeader)); //Determine SampleRate freq:=WavHeader.SampleRate; //Detemine waveformat if WavHeader.ChannelNumber = 1 then case WavHeader.BitsPerSample of 8: format := AL_FORMAT_MONO8; 16: format := AL_FORMAT_MONO16; end; if WavHeader.ChannelNumber = 2 then case WavHeader.BitsPerSample of 8: format := AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; 16: format := AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; end; //go to end of wavheader stream.seek((8-44)+12+4+WavHeader.FormatHeaderSize+4,soFromCurrent); //hmm crappy... //loop to rest of wave file data chunks repeat //read chunk name getmem(readname,4); //HIER TRITT DER FEHLER AUF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stream.Read(readname^, 4); name:=readname[0]+readname[1]+readname[2]+readname[3]; if name='data' then begin //Get the size of the wave data stream.Read(readint,4); size:=readint; //if WavHeader.BitsPerSample = 8 then size:=size+1; //fix for 8bit??? //Read the actual wave data getmem(data,size); stream.Read(Data^, size); //Decode wave data if needed if WavHeader.FormatCode=WAV_IMA_ADPCM then begin //TODO: add code to decompress IMA ADPCM data end; if WavHeader.FormatCode=WAV_MP3 then begin //TODO: add code to decompress MP3 data end; Result:=True; end else begin //Skip unknown chunk(s) stream.Read(readint,4); stream.Position:=stream.Position+readint; end; until stream.Position>=stream.size; end; |
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