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boller78 20. Jan 2010 22:06

MD5 HASH = 32 HEXZeichen convertto Dezimalzahl
Hallo zusammen,

mit den Indycomponents ist es leicht einen MD5 Hashcode zu generieren.

Dieser 32 Zeichen starke HEX-String muss doch auch in eine Dezimalzahl umzuwandeln sein ,oder?

Bei dem Indy wird ein Record noch vom Typ array[0..3] of Longword zurückgeliefert 4*8=32

Wie komme ich vom HASH-Wert: 15819a364dbe86b956083bbd19992857f

auf die Dezimalzahl: 28586721999694642100505878794595370367

mit der Methode StrToint('$'+hash-wert) ist der hash-wert zu groß und daher kein gültiger Integerwert!

Danke Euch vielmals für eine Lösung.

jfheins 20. Jan 2010 22:15

Re: MD5 HASH = 32 HEXZeichen convertto Dezimalzahl
Wieso sollte man das wollen?

So ein Hash wird entweder (für den Menschen) als 32 Hex-Zeichen oder (für den Computer) als 128 bit Zahl geschrieben ...

ansonsten wirst du eine BigNum Bib bemühen müssen ...

p80286 21. Jan 2010 10:55

Re: MD5 HASH = 32 HEXZeichen convertto Dezimalzahl

Zitat von jfheins
So ein Hash wird entweder (für den Menschen) als 32 Hex-Zeichen oder (für den Computer) als 128 bit Zahl geschrieben ...

Er stolpert wohl über die Zahl, Struktur wäre wohl richtiger.


boller78 21. Jan 2010 11:40

Re: MD5 HASH = 32 HEXZeichen convertto Dezimalzahl
Das ist der funktionierende VB-Code zur Umwandlung eines großen HExcodes in einen Dezimal-String *g*
Nur in DELPHI habe ich Ihn noch nicht komplett vollständig übersetzen können!


Option Explicit

Public Function Hex2DecStr(ByVal strHex As String) As String
  Const cstDigits As String = "0123456789ABCDEF"

  Dim intVar As Integer
  Dim strRet As String, strPow As String

' Check Input
  For intVar = 1 To 16
    If InStr(1, cstDigits, Mid$(strHex, intVar, 1), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Err.Raise 5
  Next intVar

' Convert To Decimal
  strPow = "1"
  strRet = "0"
  For intVar = Len(strHex) To 1 Step -1
    strRet = IntAddition(strRet, IntMultiply(strPow, CStr(InStr(1, cstDigits, Mid$(strHex, intVar, 1), vbTextCompare) - 1)))
    strPow = IntMultiply(strPow, "16")
  Next intVar

  Hex2DecStr = strRet
End Function

Public Function IntAddition(ByVal FirstNum As String, ByVal SecondNum As String) As String
Dim a As Long, DifLen As Long, TempStr As String, TempNum As Integer
Dim Num1 As String, Num2 As String, TempNum1 As Integer, TempNum2 As Integer
Dim CarryOver As Integer, LeftOvers As Long
'Setup the numbers so that they are easier to handle.
'I originally had about 10 nested if statements that this block
'of code simplifies Dramatically.
  If Len(FirstNum) >= Len(SecondNum) Then
      Num1 = FirstNum
      Num2 = SecondNum
      Num2 = FirstNum
      Num1 = SecondNum
  End If
'Just setup some of the variables that need an initial value
  DifLen = Len(Num1) - Len(Num2)
  CarryOver = 0
  LeftOvers = DifLen
'Ok, now for the real math. Looping from the end of the numbers
'just like our preschool teachers taught us, we add numbers that
'line up in the 'places' (I.E. ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc)
  For a = Len(Num2) To 1 Step -1
      TempNum1 = Int(Mid(Num1, a + DifLen, 1))
      TempNum2 = Int(Mid(Num2, a, 1))
      TempNum = TempNum1 + TempNum2 + CarryOver
      CarryOver = TempNum \ 10
      TempStr = (TempNum - (CarryOver * 10)) & TempStr
  Next a
'What do we do if there is a 1 or a 2 that carries over outside the
'numbers that line up in the places, well, we do the following block of
'code. The do loop is used incase we get a situation like this:
'   199999  When you add 1 to a set of nines it continues to
'   _+___1  Carry over until it hits the first digit
'   200000
  Do Until CarryOver = 0 Or LeftOvers = 0
      TempNum = Int(Mid(Num1, LeftOvers, 1)) + CarryOver
      CarryOver = TempNum \ 10
      TempStr = (TempNum - (CarryOver * 10)) & TempStr
      LeftOvers = LeftOvers - 1
'Since there are two possible ways of exiting the Loop above, we need
'to test and apply the other variable and its associated values in the following
'two if statements.
'Handle a possible carryover that will drop off the front end creating a new place.
  If CarryOver > 0 Then TempStr = CarryOver & TempStr
'add any of the numbers that are remaining on the left side of the longer string
  If LeftOvers > 0 Then TempStr = Left(Num1, LeftOvers) & TempStr
'and return the value
  IntAddition = TrimZeros(TempStr)
End Function

Public Function IntMultiply(ByVal FirstNum As String, ByVal SecondNum As String) As String
Dim ZeroStr As String
Dim a As Long, b As Long, Multiplier1 As Integer, Multiplier2 As Integer
Dim Num As Integer, CarryOver As Integer, TempStr As String, TallyStr As String
'This function can handle two extra longs. It cycles through
'the firstnum one digit at a time from secondnum.
'this function works on the distrubution Principle of Multiplication:
' 9999 * 222 = (9999 * 2) + (9999 * 20) + (9999 * 200)
'The zero's are concatinated on after the multiplication takes place.
'This function is dependent on the IntAddition function above.
  For a = Len(FirstNum) To 1 Step -1
      'setup variables for this loop of multiplication
      TempStr = ""
      CarryOver = 0
      Multiplier1 = Mid(FirstNum, a, 1)
      'Multiply one digit at a time from right to left
      For b = Len(SecondNum) To 1 Step -1
        Multiplier2 = Mid(SecondNum, b, 1)
        Num = (Multiplier1 * Multiplier2) + CarryOver
        CarryOver = Num \ 10
        TempStr = (Num - (CarryOver * 10)) & TempStr
      Next b
      'Check to see if the multiplication added a new digit
      If CarryOver > 0 Then TempStr = CarryOver & TempStr
      'Add the zeros
      TempStr = TempStr & ZeroStr
      TallyStr = IntAddition(TempStr, TallyStr)
      ZeroStr = ZeroStr & "0"
  Next a
  IntMultiply = TrimZeros(TallyStr)
End Function

Public Function TrimZeros(ByVal Num As String) As String
Dim a As Long, TempStr As String
  For a = 1 To Len(Num)
      If Mid(Num, a, 1) <> 0 Then GoTo YuckFu
  Next a
  TrimZeros = "0"
Exit Function
  TrimZeros = Mid(Num, a, Len(Num) - a + 1)
End Function

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
   Label1.Caption = Hex2DecStr(TextBox1.Text)
End Sub

Function TrimZeros(Num: String) : String;
var a: Integer;
var TempStr: String;
  For a:= 1 To Length(Num) do
      If (copy(Num, a, 1) <> '0') Then
        result:= copy(Num, a, Length(Num) - a + 1);


Function IntAddition(const FirstNum: String; SecondNum: String):String;
var a, DifLen : integer;
var TempStr: string;
var TempNum: Integer;
var Num1,Num2: string;
var TempNum1, TempNum2: Integer;
var CarryOver, LeftOvers: Integer;
//'Setup the numbers so that they are easier to handle.
//'I originally had about 10 nested if statements that this block
//'of code simplifies Dramatically.
  If Length(FirstNum) >= Length(SecondNum) Then
      Num1 := FirstNum;
      Num2 := SecondNum;
  end Else
      Num2 := FirstNum;
      Num1 := SecondNum;

//'Just setup some of the variables that need an initial value
  DifLen  := Length(Num1) - Length(Num2);
  CarryOver:= 0;
  LeftOvers:= DifLen;

//'Ok, now for the real math. Looping from the end of the numbers
//'just like our preschool teachers taught us, we add numbers that
//'line up in the 'places' (I.E. ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc)
  For a:= Length(Num2) downto 1 do
      TempNum1 := StrToint(copy(Num1, a + DifLen, 1));
      TempNum2 := StrToint(copy(Num2, a, 1));
      TempNum := TempNum1 + TempNum2 + CarryOver;
      CarryOver:= TempNum div 10; // \
      TempStr := Inttostr((TempNum - (CarryOver * 10))) + TempStr; //&

//'What do we do if there is a 1 or a 2 that carries over outside the
//'numbers that line up in the places, well, we do the following block of
//'code. The do loop is used incase we get a situation like this:
//'   199999  When you add 1 to a set of nines it continues to
//'   _+___1  Carry over until it hits the first digit
//'   200000
    TempNum := StrtoInt(copy(Num1, LeftOvers, 1)) + CarryOver;
    CarryOver:= TempNum div 10;
    TempStr := Inttostr((TempNum - (CarryOver * 10))) + TempStr;
    LeftOvers:= LeftOvers - 1;
  Until ((CarryOver = 0) Or (LeftOvers = 0));

//'Since there are two possible ways of exiting the Loop above, we need
//'to test and apply the other variable and its associated values in the following
//'two if statements.
//'Handle a possible carryover that will drop off the front end creating a new place.
  If (CarryOver > 0) Then TempStr := Inttostr(CarryOver) + TempStr;
//'add any of the numbers that are remaining on the left side of the longer string
  If (LeftOvers > 0) Then TempStr := copy(Num1, 1, LeftOvers) + TempStr;
//'and return the value
  result := TrimZeros(TempStr);

Function IntMultiply(const FirstNum: String; const SecondNum: String): String;
var ZeroStr: String;
var a, b , Multiplier1, Multiplier2, Num , CarryOver : Integer;
var TempStr, TallyStr: String;
//'This function can handle two extra longs. It cycles through
//'the firstnum one digit at a time from secondnum.
//'this function works on the distrubution Principle of Multiplication:
//' 9999 * 222 = (9999 * 2) + (9999 * 20) + (9999 * 200)
//'The zero's are concatinated on after the multiplication takes place.
//'This function is dependent on the IntAddition function above.
  For a:= Length(FirstNum) downto 1  do
//      'setup variables for this loop of multiplication
      TempStr := '';
      CarryOver := 0;
      Multiplier1 := strToint(copy(FirstNum, a, 1));

//      'Multiply one digit at a time from right to left
      For b:= Length(SecondNum) downto 1 do
        Multiplier2 := StrToint(copy(SecondNum, b, 1));
        Num := (Multiplier1 * Multiplier2) + CarryOver;
        CarryOver:= Num div 10;
        TempStr := InttoStr((Num - (CarryOver * 10))) + TempStr; //addieren?
      end;//for b

//      'Check to see if the multiplication added a new digit
      If (CarryOver > 0) Then TempStr := InttoStr(CarryOver) + TempStr;

//      'Add the zeros
      TempStr := TempStr + ZeroStr;
      TallyStr:= IntAddition(TempStr, TallyStr);
      ZeroStr := ZeroStr + '0';
  end;//for a
  result := TrimZeros(TallyStr);

Function Hex2DecStr(const strHex: String):string;
Const cstDigits = '0123456789ABCDEF';
var intVar: Integer;
var strRet: String;
var strPow: String;
var temp: string;
////' Check Input
//  For intVar:= 1 To 16
//    If pos(1, cstDigits, Mid$(temp, intVar, 1), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then exit;
//  end;

//' Convert To Decimal
  strPow := '1';
  strRet := '0';
  For intVar:= Length(temp) downto 1 do
// muss noch übersetzt werden  strRet := IntAddition(strRet, IntMultiply(strPow, CStr(InStr(1, cstDigits, Mid$(temp, intVar, 1), vbTextCompare) - 1)))
    strPow := IntMultiply(strPow, '16');

  result:= strRet;

Wer Zeit und muße hat den Quellcode richtig vollständig zu Übersetzen *g* :gruebel:, dem bin ich tausend-fach dankbar!

Grüße Bolli

[edit=Luckie]Code-Tags. Mfg, Luckie[/edit]

p80286 21. Jan 2010 12:03

Re: MD5 HASH = 32 HEXZeichen convertto Dezimalzahl
Bei einem sourcecode in dem ' als Einleiter für einen Kommentar fungiert, bekomme ich immer Herpes und und starke allergische Reaktionen.

Ist doch eine eine hübsche Übung für Dich aus einer hexadezimalen Darstellung eine dezimale zu machen. Vergiss aber nach Möglichkeit nicht Tausendertrennzeichen zu nutzen, sonst kommt durch den Zahlenwust keiner mehr durch.


gammatester 21. Jan 2010 14:08

Re: MD5 HASH = 32 HEXZeichen convertto Dezimalzahl

Zitat von boller78
Wie komme ich vom HASH-Wert: 15819a364dbe86b956083bbd19992857f
auf die Dezimalzahl: 28586721999694642100505878794595370367

Als erstes mußt Du aus "999" im Hexwert "99" machen, sonst kommt nix vernünfiges raus. Ansonsten ist's halt eine normale Division eines Base256-Vektors (sprich array of byte) durch 10. Hier Dein korrigiertes Beispiel:
program t_b10;

{$ifdef WIN32}
  {$apptype console}

function base256_to_baseB(var a: array of byte; B: byte): string;
  {-bigendian base 256 number to base B string, a is destroyed}
  cmap: array[0..61] of char = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
  i,k: integer;
  w: word;
  d: byte;
  s: string;
  s := '';
  {k is index of MSB of a}
  k := low(a);
    {One repeat iteration calculates a := a div B; d := a mod B}
    {initialize "carry"}
    w := 0;
    for i:=k to high(a) do begin
      {loop invariant: 0 <= w < B}
      w := (w shl 8) or a[i];
      if w>=B then begin
        d := w div B;
        w := w mod B;
      else d:=0;
      a[i] := d;
    {set d to remainder, w is still < B!}
    d := byte(w);
    {add base R digit to result if d is not out of range}
    if d<sizeof(cmap) then s := cmap[d]+s
    else s := '?'+s;
    {if MSB(a) is zero increment lower bound}
    if a[k]=0 then inc(k);
  until k>high(a);
  base256_to_baseB := s;

  HashBin : array[0..15] of byte = ($15,$81,$9a,$36,$4d,$be,$86,$b9,$56,$08,$3b,$bd,$19,$92,$85,$7f);
  s: string;
  tmp: array[0..15] of byte;
  i: integer;
  {Copy Hash into tmp byte buffer}
  for i:=0 to 15 do tmp[i] := HashBin[i];
  s := base256_to_baseB(tmp, 10);
  writeln('Hash as decimal number: ', s);
Borland Pascal Version 7.0  Copyright (c) 1983,92 Borland International
Hash as decimal number: 28586721999694642100505878794595370367

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