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Messages aufzeichnen
ich habe vor einiger Zeit mal ne Delphi Demo gefunden über das aufzeichnen von Windows Messages. Leider habe ich vergessen wo ich das her hatte und kann das auch nicht mehr finden, könnt ihr mit da weiterhelfen? |
Re: Messages aufzeichnen
Hallo XXcD,
Ist wahrscheinlich Ben Ziegler's Message Simulator Componente, die Du suchst!
unit MsgSimulator; { June 23, 1998 by Ben Ziegler 6/30/98 - Added a Record Macro function } interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TWMMessage = (mmMouseDown, mmMouseUp, mmMouseMove, mmKeyDown, mmKeyUp); TMessageItem = class(TCollectionItem) protected em : TEventMsg; // Structure required by JournalPlayback Proc FMsg : TWMMessage; FDelay : DWORD; // Delay in msec before next message is played FX : integer; // This means nothing for keystrokes FY : integer; // This means nothing for keystrokes FKey : integer; // This means nothing for mouse clicks FHWND : integer; // Window Handle (not used for keystrokes) FButton : TMouseButton; // This means nothing for keystrokes procedure Fill_EM_From_Props; procedure Fill_Props_From_EM; public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override; property HWND : integer read FHWND write FHWND; // No need to save it - it will be different after each run published property Msg : TWMMessage read FMsg write FMsg; property PosX : integer read FX write FX; property PosY : integer read FY write FY; property VkKey : integer read FKey write FKey; property Delay : DWORD read FDelay write FDelay; property Button : TMouseButton read FButton write FButton; end; TMsgSimulator = class; TMessageCollection = class(TCollection) private FOwner : TMsgSimulator; function GetItem(Index: Integer): TMessageItem; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TMessageItem); protected function GetOwner: TPersistent; override; procedure Update(Item: TCollectionItem); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TMsgSimulator); function Add: TMessageItem; property AOwner: TMsgSimulator read FOwner; property Items[Index: Integer]: TMessageItem read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; TMsgSimulator = class(TComponent) protected FRunning : boolean; // Simulation is currently running play_hk : THandle; // JournalPlayback Hook handle rec_hk : THandle; // RecordPlayback Hook handle PlayDone : boolean; // Flag to signal that all messages have been simulated AbortSim : boolean; // Flag to signal aborting the playback of messages StartTime : DWORD; // Time simulation started (msec) StopTime : DWORD; // Time simulation stoped (msec) FDelay : integer; // Default delay between messages FMsgList : TMessageCollection; // Messages to playback FTopWin : string; FindText : string; FindHandle : THandle; StopRec : integer; FRecording : boolean; FOnStopRec : TNotifyEvent; function GetElapTime: integer; procedure SetMsgList(MsgList: TMessageCollection); function Add_Raw_Message(Msg: TWMMessage; x, y, VkKey, Delay, HWND: integer; Button: TMouseButton): TMessageItem; procedure Add_Shift(hwnd: THandle; Shift: TShiftState; UpDown: TWMMessage; Delay: integer); procedure SimClientToScreen(hwnd: THandle; var x, y: integer); procedure FixUp_Playback_Delays; procedure FixUp_Record_Delays; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; // Low-level Message Creation Functions procedure Add_ClickEx(hwnd: THandle; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; x, y, Delay: integer); procedure Add_DragEx(hwnd: THandle; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; StartX, StartY, StopX, StopY, NumMoves, Delay: integer); procedure Add_VirtualKey(hwnd: THandle; VkKey, Delay: integer; UpDown: TWMMessage); // High-level Message Creation Functions procedure Add_Window_Click(hwnd: THandle; x, y: integer); procedure Add_Window_Drag(hwnd: THandle; StartX, StartY, StopX, StopY: integer); procedure Add_Screen_Click(x, y: integer); procedure Add_Screen_Drag(StartX, StartY, StopX, StopY: integer); procedure Add_ASCII_Keys(const Keystrokes: string); public // Playback & Cancel Functions procedure Play; // Plays messages, then returns procedure Play_Async; // Returns immediately procedure Abort; procedure Record_Input; procedure Stop_Record; property Running: boolean read FRunning; property Recording: boolean read FRecording; property ElapTime: integer read GetElapTime; // Elapsed running time in msec // Helper Functions procedure FocusWin(hwnd: THandle); function FindTopLevelWin(const FindText: string): THandle; published property Messages: TMessageCollection read FMsgList write SetMsgList; property DefaultDelay: integer read FDelay write FDelay default 50; property OnStopRecord: TNotifyEvent read FOnStopRec write FOnStopRec; end; procedure Register; implementation var CurSim : TMsgSimulator; // Only one TMsgSimulator can play at a time Cur : integer; // Current Message to play in the MsgList NumCur : integer; // Number of times current message has been played procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TMsgSimulator]); end; // ********************************************************************* // TMessageItem constructor TMessageItem.Create(Collection: TCollection); begin inherited; Delay := TMessageCollection(Collection).AOwner.DefaultDelay; end; procedure TMessageItem.Fill_EM_From_Props; begin em.hwnd := hwnd; if (Msg = mmMouseDown) and (Button = mbLeft) then em.message := WM_LBUTTONDOWN; if (Msg = mmMouseUp) and (Button = mbLeft) then em.message := WM_LBUTTONUP; if (Msg = mmMouseDown) and (Button = mbRight) then em.message := WM_RBUTTONDOWN; if (Msg = mmMouseUp) and (Button = mbRight) then em.message := WM_RBUTTONUP; if (Msg = mmMouseDown) and (Button = mbMiddle) then em.message := WM_MBUTTONDOWN; if (Msg = mmMouseUp) and (Button = mbMiddle) then em.message := WM_MBUTTONUP; case Msg of mmMouseMove : em.message := WM_MOUSEMOVE; mmKeyDown : em.message := WM_KEYDOWN; mmKeyUp : em.message := WM_KEYUP; end; if (Msg = mmKeyDown) or (Msg = mmKeyUp) then begin // Keystroke Message em.paramL := VkKey; em.paramH := MapVirtualKey(VkKey, 0); end else begin // Mouse Message em.paramL := PosX; em.paramH := PosY; end; end; procedure TMessageItem.Fill_Props_From_EM; begin hwnd := em.hwnd; case em.message of WM_LBUTTONDOWN : begin Msg := mmMouseDown; Button := mbLeft; end; WM_LBUTTONUP : begin Msg := mmMouseUp; Button := mbLeft; end; WM_RBUTTONDOWN : begin Msg := mmMouseDown; Button := mbRight; end; WM_RBUTTONUP : begin Msg := mmMouseUp; Button := mbRight; end; WM_MBUTTONDOWN : begin Msg := mmMouseDown; Button := mbMiddle; end; WM_MBUTTONUP : begin Msg := mmMouseUp; Button := mbMiddle; end; WM_MOUSEMOVE : Msg := mmMouseMove; WM_KEYDOWN : Msg := mmKeyDown; WM_KEYUP : Msg := mmKeyUp; end; if (Msg = mmKeyDown) or (Msg = mmKeyUp) then begin // Keystroke Message VkKey := em.paramL; end else begin // Mouse Message PosX := em.paramL; PosY := em.paramH; end; end; // ********************************************************************* // TMessageCollection constructor TMessageCollection.Create(AOwner: TMsgSimulator); begin inherited Create(TMessageItem); FOwner := AOwner; end; function TMessageCollection.Add: TMessageItem; begin Result := TMessageItem(inherited Add); end; function TMessageCollection.GetItem(Index: Integer): TMessageItem; begin Result := TMessageItem(inherited GetItem(Index)); end; function TMessageCollection.GetOwner: TPersistent; begin Result := FOwner; end; procedure TMessageCollection.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TMessageItem); begin inherited SetItem(Index, Value); end; procedure TMessageCollection.Update(Item: TCollectionItem); begin Assert(not FOwner.Running); end; // ********************************************************************* // TMsgSimulator constructor TMsgSimulator.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FDelay := 50; FMsgList := TMessageCollection.Create(Self); end; destructor TMsgSimulator.Destroy; begin if Running then Abort; FMsgList.Free; FMsgList := nil; inherited; end; procedure TMsgSimulator.SetMsgList(MsgList: TMessageCollection); begin FMsgList.Assign(MsgList); end; function TMsgSimulator.Add_Raw_Message(Msg: TWMMessage; x, y, VkKey, Delay, HWND: integer; Button: TMouseButton): TMessageItem; begin Result := Messages.Add; Result.Msg := Msg; Result.PosX := x; Result.PosY := y; Result.VkKey := VkKey; Result.Delay := Delay; Result.HWND := HWND; Result.Button := Button; end; procedure TMsgSimulator.Add_Shift(hwnd: THandle; Shift: TShiftState; UpDown: TWMMessage; Delay: integer); begin // NOTE: Keystrokes do not require an hwnd, so use 0 if Shift = [] then exit; if ssShift in Shift then Add_Raw_Message(UpDown, 0, 0, VK_SHIFT, Delay, 0, mbLeft); if ssCtrl in Shift then Add_Raw_Message(UpDown, 0, 0, VK_CONTROL, Delay, 0, mbLeft); if ssAlt in Shift then Add_Raw_Message(UpDown, 0, 0, VK_MENU, Delay, 0, mbLeft); end; // x, y are in Screen coordinates procedure TMsgSimulator.Add_ClickEx(hwnd: THandle; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; x, y, Delay: integer); begin Add_Shift(hwnd, Shift, mmKeyDown, Delay); Add_Raw_Message(mmMouseDown, x, y, 0, Delay, hwnd, Button); Add_Raw_Message(mmMouseUp, x, y, 0, Delay, hwnd, Button); Add_Raw_Message(mmMouseMove, x, y, 0, Delay, hwnd, Button); Add_Shift(hwnd, Shift, mmKeyUp, Delay); end; // x, y are in Screen coordinates procedure TMsgSimulator.Add_DragEx(hwnd: THandle; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; StartX, StartY, StopX, StopY, NumMoves, Delay: integer); var i, x, y : integer; begin Add_Shift(hwnd, Shift, mmKeyDown, Delay); Add_Raw_Message(mmMouseDown, StartX, StartY, 0, Delay, hwnd, Button); for i := 0 to NumMoves do begin x := (StopX - StartX) * i div NumMoves + StartX; y := (StopY - StartY) * i div NumMoves + StartY; Add_Raw_Message(mmMouseMove, x, y, 0, Delay, hwnd, Button); end; Add_Raw_Message(mmMouseUp, StopX, StopY, 0, Delay, hwnd, Button); Add_Shift(hwnd, Shift, mmKeyUp, Delay); end; procedure TMsgSimulator.Add_VirtualKey(hwnd: THandle; VkKey, Delay: integer; UpDown: TWMMessage); begin Add_Raw_Message(upDown, 0, 0, vkKey, Delay, hwnd, mbLeft); end; procedure TMsgSimulator.SimClientToScreen(hwnd: THandle; var x, y: integer); var p : TPoint; begin if hwnd = 0 then exit; p := Point(x, y); Windows.ClientToScreen(hwnd, p); x := p.x; y := p.y; end; // x, y are in the Window's coordinates procedure TMsgSimulator.Add_Window_Click(hwnd: THandle; x, y: integer); begin SimClientToScreen(hwnd, x, y); Add_ClickEx(hwnd, mbLeft, [], x, y, DefaultDelay); end; // StartXY & StopXY are in the Window's coordinates procedure TMsgSimulator.Add_Window_Drag(hwnd: THandle; StartX, StartY, StopX, StopY: integer); begin SimClientToScreen(hwnd, StartX, StartY); SimClientToScreen(hwnd, StopX, StopY); Add_DragEx(hwnd, mbLeft, [], StartX, StartY, StopX, StopY, 10, DefaultDelay); end; // x, y are in Screen coordinates procedure TMsgSimulator.Add_Screen_Click(x, y: integer); var hwnd : THandle; begin hwnd := Windows.WindowFromPoint(Point(x, y)); Add_ClickEx(hwnd, mbLeft, [], x, y, DefaultDelay); end; // x, y are in Screen coordinates procedure TMsgSimulator.Add_Screen_Drag(StartX, StartY, StopX, StopY: integer); var hwnd : THandle; begin hwnd := Windows.WindowFromPoint(Point(StartX, StartY)); Add_DragEx(hwnd, mbLeft, [], StartX, StartY, StopX, StopY, 10, DefaultDelay); end; procedure TMsgSimulator.Add_ASCII_Keys(const Keystrokes: string); var i : integer; c : byte; Shift : boolean; begin for i := 1 to Length(Keystrokes) do begin c := VkKeyScan(Keystrokes[i]) and 255; Shift := (VkKeyScan(Keystrokes[i]) and 256) <> 0; if Shift then Add_Raw_Message(mmKeyDown, 0, 0, VK_SHIFT, 1 {DefaultDelay}, 0, mbLeft); Add_Raw_Message(mmKeyDown, 0, 0, c, DefaultDelay, 0, mbLeft); Add_Raw_Message(mmKeyUp, 0, 0, c, 1 {DefaultDelay}, 0, mbLeft); if Shift then Add_Raw_Message(mmKeyUp, 0, 0, VK_SHIFT, 1 {DefaultDelay}, 0, mbLeft); end; end; procedure TMsgSimulator.Play; begin Play_Async; Assert(Application <> nil, 'TMsgSimulator.Play: Application = nil'); while (not Application.Terminated) and (not AbortSim) and (not PlayDone) do begin Application.ProcessMessages; Sleep(1); end; end; procedure UnHook; begin Win32Check(UnhookWindowsHookEx(CurSim.play_hk)); CurSim.play_hk := 0; CurSim.PlayDone := True; CurSim.StopTime := GetTickCount; CurSim.FRunning := False; CurSim := nil; end; function JournalPlaybackProc(code: integer; wp: WParam; lp: LPARAM): LResult; stdcall; var pe : PEventMsg; begin Assert(CurSim <> nil, 'CurSim = nil!'); Assert(CurSim.PlayDone = False, 'Still Playing?'); Result := CallNextHookEx(CurSim.play_hk, code, wp, lp); if code < 0 then exit; if CurSim.AbortSim then begin UnHook; exit; end; if code = HC_GETNEXT then begin pe := @CurSim.Messages[Cur].em; PEventMsg(lp)^ := pe^; Result := 0; if (NumCur = 0) and (Cur > 0) then begin Result := CurSim.Messages[Cur].em.time - CurSim.Messages[Cur-1].em.time; end; NumCur := NumCur + 1; exit; end; if code = HC_SKIP then begin Cur := Cur + 1; NumCur := 0; if Cur = CurSim.Messages.Count then begin UnHook; end; exit; end; end; procedure TMsgSimulator.FixUp_Playback_Delays; var i : integer; begin for i := 0 to Messages.Count-1 do begin Messages[i].Fill_EM_From_Props; if i = 0 then Messages[i].em.time := 0 else Messages[i].em.time := Messages[i-1].em.time + Messages[i].Delay; // TODO: Fix up HWNDs? -bpz end; end; // This function returns immediately procedure TMsgSimulator.Play_Async; begin StartTime := GetTickCount; StopTime := StartTime; if Messages.Count = 0 then exit; FRunning := True; AbortSim := False; PlayDone := False; Assert(CurSim = nil, 'A TMsgSimulator is already playing or recording!'); CurSim := Self; FixUp_Playback_Delays; // Set up the JournalPlayback Hook Cur := 0; NumCur := 0; play_hk := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK, JournalPlaybackProc, HInstance, 0); end; function TMsgSimulator.GetElapTime: integer; begin if Running then Result := GetTickCount - StartTime else Result := StopTime - StartTime; end; procedure TMsgSimulator.Abort; begin Assert(Running, 'Must be running to Abort!'); AbortSim := True; end; function JournalRecordProc(code: integer; wp: WParam; lp: LPARAM): LResult; stdcall; var pe : PEventMsg; mi : TMessageItem; begin Result := 0; case code of HC_ACTION : if (CurSim.StopRec = 0) then begin pe := PEventMsg(lp); if (pe.message = WM_KEYDOWN) and ((pe.paramL and 255) = VK_CANCEL) then begin CurSim.Stop_Record; exit; end; mi := CurSim.Messages.Add; mi.em := pe^; mi.Fill_Props_From_EM; end; HC_SYSMODALON : Inc(CurSim.StopRec); HC_SYSMODALOFF : Dec(CurSim.StopRec); end; end; procedure TMsgSimulator.Record_Input; begin Assert(CurSim = nil, 'A TMsgSimulator is already playing or recording!'); CurSim := Self; StopRec := 0; Messages.Clear; FRecording := True; rec_hk := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_JOURNALRECORD, JournalRecordProc, HInstance, 0); end; procedure TMsgSimulator.FixUp_Record_Delays; var i : integer; begin for i := 0 to Messages.Count-1 do begin if i = Messages.Count-1 then Messages[i].Delay := 0 else Messages[i].Delay := Messages[i+1].em.time - Messages[i].em.time; end; end; procedure TMsgSimulator.Stop_Record; begin if Recording then begin Win32Check(UnhookWindowsHookEx(CurSim.rec_hk)); rec_hk := 0; CurSim := nil; FRecording := False; FixUp_Record_Delays; if Assigned(OnStopRecord) then OnStopRecord(Self); // This is useful when the user hits CTRL-BREAK to stop recording rather than pressing a "Stop" button end; end; procedure TMsgSimulator.FocusWin(hwnd: THandle); var tmp : THandle; begin // Get the top-level window tmp := hwnd; while GetParent(tmp)<>0 do tmp := GetParent(tmp); SetForegroundWindow(tmp); Windows.SetFocus(hwnd); end; function EnumWindowsProc(hwnd: THandle; lp: LParam): boolean; stdcall; var buf : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; ms : TMsgSimulator; begin Result := True; ms := TMsgSimulator(lp); Assert(ms<>nil); GetWindowText(hwnd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if Pos(ms.FindText, buf)<>0 then ms.FindHandle := hwnd; end; function TMsgSimulator.FindTopLevelWin(const FindText: string): THandle; begin Self.FindText := FindText; FindHandle := DWORD(-1); EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc, LParam(Self)); Result := FindHandle; end; initialization CurSim := nil; end. lg. Astat |
Re: Messages aufzeichnen
Ok danke, aber ich glaube das ist nicht das richtige ich will keine Messages senden sondern empfangen.
Ich habe nämlich ein Problem ich habe keine Explorer.exe sondern nur mein Media Center und da lässt sich die Laustärke nicht einstellen. Ich vermute mal, dass der Explorer dafür verantwortlich ist. Jetzt wollte ich mal schauen ob eine Message gesendet wird wenn man lauter oder leiser machen will und dann einfach die Message abfangen und manuell die Lautstärke über mein Programm einstellen. |
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