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What's incorrect with this
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This an antivirus scanner i'm working on , i want to add the Wildcard search function but , it doesn't work
could somebody take a look at it , and tell me what's the Problem with it The attachment contains 3 files : + The scanner.pas = the main Scanner Engine + FastStrings.pas = i use for FastPos + i adapted it with patternPos to be able to Use the WildCards + MD5.pas = Use it in my Databases + DB.txt = the Main database . SO if i add a Signature Like this : AB??EFG it won't work although the patternPos works very well . // Here an extract from the scanner.pas // I use this in the WildCard Search :
// I use it like this way :
function Matches(const AString, Pattern: string; startpos:integer): boolean;
var j, n, n1, n2: integer ; p1, p2: pchar ; label match, nomatch; begin n1 := Length(AString) ; n2 := Length(Pattern) ; if n1 < n2 then n := n1 else n := n2; p1 := pchar(AString) +startpos-1; p2 := pchar(Pattern) ; for j := 1 to n do begin if p2^ = '*' then goto match; if (p2^ <> '?') and ( p2^ <> p1^ ) then goto nomatch; inc(p1) ; inc(p2) ; end; if n1 > n2 then begin goto match; nomatch: Result := False; exit; end else if n1 < n2 then begin for j := n1 + 1 to n2 do begin if not ( p2^ in ['*','?'] ) then goto nomatch ; inc(p2) ; end; end; match: Result := True end; function patternPos(const ASourceString, APatternString : string; StartPos:integer):integer; var l, ll,i,delta:integer; p:string; begin Assert(StartPos>0); Assert(length(APatternString)>0); result:=0; l:=length(ASourceString); if StartPos>l then exit; p:=findText(APatternString, delta); if p='' then begin if Matches(ASourceString, APatternString, StartPos) then result:=StartPos; exit; end else begin i:=StartPos-1; ll:=length(p); repeat { FastPos( s,lVirus^.Signature,sLen,lVirus^.SigLen, 1) > 0 } i:=FastPos(ASourceString, p, length(ASourceString), ll, i+1); if i=0 then exit; if Matches(ASourceString, APatternString, i-delta) then begin if APatternString[1]='*' then result:=StartPos else result:=i-delta; exit; end; until i=0; end; end; //-----------pattern
But all this doesn't work with WildCard .if ((FastPos( s, lVirus^.Signature, sLen, lVirus^.SigLen, 1) > 0)Or (patternPos(s,lVirus^.Signature,1) > 0)) then result := gSignatures.IndexOf(lVirus); It makes me crazy why the patternPos doesn't give any result . Please see the Attachment |
Re: What's incorrect with this
Da hier glaube ich kaum einer mit :kotz:GoTo arbeitet, haben wahrscheinlich alle Mühe den Codefluss zu verstehen - du vielleicht auch?.
Re: What's incorrect with this
Goto statement is considered harmful: Link to a PDF
![]() Sherlock |
Re: What's incorrect with this
I think i have a Little Problem in the patternPos function , But where is this Problem , That's what i'm trying to find out .
Any Help please . |
Re: What's incorrect with this
where is the init for delta in patternPos?
why do you need exit and goto? where is FastPos? where is findText? Sorry, for my bad English. |
Re: What's incorrect with this
Thank you omata , if you have downloaded the Attachment you will see :
FastPos is function declared in FastStrings Unit Copyrighted by Peter Morris . and here is it declaration :
And Here is the Declaration of FindText :
function FastPos(const aSourceString, aFindString : string; const aSourceLen, aFindLen, StartPos : Integer) : Integer;
Any way here is the whole Unit Scanner.pas :
function findtext(const pattern:string; var delta:integer):string;
var i,j:integer; begin i:=1; while (i<=length(pattern)) and ((pattern[i]='?') or (pattern[i]='*')) do inc(i); j:=i; delta:=j-1; while (i<=length(pattern)) and (pattern[i]<>'?') and (pattern[i]<>'*') do inc(i); result:=copy(pattern, j, i-j); end;
unit Scanner; interface Function Search(const AFilename:PChar;Const AVirusName:PChar;const ANameLength: integer; Wnd, MsgID: integer): Boolean; stdcall; implementation uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, FastStrings; const BUF_SZ = 1024 *1000; //1 MB PROGRESS_MIN_STEPS = 5; {$DEFINE USEWORKERS} //use TWorkerThreads {$IFDEF USEWORKERS} const FWorker_Max = 9; //!! TWorkerThread vars ( NO TOUCHING! ) // ********************************************************** var FWorker_Buffers : array[0..FWorker_Max]of string; FWorker_BufLen : array[0..FWorker_Max]of integer; // ********************************************************** //!! TWorkerThread vars ( NO TOUCHING! ) //TWorkerThread... //------pattern function findtext(const pattern:string; var delta:integer):string; var i,j:integer; begin i:=1; while (i<=length(pattern)) and ((pattern[i]='?') or (pattern[i]='*')) do inc(i); j:=i; delta:=j-1; while (i<=length(pattern)) and (pattern[i]<>'?') and (pattern[i]<>'*') do inc(i); result:=copy(pattern, j, i-j); end; function Matches(const AString, Pattern: string; startpos:integer): boolean; var j, n, n1, n2: integer ; p1, p2: pchar ; label match, nomatch; begin n1 := Length(AString) ; n2 := Length(Pattern) ; if n1 < n2 then n := n1 else n := n2; p1 := pchar(AString) +startpos-1; p2 := pchar(Pattern) ; for j := 1 to n do begin if p2^ = '*' then goto match; if (p2^ <> '?') and ( p2^ <> p1^ ) then goto nomatch; inc(p1) ; inc(p2) ; end; if n1 > n2 then begin goto match;// we are searching for a match, not testing if the entire string matches the pattern nomatch: Result := False; exit; end else if n1 < n2 then begin for j := n1 + 1 to n2 do begin if not ( p2^ in ['*','?'] ) then goto nomatch ; inc(p2) ; end; end; match: Result := True end; function patternPos(const ASourceString, APatternString : string; StartPos:integer):integer; var l, ll,i,delta:integer; p:string; begin Assert(StartPos>0); Assert(length(APatternString)>0); result:=0; l:=length(ASourceString); if StartPos>l then exit; p:=findText(APatternString, delta); if p='' then begin if Matches(ASourceString, APatternString, StartPos) then result:=StartPos; exit; end else begin i:=StartPos-1; ll:=length(p); repeat i:=FastPos(ASourceString, p, length(ASourceString), ll, i+1); if i=0 then exit; if Matches(ASourceString, APatternString, i-delta) then begin if APatternString[1]='*' then result:=StartPos else result:=i-delta; exit; end; until i=0; end; end; type TWorkerThread = class(TThread) private FWaitEvent : THandle; FDone : boolean; FSearchResult : integer; FTag : integer; function _SignatureSearch(const s: string; sLen: integer): integer; protected procedure Execute; override; public property WaitEvent: THandle read FWaitEvent; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property Done: boolean read FDone write FDone; //returns the index of the virus property SearchResult: integer read FSearchResult write FSearchResult; property Tag: integer read FTag; end; constructor TWorkerThread.Create; begin FWaitEvent := CreateEvent(nil, false, false, nil); inherited Create(false); FreeOnTerminate := true; FDone := true; FSearchResult := -1; FTag := -1; end; destructor TWorkerThread.Destroy; begin CloseHandle(FWaitEvent); inherited; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //--------------- From Here i wanted to use WildCard -------------------------// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function TWorkerThread._SignatureSearch(const s: string; sLen: integer): integer; var lVirus: PVirusDefinition; pattern : string; res : boolean; i:integer; AYes:Boolean; begin // AYes:=False; result := -1; lVirus := PVirusDefinition(gSignatures[0]); pattern := ''; while (lVirus <> nil) and (result < 0) do begin if lVirus^.Pattern = '' then begin //no pattern pattern := ''; if ((FastPos( s, lVirus^.Signature, sLen, lVirus^.SigLen, 1) > 0)Or (patternPos(s,lVirus^.Signature,1) > 0)) then result := gSignatures.IndexOf(lVirus); end else begin if lVirus^.Pattern = pattern then begin //buffer contains pattern if ((FastPos( s, lVirus^.Signature, sLen, lVirus^.SigLen, 1) > 0)Or (patternPos(s,lVirus^.Signature,1) > 0)) then result := gSignatures.IndexOf(lVirus); end else begin //new pattern res := FastPos( s, pattern, sLen, Length(pattern), 1) > 0; if not res then begin //pattern not found so //find next pattern... lVirus := lVirus^.NextPattern; continue; end else begin //pattern found if ((FastPos( s, lVirus^.Signature, sLen, lVirus^.SigLen, 1) > 0)Or (patternPos(s,lVirus^.Signature,1) > 0)) then result := gSignatures.IndexOf(lVirus); end; end; end; lVirus := lVirus^.Next; end; end; procedure TWorkerThread.Execute; begin while not Terminated do begin WaitForSingleObject(FWaitEvent, INFINITE); ResetEvent(FWaitEvent); if not Terminated then begin FDone := false; if (FTag > -1) and (FTag <= FWorker_Max) then FSearchResult := _SignatureSearch(FWorker_Buffers[FTag], FWorker_BufLen[FTag]) else FSearchResult := -1; FDone := true; end; end; end; //...TWorkerThread var FWorkers : array[0..FWorker_Max]of TWorkerThread; Function Search(const AFilename: PChar; const AVirusName: PChar; const ANameLength: integer; Wnd, MsgID: integer): Boolean; var lStream: TStream; lVirus: PVirusDefinition; red : Integer; sz : int64; steps, totsteps : integer; i, WorkerIndex : integer; alldone : boolean; begin result := false; if assigned(gSignatures) then begin for i := 0 to FWorker_Max do begin if Length(FWorker_Buffers[i]) <> BUF_SZ then SetLength(FWorker_Buffers[i], BUF_SZ); FWorker_BufLen[i] := 0; FWorkers[i].FSearchResult := -1; end; try lStream := TFileStream.Create(AFilename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); try sz := lStream.Size; //calc total steps required totsteps := 0; repeat Dec(sz, BUF_SZ); Inc(totsteps); if (sz > 0) and (gMax_SigLen -1 > 0) and (gMax_SigLen < BUF_SZ) then Inc(sz, gMax_SigLen); until sz < 1; steps := 0; if (Wnd > 0) and (MsgID > 0) then PostMessage(Wnd, MsgID, 0, 1); try //read buffer0 red := lStream.Read(FWorker_Buffers[0][1], BUF_SZ); if red > gMin_SigLen -1 then begin //reposition file pointer if (red = BUF_SZ) and (gMax_SigLen -1 > 0) and (gMax_SigLen < BUF_SZ) then lStream.Seek(-(gMax_SigLen -1), soFromCurrent); FWorker_BufLen[0] := red; FWorkers[0].Done := false; SetEvent(FWorkers[0].WaitEvent); while (red > 0) and (red > gMin_SigLen -1) and not result do begin //get next worker that is done WorkerIndex := -1; i := 0; while (i <= FWorker_Max) and (WorkerIndex < 0) do begin if FWorkers[i].Done then WorkerIndex := i; Inc(i); end; if WorkerIndex > -1 then begin if FWorkers[WorkerIndex].SearchResult > -1 then begin //signature found... lVirus := PVirusDefinition(gSignatures[FWorkers[WorkerIndex].SearchResult]); StrPLCopy(AVirusName, lVirus^.Name, ANameLength); result := true; end else begin //read buffer red := lStream.Read(FWorker_Buffers[WorkerIndex][1], BUF_SZ); //reposition file pointer if (red = BUF_SZ) and (gMax_SigLen -1 > 0) and (gMax_SigLen < BUF_SZ) then lStream.Seek(-(gMax_SigLen -1), soFromCurrent); FWorker_BufLen[WorkerIndex] := red; Inc(steps); if (Wnd > 0) and (MsgID > 0) and (totsteps >= PROGRESS_MIN_STEPS) then PostMessage(Wnd, MsgID, Round((steps/totsteps) *100), 1); FWorkers[WorkerIndex].Done := false; SetEvent(FWorkers[WorkerIndex].WaitEvent); end; end; end; //wait for all workers to finish repeat alldone := true; i := 0; while (i <= FWorker_Max) and alldone do begin alldone := FWorkers[i].Done; Inc(i); end; until alldone; if not result then begin i := 0; while (i <= FWorker_Max) and not result do begin if FWorkers[i].SearchResult > -1 then begin lVirus := PVirusDefinition(gSignatures[FWorkers[i].SearchResult]); StrPLCopy(AVirusName, lVirus^.Name, ANameLength); result := true; end; Inc(i); end; end; end; finally for i := 0 to FWorker_Max do FWorker_BufLen[i] := 0; end; if (Wnd > 0) and (MsgID > 0) and (totsteps >= PROGRESS_MIN_STEPS) then PostMessage(Wnd, MsgID, 100, 1); finally lStream.Free; end; except // result about not accessable file?? raise EStreamError.Create('Unable to open file'); end; end; end; procedure InitWorkers; var i : integer; begin for i := 0 to FWorker_Max do begin SetLength(FWorker_Buffers[i], BUF_SZ); FWorker_BufLen[i] := 0; FWorkers[i] := TWorkerThread.Create; FWorkers[i].FTag := i; end; end; procedure KillTheWorkers; var i : integer; begin for i := 0 to FWorker_Max do begin FWorkers[i].Terminate; SetEvent(FWorkers[i].WaitEvent); end; end; initialization InitWorkers; finalization KillTheWorkers; {$ELSE} //no worker threads var Main_Buffer : string; Function Search(const AFilename: PChar; const AVirusName: PChar; const ANameLength: integer; Wnd, MsgID: integer): Boolean; var lStream: TStream; lVirus: PVirusDefinition; red : Integer; sz : int64; steps, totsteps : integer; pattern : string; res : boolean; begin result := false; if assigned(gSignatures) then begin if Length(Main_Buffer) <> BUF_SZ then //safety net SetLength(Main_Buffer, BUF_SZ); try lStream := TFileStream.Create(AFilename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); try sz := lStream.Size; //calc total steps required totsteps := 0; repeat Dec(sz, BUF_SZ); Inc(totsteps); if (sz > 0) and (gMax_SigLen -1 > 0) and (gMax_SigLen < BUF_SZ) then Inc(sz, gMax_SigLen); until sz < 1; steps := 0; if (Wnd > 0) and (MsgID > 0) then PostMessage(Wnd, MsgID, 0, 1); red := lStream.Read(Main_Buffer[1], BUF_SZ); while (red > 0) and (red > gMin_SigLen -1) do begin Inc(steps); if (Wnd > 0) and (MsgID > 0) and (totsteps >= PROGRESS_MIN_STEPS) then PostMessage(Wnd, MsgID, Round((steps/totsteps) *100), 1); lVirus := PVirusDefinition(gSignatures[0]); pattern := ''; while (lVirus <> nil) and not result do begin if lVirus^.Pattern = '' then begin //no pattern pattern := ''; result := FastPos( Main_Buffer, lVirus^.Signature, red, lVirus^.SigLen, 1) > 0; end else begin if lVirus^.Pattern = pattern then begin //buffer contains pattern result := FastPos( Main_Buffer, lVirus^.Signature, red, lVirus^.SigLen, 1) > 0; end else begin //new pattern pattern := lVirus^.Pattern; res := FastPos( Main_Buffer, pattern, red, Length(pattern), 1) > 0; if not res then begin //pattern not found so //find next pattern... lVirus := lVirus^.NextPattern; continue; end else begin //pattern found result := FastPos( Main_Buffer, lVirus^.Signature, red, lVirus^.SigLen, 1) > 0; end; end; end; if result then begin StrPLCopy(AVirusName, lVirus^.Name, ANameLength); exit; end; lVirus := lVirus^.Next; end; //reposition file pointer if (red = BUF_SZ) and (gMax_SigLen -1 > 0) and (gMax_SigLen < BUF_SZ) then lStream.Seek(-(gMax_SigLen -1), soFromCurrent); red := lStream.Read(Main_Buffer[1], BUF_SZ); end; if (Wnd > 0) and (MsgID > 0) and (totsteps >= PROGRESS_MIN_STEPS) then PostMessage(Wnd, MsgID, 100, 1); finally lStream.Free; end; except // result about not accessable file?? raise EStreamError.Create('Unable to open file'); end; end; end; {$ENDIF} end. |
Re: What's incorrect with this
Re: What's incorrect with this
PVirusDefinition is Declared like this way :
Omata Any help please
PVirusDefinition = ^TVirusDefinition;
TVirusDefinition = record Signature: String; Name: string; SigLen : integer; Pattern : string; Next,NextPattern : PVirusDefinition; |
Re: What's incorrect with this
Can you give me an example with function and searchstring + result that you would have?
What is gSignatures? |
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