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Datum und Uhrzeit der Kompilierung (Compile Date Time)
Luckie beantwortete die Frage in einem Thread mit folgendem Code von Nico (Bendlin?)
Ich meine, dieser Code ist genau richtig für die Library.
Das Ergebnis ist ein Unix-TimeStamp:
function GetImageLinkTimeStamp(const FileName: string): DWORD;
const INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER = DWORD(-1); BorlandMagicTimeStamp = $2A425E19; // Delphi 4-6 (and above?) FileTime1970: TFileTime = (dwLowDateTime:$D53E8000; dwHighDateTime:$019DB1DE); type PImageSectionHeaders = ^TImageSectionHeaders; TImageSectionHeaders = array [Word] of TImageSectionHeader; type PImageResourceDirectory = ^TImageResourceDirectory; TImageResourceDirectory = packed record Characteristics: DWORD; TimeDateStamp: DWORD; MajorVersion: Word; MinorVersion: Word; NumberOfNamedEntries: Word; NumberOfIdEntries: Word; end; var FileHandle: THandle; BytesRead: DWORD; ImageDosHeader: TImageDosHeader; ImageNtHeaders: TImageNtHeaders; SectionHeaders: PImageSectionHeaders; Section: Word; ResDirRVA: DWORD; ResDirSize: DWORD; ResDirRaw: DWORD; ResDirTable: TImageResourceDirectory; FileTime: TFileTime; begin Result := 0; // Open file for read access FileHandle := CreateFile(PChar(FileName), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (FileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then try // Read MS-DOS header to get the offset of the PE32 header // (not required on WinNT based systems - but mostly available) if not ReadFile(FileHandle, ImageDosHeader, SizeOf(TImageDosHeader), BytesRead, nil) or (BytesRead <> SizeOf(TImageDosHeader)) or (ImageDosHeader.e_magic <> IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) then begin ImageDosHeader._lfanew := 0; end; // Read PE32 header (including optional header if (SetFilePointer(FileHandle, ImageDosHeader._lfanew, nil, FILE_BEGIN) = INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) then begin Exit; end; if not(ReadFile(FileHandle, ImageNtHeaders, SizeOf(TImageNtHeaders), BytesRead, nil) and (BytesRead = SizeOf(TImageNtHeaders))) then begin Exit; end; // Validate PE32 image header if (ImageNtHeaders.Signature <> IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) then begin Exit; end; // Seconds since 1970 (UTC) Result := ImageNtHeaders.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp; // Check for Borland's magic value for the link time stamp // (we take the time stamp from the resource directory table) if (ImageNtHeaders.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp = BorlandMagicTimeStamp) then with ImageNtHeaders, FileHeader, OptionalHeader do begin // Validate Optional header if (SizeOfOptionalHeader < IMAGE_SIZEOF_NT_OPTIONAL_HEADER) or (Magic <> IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR_MAGIC) then begin Exit; end; // Read section headers SectionHeaders := GetMemory(NumberOfSections * SizeOf(TImageSectionHeader)); if Assigned(SectionHeaders) then try if (SetFilePointer(FileHandle, SizeOfOptionalHeader - IMAGE_SIZEOF_NT_OPTIONAL_HEADER, nil, FILE_CURRENT) = INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) then begin Exit; end; if not(ReadFile(FileHandle, SectionHeaders^, NumberOfSections * SizeOf(TImageSectionHeader), BytesRead, nil) and (BytesRead = NumberOfSections * SizeOf(TImageSectionHeader))) then begin Exit; end; // Get RVA and size of the resource directory with DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE] do begin ResDirRVA := VirtualAddress; ResDirSize := Size; end; // Search for section which contains the resource directory ResDirRaw := 0; for Section := 0 to NumberOfSections - 1 do with SectionHeaders[Section] do if (VirtualAddress <= ResDirRVA) and (VirtualAddress + SizeOfRawData >= ResDirRVA + ResDirSize) then begin ResDirRaw := PointerToRawData - (VirtualAddress - ResDirRVA); Break; end; // Resource directory table found? if (ResDirRaw = 0) then begin Exit; end; // Read resource directory table if (SetFilePointer(FileHandle, ResDirRaw, nil, FILE_BEGIN) = INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) then begin Exit; end; if not(ReadFile(FileHandle, ResDirTable, SizeOf(TImageResourceDirectory), BytesRead, nil) and (BytesRead = SizeOf(TImageResourceDirectory))) then begin Exit; end; // Convert from DosDateTime to SecondsSince1970 if DosDateTimeToFileTime(HiWord(ResDirTable.TimeDateStamp), LoWord(ResDirTable.TimeDateStamp), FileTime) then begin // FIXME: Borland's linker uses the local system time // of the user who linked the executable image file. // (is that information anywhere?) Result := (ULARGE_INTEGER(FileTime).QuadPart - ULARGE_INTEGER(FileTime1970).QuadPart) div 10000000; end; finally FreeMemory(SectionHeaders); end; end; finally CloseHandle(FileHandle); end; end;
Label1.Caption:= DateTimeToStr(UnixToDateTime(GetImageLinkTimeStamp(Application.ExeName)));
Re: Datum und Uhrzeit der Kompilierung (Compile Date Time)
leider vergaß ich zu erwähnen, dass UnixToDateTime erst ab Delphi 6 und höher in der Unit "DateUtils.pas" vorhanden ist. Rudy Velthuis (TeamB) hat aber eine allgemeine Lösung dafür:
If you have D6, look at the DateUtils functions:
function DateTimeToUnix(const AValue: TDateTime): Int64; function UnixToDateTime(const AValue: Int64): TDateTime; You can do them yourself. Unix time is seconds since Jan 1, 1970. Compile a little test function: function Jan_1_1970: TDateTime; begin Result := EncodeDate(1970, 1, 1); end; It seems that Jan_1_1970 returns 25569.0, so: function UnixToDateTime(Unix: Int64): TDateTime; begin Result := 25569.0 + Unix / SecsPerDay; end; And vice versa: function DateTimeToUnix(DT: TDateTime): Int64; begin Result := Trunc(SecsPerDay * (DT - 25569.0)); end; ![]() |
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