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Insider2004 5. Jul 2008 13:49

FastMM 4.84 ist ab heute verfügbar!

bigg 5. Jul 2008 14:57

Re: FastMM 4.84 ist ab heute verfügbar!
Danke für diesen Hinweis. Hier noch das Changelog:

Version 4.84 (7 July 2008):
  • Added the Romanian translation. (Thanks to Ionut Muntean.)
  • Optimized the GetMemoryMap procedure to improve speed.
  • Added the GetMemoryManagerUsageSummary function that returns a summary of the GetMemoryManagerState call. (Thanks to Hallvard Vassbotn.)
  • Added the French translation. (Thanks to Florent Ouchet.)
  • Added the "AlwaysAllocateTopDown" FullDebugMode option to help with catching bad pointer arithmetic code in an address space > 2GB. This option is enabled by default.
  • Added the "InstallOnlyIfRunningInIDE" option. Enable this option to
    only install FastMM as the memory manager when the application is run
    inside the Delphi IDE. This is useful when you want to deploy the same EXE
    that you use for testing, but only want the debugging features active on
    development machines. When this option is enabled and the application is
    not being run inside the IDE, then the default Delphi memory manager will
    be used (which, since Delphi 2006, is FastMM without FullDebugMode.) This
    option is off by default.
  • Added the "FullDebugModeInIDE" option. This is a convenient shorthand for
    enabling FullDebugMode, InstallOnlyIfRunningInIDE and
    LoadDebugDLLDynamically. This causes FastMM to be used in FullDebugMode
    when the application is being debugged on development machines, and the
    default memory manager when the same executable is deployed. This allows
    the debugging and deployment of an application without having to compile
    separate executables. This option is off by default.
  • Added a ScanMemoryPoolForCorruptions procedure that checks the entire
    memory pool for corruptions and raises an exception if one is found. It can
    be called at any time, but is only available in FullDebugMode. (Thanks to
    Marcus Mönnig.)
  • Added a global variable "FullDebugModeScanMemoryPoolBeforeEveryOperati on".
    When this variable is set to true and FullDebugMode is enabled, then the
    entire memory pool is checked for consistency before every GetMem, FreeMem
    and ReallocMem operation. An "Out of Memory" error is raised if a
    corruption is found (and this variable is set to false to prevent recursive
    errors). This obviously incurs a massive performance hit, so enable it only
    when hunting for elusive memory corruption bugs. (Thanks to Marcus Mönnig.)
  • Fixed a bug in AllocMem that caused the FPU stack to be shifted by one position.
  • Changed the default for option "EnableMMX" to false, since using MMX may
    cause unexpected behaviour in code that passes parameters on the FPU stack
    (like some "compiler magic" routines, e.g. VarFromReal).
  • Removed the "EnableSharingWithDefaultMM" option. This is now the default
    behaviour and cannot be disabled. (FastMM will always try to share memory
    managers between itself and the default memory manager when memory manager
    sharing is enabled.)
  • Introduced a new memory manager sharing mechanism based on memory mapped
    files. This solves compatibility issues with console and service
    applications. This sharing mechanism currently runs in parallel with the
    old mechanism, but the old mechanism can be disabled by undefining
    "EnableBackwardCompatibleMMSharing" in
  • Fixed the recursive call error when the EnableMemoryLeakReporting option
    is disabled and an attempt is made to register a memory leak under Delphi
    2006 or later. (Thanks to Thomas Schulz.)
  • Added a global variable "SuppressMessageBoxes" to enable or disable
    messageboxes at runtime. (Thanks to Craig Peterson.)
  • Added the leak reporting code for C++ Builder, as well as various other
    C++ Builder bits written by JiYuan Xie. (Thank you!)
  • Added the new Usage Tracker written by Hanspeter Widmer. (Thank you!)

generic 6. Jul 2008 02:34

Re: FastMM 4.84 ist ab heute verfügbar!
Im Entwickler Magazin
Ausgabe: 5.2008
Erscheinungstermin: August 2008

wird es zu dem FastMM ein Einstieg geben.

bigg 3. Aug 2008 14:22

Re: FastMM 4.84 ist ab heute verfügbar!
Es ist eine neue Version des "Fast Memory Managers" verfügbar:

Version 4.86 vom 31.Juli 2008:
  • Tweaked the string detection algorithm somewhat to be less strict, and allow non-class leaks to be more often categorized as strings.
  • Fixed a compilation error under Delphi 5.
  • Made LogAllocatedBlocksToFile and ScanMemoryPoolForCorruptions thread safe. (Thanks to Francois Piette.)


Insider2004 3. Aug 2008 15:23

Re: FastMM 4.84 ist ab heute verfügbar!

bigg 13. Aug 2008 20:20

Re: FastMM 4.84 ist ab heute verfügbar!
Ein weiteres Update ist ab heute erhältlich:
Link: FastMM4-Website

Version 4.88 (13 August 2008):
  • Fixed compiler warnings in NoOpRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak and NoOpUnRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak. (Thanks to Michael Rabatscher.)
  • Added the Simplified Chinese translation of by QianYuan Wang. (Thank you!)
  • Included the updated C++ Builder files with support for BCB6 without update 4 applied. (Submitted by JiYuan Xie. Thanks!)
  • Fixed a compilation error under Delphi 5.
  • Made LogAllocatedBlocksToFile and ScanMemoryPoolForCorruptions thread safe - for real this time. (Thanks to Francois Piette.)

Viel Spaß beim Testen.

mschaefer 13. Aug 2008 21:32

Re: FastMM 4.84 ist ab heute verfügbar!
Moin, moin,

Ja der Artikel zu FastMM findet sich nun in der September-Oktober-Ausgabe des Entwicklers mit 2 Seiten wieder. Es gibt einen Absatz über das erweiterte Debugging, das Finden von nicht freigegebene Objekten. Auf den verbesserten Umgang bei Shared-Memory-Projekten wird knapp eingegangen. Bernd [generic] hat einen schönen, wenn auch reichlich knappen, Artikel hinbekommen. Mach man weiter so!

Grüße // Martin

Chemiker 13. Aug 2008 23:03

Re: FastMM 4.84 ist ab heute verfügbar!

habe den Artikel auch gelesen. Man hätte vielleicht noch darauf eingehen sollen, dass bei manchen Linker/Compiler – Einstellungen es nicht zu dem erwünschten Ergebnis kommt.
Dank der Hilfe von bigg, der mir eine bei ihm funktionsfähige INC-Datei zur Verfügung stellte, konnte ich das Problem mit der Textausgabe lösen.

Bis bald Chemiker

bigg 14. Aug 2008 00:38

Re: FastMM 4.84 ist ab heute verfügbar!
Hi Chemiker,

ich habe den Artikel noch nicht gelesen, aber ich glaube mich zu erinnern, das du zwei unterschiedliche Versionen von FastMM4 verwendet hast. Einmal die vorkonfigurierte IDE-Version von Delphi 2006 und einmal die aktuelle von Pierre. Ich schätze, die IDE-Version hatte vorrang. :zwinker:

SubData 9. Sep 2008 13:28

Re: FastMM 4.84 ist ab heute verfügbar!
Gibt mal wieder ein Update:

Link: FastMM @ SourceForge

Version: 4.90 (09. September 2008)
  • Added logging of the thread ID when capturing and displaying stack traces. (Suggested by Allen Bauer and Mark Edington.)
  • Fixed a Delphi 5 compiler error under FullDebugMode. (Thanks to Maurizio Lotauro and Christian-W. Budde.)
  • Changed a default setting in RawStackTraces is now off by default due to the high number of support requests I receive with regards to the false postives it may cause. I recommend compiling debug builds of applications with the "Stack Frames" option enabled.
  • Fixed a compilation error under Kylix. (Thanks to Werner Bochtler.)
  • Official support for Delphi 2009.

Edit: Mag mal jemand den ersten Beitrag editieren und auf die neue Version verweisen? :)

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