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API-Funktion zum Registrieren eines COM-Servers gesucht
Kann man einen COM-Server auch mittels einer API-Funktion registrieren? Das Konsolenprogramm regsvr32 muss es ja auch irgendwie machen. Kennt da jemand was oder weiß, wo nach ich suchen könnte?
Re: API-Funktion zum Registrieren eines COM-Servers gesucht
Re: API-Funktion zum Registrieren eines COM-Servers gesucht
Da bin ich auch schon drauf gestossen und wenn man weiter wühlt kommt man hier hin:
Aber die Funktion erwartet keine Parameter. Und wenn ich den Quellcode so angucke, dann liegen die Funktionen in der COM-Server DLL selber. Hm, das müsste machbar sein.
STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void);
Re: API-Funktion zum Registrieren eines COM-Servers gesucht
Das siehst du richtig, die regsvr ruft auch nur DllRegisterServer in der COM DLL auf.
Re: API-Funktion zum Registrieren eines COM-Servers gesucht
Falls es mal jemand braucht:
unit ComReg;
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unit : COMREG // Date : 12.15.2004 // Author : rllibby // // Description : Unit that provides an easy means for loading then // (un)registering a com activex library. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// interface //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include Units //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uses Windows, SysUtils; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Library function declarations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type TDllRegister = function: HResult; stdcall; TDllUnregister = function: HResult; stdcall; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Structure data types //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type TRegFunctions = packed record lpRegister: TDllRegister; lpUnregister: TDllRegister; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class for handling of library registration //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type TRegActionType = (raRegister, raUnregister); TRegActionTypes = Set of TRegActionType; TComRegistration = class(TObject) private // Private declarations FLibHandle: THandle; FFunctions: TRegFunctions; protected // Protected declarations function GetLoaded: Boolean; function GetIsComLibrary: Boolean; function GetAvailableActions: TRegActionTypes; public // Public declarations constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Load(LibraryName: String): Integer; function Perform(Action: TRegActionType): HResult; procedure Unload; property AvailableActions: TRegActionTypes read GetAvailableActions; property Handle: THandle read FLibHandle; property IsLoaded: Boolean read GetLoaded; property IsComLibrary: Boolean read GetIsComLibrary; end; implementation function TComRegistration.GetLoaded: Boolean; begin // Do we have a library loaded? result:=(FLibHandle > 0); end; function TComRegistration.GetAvailableActions: TRegActionTypes; begin // Set default result set result:=[]; // Check loaded state if GetLoaded then begin // Check function table if Assigned(@FFunctions.lpRegister) then Include(result, raRegister); if Assigned(@FFunctions.lpUnregister) then Include(result, raUnregister); end; end; function TComRegistration.GetIsComLibrary: Boolean; begin // Is this an ActiveX library result:=GetLoaded and (Assigned(@FFunctions.lpRegister) and Assigned(@FFunctions.lpUnregister)); end; function TComRegistration.Load(LibraryName: String): Integer; begin // Unload first Unload; // Attempt to load the libary FLibHandle:=LoadLibrary(PChar(LibraryName)); // Get result status if (FLibHandle = 0) then result:=GetLastError else result:=ERROR_SUCCESS; // If we loaded the library, then try to get the function addresses if (FLibHandle > 0) then begin // Try to get the function addresses @FFunctions.lpRegister:=GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'DllRegisterServer'); @FFunctions.lpUnregister:=GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'DllUnregisterServer'); end; end; function TComRegistration.Perform(Action: TRegActionType): HResult; begin // Check loaded state if not(GetLoaded) then // Failure result:=ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND else begin // Check the functions if (Action = raRegister) then begin // Check function if Assigned(@FFunctions.lpRegister) then // Call the function result:=FFunctions.lpRegister else // No function result:=ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; end else begin // Check function if Assigned(@FFunctions.lpUnregister) then // Call the function result:=FFunctions.lpUnregister else // No function result:=ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; end; end; end; procedure TComRegistration.Unload; begin // Clear the function table ZeroMemory(@FFunctions, SizeOf(TRegFunctions)); // Unload any loaded library if (FLibHandle > 0) then begin try FreeLibrary(FLibHandle); finally FLibHandle:=0; end; end; end; constructor TComRegistration.Create; begin // Perform inherited inherited; // Set starting defaults FLibHandle:=0; ZeroMemory(@FFunctions, SizeOf(TRegFunctions)); end; destructor TComRegistration.Destroy; begin // Make sure everything is unloaded Unload; // Perform inherited inherited Destroy; end; end. |
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