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Razor 19. Aug 2007 14:58

GPU access with I2C bus
Can somebody explain more about this and how can it be used practicaly.

Ati tool author answer

"kernel mode driver -> find out how to access gpu registers -> find out how i2c works -> implement i2c protocol -> implement access to devices like lm64"

mschaefer 19. Aug 2007 15:10

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
Moin, moin,

Well your question is not really clear, but there is something to say about it.
Usually GPU is the Graphic-Processing-Unit on your Graphic-Card. I²Bus is a simple Protocol with serial data transport. This bus to slow to transfer Graphic-Data, so I think there is a possibility to configurate the graphic card via the i²Bus. Another possibility would be that you only have to transfer alphanumeric Data, perhaps to an smal LCD-Display.

Greetings // Martin

Razor 19. Aug 2007 15:15

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

Well riva tuner 2.1 has an sdk with all the plugins you only need:

-Pure hardware access
-kernel mode driver(delphi?)
-find out how to access gpu registers
-then i2c

Der_Unwissende 19. Aug 2007 17:26

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

Zitat von Razor
Well riva tuner 2.1 has an sdk with all the plugins you only need:

well, what kind of plugins are offered?
And what is your ambition about? Understanding the GPU respectively the whole Graphic Adapter? In other words, why do you want pure hardware access at all?

A SDK should offer you some kind of interface, that can be accessed by any programming language (ok, not any, but normally all languages supporting some C-compatible Interface). So no need of pure hardware access or knowledge how to access a gpu register directly!

Regards Der Unwissende

Razor 19. Aug 2007 17:32

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
I want to access stuff like clocks any clocks about gpu,temperature,bus speed(agp or pcie) fan status and fan set :oops:

Der_Unwissende 20. Aug 2007 10:21

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

Zitat von Razor
I want to access stuff like clocks any clocks about gpu,temperature,bus speed(agp or pcie) fan status and fan set :oops:

Well, direct HW-access does won't be usefull to access these clocks. Although you might get these values by communicating over I²C, most SDKs will offer an interface for accessing them. The advantage of such in interface is at least, that you don't need any knowledge about the hw at all. Maybe in your case the SKD offers a function returning some of these values?
At first you should check the documentation of the SDK (what are the offered functions and their use?)

Razor 20. Aug 2007 11:06

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
NVIDIA has SDK :i got nvidia covered (still missing stuff like clocks,fan speed,fan set)

ATI has SDK:found no usefull information i have sdk on my computer its only about gpu computing,3d games blablablabla.

I did found this i2c thing (its in german :) )

Razor 27. Aug 2007 16:45

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
Liste der Anhänge anzeigen (Anzahl: 1)
Here is the i2c bus wich can be used if someone translates the sdk of riva tuner ...

Muetze1 27. Aug 2007 18:39

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

Zitat von Razor
Here is the i2c bus wich can be used if someone translates the sdk of riva tuner ...

This will result in a software that needs Riva Tuner to be installed to run. Is this what you want?

Razor 27. Aug 2007 18:42

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
That thing has I2C READ and Write functions,wich we can use with sdk not INSTALED :thumb: .To make it work we only need to translate what we want from sdk then use Hardware access to comunicate with eeprom on the board.Without I2C you cant get gpu temperature fur NVIDIA! :-D

Take a look at that C2DTEMP thread i posted it contains RT SDK'source,you only need a driver to read msr. :)

Der_Unwissende 27. Aug 2007 19:30

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

Zitat von Razor
That thing has I2C READ and Write functions,wich we can use with sdk not INSTALED :thumb: .To make it work we only need to translate what we want from sdk then use Hardware access to comunicate with eeprom on the board.

Wow, :pale: I don't think that this is an good idea at all! Well, direct hw-access is something that will cause a lot of trouble if you don't know what you're doing and sorry, but you don't! All I can badly offer is the advise to increase your knowlegde before you continue your work!


Razor 27. Aug 2007 19:32

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
What do you suggest how to kill this problem?

Der_Unwissende 28. Aug 2007 11:17

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
Well, you might study some basic concepts, something like the advantages of abstraction-layers (e.g. the hw-abstraction-layer), of course you should also get information about how to access hw-directly on a windows-system (driver programming, wdk, ddk, ...)

And maybe you should also have a look at the website of RivaTuner, some ATI graphic adapters are supported as well.

Razor 28. Aug 2007 22:07

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
DDK -driver development kit is a good idea ! But,wich languages are supported,i dont think delphi is :lol:

Mackhack 28. Aug 2007 22:14

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

Zitat von Razor
What do you suggest how to kill this problem?

Learn more about this specific stuff, learn how to develop software then stop copying and pasting and implement your own without asking others constantly to do your work!

Just my 2 cents!!!

Razor 28. Aug 2007 22:15

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

This why FORUM is about so don't give me that SMARTA** stuff :wink:

Daniel G 28. Aug 2007 22:21

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

Zitat von Razor

This why FORUM is about so don't give me that SMARTA** stuff :wink:

For c&p-solutions? I don't think so...

Razor 28. Aug 2007 23:04

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
Then WHY is it then about i am not beegging for solutions if i dont know something i post and SO DOES everybody here? :?

Mackhack 28. Aug 2007 23:08

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

Zitat von Razor
Then WHY is it then about i am not beegging for solutions if i dont know something i post and SO DOES everybody here? :?

Pretty simple: WE don't do YOUR work! You provide us YOUR work, we will help YOU with solutions to fix a problem or to improve your code/work!

That's how it works!

Razor 28. Aug 2007 23:10

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
Fine!Mod's CLOSE THIS TOPIC!:evil:

EDIT 2:/ WTF people here ask for code and users just paste it,wow it aint JUST ME! :shock:

Mackhack 28. Aug 2007 23:21

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
Your some bad ass coder aren't ya? :???:

So how comes that you understand if people ask in German for some sample code AFTER they posted their codes and you only speak English yourself? :?:

Razor 28. Aug 2007 23:22

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
NO i am not!I am not perfect,if i dont know something i ask :wink:

Mackhack 28. Aug 2007 23:23

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

Zitat von Razor
NO i am not!I am not perfect,if i dont know something i ask :wink:

No one says anything about asking? That's why we're here, but everyone is encouraged to do some homework first then asking! That's all we're asking you for!

Razor 28. Aug 2007 23:25

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
Look if you want to help then help otherwise dont.Simple as that!

Your posts have been reported...

Mackhack 28. Aug 2007 23:35

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

Zitat von Razor
Your posts have been reported...

I'm sure!

Muetze1 28. Aug 2007 23:40

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
Hey, Razor - afraid about your own writing or why do you edit your posts every 20 seconds including changes to complete new texts?

For your homework: Not writing - first learn something about the things you ask. Do not (yet) try to implement. What you should look on was posted earlier:

Zitat von Der_Unwissende
Well, you might study some basic concepts, something like the advantages of abstraction-layers (e.g. the hw-abstraction-layer), of course you should also get information about how to access hw-directly on a windows-system (driver programming, wdk, ddk, ...)

And maybe you should also have a look at the website of RivaTuner, some ATI graphic adapters are supported as well.

After this, look at the code you posted and try to understand it. If some things in the code is incomprehensible to you, then ask detailed about that source parts and we will help you. This is the idea of this/the board...

Razor 28. Aug 2007 23:46

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
Why even ask where the code is from?Infact it might be usefull for some newbies/other users can benefit from it(doubt that). :|

I got my head full of this already i dont want to reply to stupid questions,i have a deadline for my program so i might cancel it if i dont have all the features as setted for my goal.

Call me a maniac but i am serious....I ask for a small problem you go WHY/WHAT/WHERE YOU GOT THIS/IS THIS YOURS/hell we wont help you if this isnt yours :shock:

Mackhack 29. Aug 2007 00:09

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
That is the problem... You have a deadline from or for what ever and you expect us to do your work so you can glance with other's work that will look like your work.

Don't think you will find lots of buddies in here anymore who wanna help you out!

Own goal I would say!

Razor 29. Aug 2007 00:11

Re: GPU access with I2C bus
Alright i have enough of this and this wise guy,moderators CLOSE THIS FOR EVER!

r_kerber 29. Aug 2007 07:19

Da Ihr hier OffTopic werdet, schleiße ich diesen Thread.

* * * C L O S E D * * *

r_kerber 29. Aug 2007 07:25

Jetzt aber wirklich.

* * * C L O S E D * * *

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