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Datenbank: SQL • Zugriff über: SQL
SQL problem
i wrote this code this morning but apparently my SQL knowledge is too short for this.Why it won't add records :oops:
for hwm_index := 0 to NBMonitors - 1 do begin
CPUIDSDK_GetHardwareMonitorName(hwm_index, ptrName); ABSQuery1.SQL.Clear; ABSQuery1.SQL.Add('Insert into Sensors (Field,HWM_ID,Sensor_ID,Sensor_Class,Monitor_Name) values ( :Field, :hwm_id, :sensor_id,:sensor_class,:Monitor_Name );'); ABSQuery1.ExecSQL; for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE) - 1 do begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Monitor_Name').AsString:=pansichar(ptrname); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE); end; for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_TEMPERATURE) - 1 do begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Monitor_Name').AsString:=pansichar(ptrname); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_TEMPERATURE); end; for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_FAN) - 1 do begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Monitor_Name').AsString:=pansichar(ptrname); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_FAN); end; end; end; ABSQuery1.ExecSQL; on every loop did the trick :mrgreen: |
Re: SQL problem
Look at this:
greetingsABSQuery1.SQL.Clear; ABSQuery1.SQL.Add('Insert into Sensors (Field,HWM_ID,Sensor_ID,Sensor_Class,Monitor_Name) values ( :Field, :hwm_id, :sensor_id,:sensor_class,:Monitor_Name );'); // Probably here prepare the Query! // ABSQuery1.Prepared := True; // fill SQL only once, the parameters will be filled in your for-struct // where is the value for :Field? you must fill it! for hwm_index := 0 to NBMonitors - 1 do begin CPUIDSDK_GetHardwareMonitorName(hwm_index, ptrName); // missing value for :Field... like following // ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Field').AsInteger = 4711; for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE) - 1 do begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); // better: ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').Asinteger:=hwm_index; ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Monitor_Name').AsString:=pansichar(ptrname); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE); end; for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_TEMPERATURE) - 1 do begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Monitor_Name').AsString:=pansichar(ptrname); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_TEMPERATURE); end; for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_FAN) - 1 do begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Monitor_Name').AsString:=pansichar(ptrname); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_FAN); end; ABSQuery1.ExecSQL; // exec SQL after filling parameters end; mikhal |
Re: SQL problem
You shoult add
in your for-loop.
Re: SQL problem
Thanks 2 all , i thought everytime i need to execute SQL :oops:
But now if i want to update SQL i do it like this
procedure TForm3.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
var Value,Max,Min : single; sensor_index,hwm_index,cpu_index,core_index,iValue,nbsensors,nbmonitors, currOffset,lastOffset:integer; szName : array[0..512] of Char; ptrName : PChar; sField,sMax,sMin,sValue:String; begin ptrname:=szname; NbMonitors := CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfHardwareMonitors(); if Item then begin for hwm_index := 0 to NBMonitors - 1 do begin CPUIDSDK_GetHardwareMonitorName(hwm_index, ptrName); ABSQuery1.SQL.Clear; ABSQuery1.SQL.Add('Insert into Sensors (HWM_ID,Sensor_ID,Sensor_Class,Monitor_Name) values ( :hwm_id, :sensor_id,:sensor_class,:Monitor_Name );'); for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE) - 1 do begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Monitor_Name').AsString:=pansichar(ptrname); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE); ABSQuery1.ExecSQL; end; for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_TEMPERATURE) - 1 do begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Monitor_Name').AsString:=pansichar(ptrname); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_TEMPERATURE); end; for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_FAN) - 1 do begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Monitor_Name').AsString:=pansichar(ptrname); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_FAN); end; end;//end of loop ABSQuery1.ExecSQL; Item:=false; end else begin ABSQuery1.SQL.Add('UPDATE Sensors SET Field="' +sField+'"' +','+'Value="'+sValue+'"'+',' +','+'Min="'+sMin+'"'+',' +','+'Max="'+sMax+'"'+',''WHERE (:HWM_ID,:Sensor_Class,:Sensor_ID);'); ABSQuery1.SQL.Clear; for hwm_index := 0 to NBMonitors - 1 do for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE) - 1 do begin if CPUIDSDK_GetSensorInfos(hwm_index, sensor_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ptrName, iValue, Value, Min, Max) then begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); sField:=pansichar(ptrname); sValue:=Format('%.3f V', [Value]); sMin:=Format('%.3f V', [Min]); sMax:=Format('%.3f V', [Max]); ABSQuery1.ExecSQL; end; end; end; end;//End of loop |
Re: SQL problem
Dont know ABSSql but shouldn´t he use mikhals solution +
in EVERY for-loop (like he added in his 1st post) and not at the end?
Re: SQL problem
Yes, it was my mistake. You must use ABSQuery1.ExecSQL in the last line before 'end;' of every For-loop.
Your attempt to update your table will be destroyed with the line 'ABSQuery1.SQL.Clear;'. Put the line first, then the statement. Mikhal |
Re: SQL problem
Is there eqvivalent of Table.Locate function in SQL like this and parameters
To update Fields based on parameters Would this work? :gruebel:
UPDATE Sensors SET (Field,Value,Max,Min) WHERE (:HWM_ID,:Sensor_Class,:Sensor_ID,:Field,:Max,:Min,:Value);
Re: SQL problem
ABSQuery1.SQL.Text := 'UPDATE Sensors SET Field="' +sField+'"' +','+'Value="'+sValue+'"'+',' +','+'Min="'+sMin+'"'+',' +','+'Max="'+sMax+'"'+' WHERE hwm_id = :HWM_ID and sensor_class = :Sensor_Class and sensor_id = :Sensor_ID';
AbsQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsInteger := ... ... |
Re: SQL problem
Are you sure it will work?
[quote]First chance exception at $75B6B727. Exception class EABSException with message 'Token '=' expected, but 'Min' found at line 1, column 39 - Native error: 30221'. Process Project1.exe (4708)[/quote
end //Creating Stoped
else begin //We start update ABSQuery1.SQL.Clear; ABSQuery1.SQL.Text := 'UPDATE Sensors SET Field="' +sField+'"' +','+'Value="'+sValue+'"'+',' +','+'Min="'+sMin+'"'+',' +','+'Max="'+sMax+'"'+' WHERE hwm_id = :HWM_ID and sensor_class = :Sensor_Class and sensor_id = :Sensor_ID'; for hwm_index := 0 to NBMonitors - 1 do for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE) - 1 do begin if CPUIDSDK_GetSensorInfos(hwm_index, sensor_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ptrName, iValue, Value, Min, Max) then begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); sField:=pansichar(ptrname); sValue:=Format('%.3f V', [Value]); sMin:=Format('%.3f V', [Min]); sMax:=Format('%.3f V', [Max]); ABSQuery1.ExecSQL; end; end; end; |
Re: SQL problem
Maybe you should cut out some + and some quotationmarks...
Re: SQL problem
Sorry was a little typo which happens if you type faast! :)
But now no updated records :(
end else begin ABSQuery1.SQL.Clear; ABSQuery1.SQL.Text := 'UPDATE Sensors SET Field="' +sField+'"' +','+'Value="'+sValue+'"'+','+'Min="'+sMin+'"'+','+'Max="'+sMax+'"'+' WHERE HWM_ID = :HWM_ID and Sensor_Class = :Sensor_Class and Sensor_ID = :Sensor_ID'; for hwm_index := 0 to NBMonitors - 1 do for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE) - 1 do begin if CPUIDSDK_GetSensorInfos(hwm_index, sensor_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ptrName, iValue, Value, Min, Max) then begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); sField:=pansichar(ptrname); sValue:=Format('%.3f V', [Value]); sMin:=Format('%.3f V', [Min]); sMax:=Format('%.3f V', [Max]); ABSQuery1.ExecSQL; end; end; end; |
Re: SQL problem
What are :Sensor_Class, :HWM_ID, :Sensor_ID? Are these Delphi-Variables? Then you must quote and add them (if they are strings! otherwise you must convert them to string!)
And put brackets () around every logical statement!
'...WHERE (HWM_ID = '+:HWM_ID+') and (Sensor_Class = '+:Sensor_Class+') and (Sensor_ID ='+ :Sensor_ID+')';
edit: rubbish |
Re: SQL problem
I thought with parameters is good?
delphi variables are
sField,sMax,sMin,sValue:String; begin |
Re: SQL problem
Re: SQL problem
Oh :oops: my fault. Just overlooked the whole parameter thing... Then move on Mr ;-) I don't know, how to address the parameters here.
Ok, brackets arent necessary. Just a habit of me oO |
Re: SQL problem
Yes setting long SQL texts is trouble for most 3rd party databases..
Re: SQL problem
Ist just oen reason for parameters. But the main reasons are type-conversion, type formats (e.g. date values) and the performance boost of using prepared statements for mass import/updates etc.
Re: SQL problem
I don't understand why it won't update Records :wall:
Edit1 reports this
UPDATE Sensors SET Field="",Value="",Min="",Max="" WHERE HWM_ID = :HWM_ID and Sensor_Class = :Sensor_Class and Sensor_ID = :Sensor_ID
Re: SQL problem
Is an error shown or just nothing happens?
Re: SQL problem
Does the code compile? Do you get any error messages or arent there just any updated records?
If it runs and there are just no records updated then set breakpoints and step through your code. Maybe one of the functions (CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors or CPUIDSDK_GetSensorInfos) returns a wrong value? |
Re: SQL problem
No code compiles runs OK no errors.But ofcourse all functions work becouse previously some same functions are used to INSERT records :oops:
1.Set all parameters;
2.Then populate the variables;
ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index);
3.Execute SQL script;
sValue:=Format('%.3f V', [Value]); sMin:=Format('%.3f V', [Min]); sMax:=Format('%.3f V', [Max]);
I am speculating the SQL text... :| |
Re: SQL problem
Conversion is not needed
You could use here parameters too:
ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').Value := hwm_index);
ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').Value := SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE; ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').Value := sensor_index;
UPDATE Sensors SET Field = :field ,value = :Value, Min = :min, Max = :max WHERE HWM_ID = :HWM_ID and Sensor_Class = :Sensor_Class and Sensor_ID = :Sensor_ID';
Re: SQL problem
I tryed executing after and it makes no diffrence :(
for hwm_index := 0 to NBMonitors - 1 do begin
for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE) - 1 do begin if CPUIDSDK_GetSensorInfos(hwm_index, sensor_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ptrName, iValue, Value, Min, Max) then begin ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_Class').AsString:=inttostr(SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE); ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Sensor_ID').AsString:=inttostr(sensor_index); sField:=pansichar(ptrname); sValue:=Format('%.3f V', [Value]); sMin:=Format('%.3f V', [Min]); sMax:=Format('%.3f V', [Max]); ABSQuery1.SQL.Clear; ABSQuery1.SQL.Text := 'UPDATE Sensors SET Field="' +sField+'"' +','+'Value="'+sValue+'"'+','+'Min="'+sMin+'"'+','+'Max="'+sMax+'"'+' WHERE HWM_ID = :HWM_ID and Sensor_Class = :Sensor_Class and Sensor_ID = :Sensor_ID'; ABSQuery1.ExecSQL; Edit1.Text:=ABSQuery1.SQL.Text; end; end; end; end; |
Re: SQL problem
Try parameters
Re: SQL problem
Maybe the parameter '%.3f' breaks the function (doen't know, never worked with Format)? |
Re: SQL problem
No i get this in edit1
and it says this even tho its on timer 1 s interval :x
UPDATE Sensors SET Field="VIN3",Value="1.536 V",Min="1.536 V",Max="1.536 V" WHERE HWM_ID = :HWM_ID and Sensor_Class = :Sensor_Class and Sensor_ID = :Sensor_ID
Re: SQL problem
Ok then i would guess its a database issue. What are the values of the parameters (:HWM_ID,...)? Are there database entries which match these? Because no match with "WHERE" - no update ;-)
Re: SQL problem
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I uploaded unit and db file i use its ABSOLUTE DATABASE.
Re: SQL problem
Sorry, but I don't know Absolute DB and how to use it. Can't you just lookup if your DB contains entries which match the parameters? Maybe you have something like a management tool for this kind of DB?
Re: SQL problem
Re: SQL problem
Sorry i can't (and don't want to) install stuff, just to check your DB for you.
You can proceed as follows: 1.) Debug and check your parameters (:HWM_ID,...) 2.) Check the entries in your DB. If there is no way to access the DB from outside of Delphi (i wasn't able to find any tool) just make a query with 'SELECT * FROM...' and check the recordset. 3.) Compare the content of your DB with the values of your parameters. Is there any match? If not, then you probably there is a bug in the functions which fill the params! |
Re: SQL problem
I already fixed it :lol:
But thanks for support,parameters was a problem when you are writting such long SQL text readability suffers :dp: |
Re: SQL problem
Fine. So what was the problem? I'm curious :-)
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