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user 1. Jan 2011 19:56

Anti End Task, not WM_Close?
To prevent WM_Close, I use

procedure TForm1.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
CanClose := false
Try to click End Task with TaskManager, after several seconds, there will be an end task dialog then the app can be killed. How to prevent this? I just want to prevent End Task.

Dezipaitor 1. Jan 2011 20:04

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?
Call getsystemmetrics with SM_SHUTTINGDOWN and set CanClose to true in such a case.

BTW: Your app is not user friendly. However, in the end the user will always be able to close your application. It just takes a little more effort.

user 1. Jan 2011 20:07

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?

Zitat von Dezipaitor (Beitrag 1071668)
Call getsystemmetrics with SM_SHUTTINGDOWN and set CanClose to true in such a case.

BTW: Your app is not user friendly. However, in the end the user will always be able to close your application. It just takes a little more effort.

I'll try "getsystemmetrics with SM_SHUTTINGDOWN". Yeah I just want to prevent end task. I know there are many ways to kill an app. No I'm not making virus! :)

edited :
SM_BASE = WM_USER +  1736 ;

procedure TForm1.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
if (GetSystemMetrics (SM_SHUTTINGDOWN) <> 0) then
The code is right?

rollstuhlfahrer 1. Jan 2011 20:34

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?

Zitat von user (Beitrag 1071669)
edited :
SM_BASE = WM_USER +  1736 ;

procedure TForm1.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
if (GetSystemMetrics (SM_SHUTTINGDOWN) <> 0) then
The code is right?

Can't be right. You don't set CanClose to true in any case. It has to be
if (GetSystemMetrics (SM_SHUTTINGDOWN) <> 0) then
CanClose := true;

user 1. Jan 2011 20:43

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?

Zitat von rollstuhlfahrer (Beitrag 1071678)

Can't be right. You don't set CanClose to true in any case. It has to be
if (GetSystemMetrics (SM_SHUTTINGDOWN) <> 0) then
CanClose := true;

Still not working. I also change the value of SM_SHUTTINGDOWN to 2000 (referenced from MSDN). I am using 7 32 bit.

Luckie 1. Jan 2011 20:43

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?
And what's the use of it? If I want to end your application I just will call ProcessTerminate and that's it. Even a normal user cab do this. He just has to switch to the process panel of the taskmanager. Users ain't silly.

user 1. Jan 2011 20:45

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?

Zitat von Luckie (Beitrag 1071682)
And what's the use of it? If I want to end your application I just will call ProcessTerminate and that's it. Even a normal user cab do this. He just has to switch to the process panel of the taskmanager. Users ain't silly.

I already hook TerminateProcess.

rollstuhlfahrer 1. Jan 2011 20:49

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?
Why hook ProcessTerminate? - You just need to hook OpenProcess.
But why do you do so? - Just create a process with Admin-Account and don't let the user get Admin-Rights and your process acts like it should, cause a Non-Admin can't terminate Processes from an Admin-Account. Or create a service.


user 1. Jan 2011 21:03

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?

Zitat von rollstuhlfahrer (Beitrag 1071684)
Why hook ProcessTerminate? - You just need to hook OpenProcess.
But why do you do so? - Just create a process with Admin-Account and don't let the user get Admin-Rights and your process acts like it should, cause a Non-Admin can't terminate Processes from an Admin-Account. Or create a service.


Yes, hooking XxOpenProcess maybe better than hooking XxProcessTerminate. I'll implement that later. No, user can use my app in Admin-Account. My problem is user can kill my app from end task.

rollstuhlfahrer 1. Jan 2011 21:08

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?
Why do you need a not-closable Application?


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