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AW: Abschlussprojekt FIAE (Optimierung von Algorithmen) -> Vergleich von Polygonen
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unit CadVec3;
interface uses Generics.Collections; type TCadVec3 = record x: Integer; y: Integer; z: Integer; end; TCadVec3List = TList<TCadVec3>; // Globale Methoden. procedure RemoveIdenticalFromList(AList: TCadVec3List; AOpen: Boolean); function IsListItemEqual(AItem1, AItem2: TCadVec3): Boolean; function IsListEqual(AList1, AList2: TCadVec3List; AOffset: Integer): Boolean; function CompareOpenPolygons(AFirstList, ASecondList: TCadVec3List): Boolean; overload; function CompareOpenPolygons(AFirstList, ASecondList: TCadVec3List; ADirectional: Boolean): Boolean; overload; function CompareClosedPolygon(AFirstList, ASecondList: TCadVec3List): Boolean; overload; function CompareClosedPolygon(AFirstList, ASecondList: TCadVec3List; ADirectional: Boolean): Boolean; overload; function CompareBothLists(AFirstList, ASecondList: TCadVec3List; ADirectional, AFirstListOpen, ASecondListOpen: Boolean): Boolean; implementation function CompareBothLists(AFirstList, ASecondList: TCadVec3List; ADirectional, AFirstListOpen, ASecondListOpen: Boolean): Boolean; var LFirstTmpList, LSecondTmpList: TCadVec3List; begin // Vergleich der Listen bzw. der Polygone und ob diese geometrisch gleich, oder ungleich sind. // Hierbei werden verschiedene Rahmenbedingungen und Szenarien aufgeführt -> geschlossene Polygone, offene Polygone, geschlossenes/offenes Polygon. if (AFirstList = nil) or (ASecondList = nil) then Exit(False); LFirstTmpList := TCadVec3List.Create; LSecondTmpList := TCadVec3List.Create; try LFirstTmpList.AddRange(AFirstList); LSecondTmpList.AddRange(ASecondList); RemoveIdenticalFromList(LFirstTmpList, AFirstListOpen); RemoveIdenticalFromList(LSecondTmpList, ASecondListOpen); if AFirstListOpen and ASecondListOpen then begin if LFirstTmpList.Count <> LSecondTmpList.Count then Exit(False); Result := CompareOpenPolygons(LFirstTmpList, LSecondTmpList, ADirectional) end else begin if AFirstListOpen then begin if not IsListItemEqual(LFirstTmpList.First, LFirstTmpList.Last) then Exit(False); LFirstTmpList.Delete(LFirstTmpList.Count - 1); end else if ASecondListOpen then begin if not IsListItemEqual(LSecondTmpList.First, LSecondTmpList.Last) then Exit(False); LSecondTmpList.Delete(LSecondTmpList.Count - 1); end else // if not AFirstListOpen and not ASecondListOpen then begin if LFirstTmpList.Count <> LSecondTmpList.Count then Exit(False); end; Result := CompareClosedPolygon(LFirstTmpList, LSecondTmpList, ADirectional); end; finally LSecondTmpList.Free; LFirstTmpList.Free; end; end; function CompareClosedPolygon(AFirstList, ASecondList: TCadVec3List): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin // Vergleich von geschlossenen Polygonen bzw. einem offenen und einem geschlossenen Polygon. for i := 0 to ASecondList.Count - 1 do begin if IsListItemEqual(AFirstList[0], ASecondList[i]) then begin if IsListEqual(AFirstList, ASecondList, i) then Exit(True); end; end; Result := False; end; function CompareClosedPolygon(AFirstList, ASecondList: TCadVec3List; ADirectional: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := CompareClosedPolygon(AFirstList, ASecondList); if (not Result) and ADirectional then begin ASecondList.Reverse; Result := CompareClosedPolygon(AFirstList, ASecondList); ASecondList.Reverse; end; end; function CompareOpenPolygons(AFirstList, ASecondList: TCadVec3List): Boolean; begin // Vegleich von zwei offenen Polygonen. Result := IsListEqual(AFirstList, ASecondList, 0); end; function CompareOpenPolygons(AFirstList, ASecondList: TCadVec3List; ADirectional: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := CompareOpenPolygons(AFirstList, ASecondList); if (not Result) and ADirectional then begin ASecondList.Reverse; Result := CompareOpenPolygons(AFirstList, ASecondList); ASecondList.Reverse; end; end; function IsListEqual(AList1, AList2: TCadVec3List; AOffset: Integer): Boolean; var i1, i2, iCount: Integer; begin // AOffset .. StartIndex in List2, iCount := AList2.Count; i2 := AOffset; for i1 := 0 to AList1.Count - 1 do begin if not IsListItemEqual(AList1[i1], AList2[i2]) then Exit(False); i2 := (i2 + 1) mod iCount; end; Result := True; end; function IsListItemEqual(AItem1, AItem2: TCadVec3): Boolean; begin Result := (AItem1.x = AItem2.x) and (AItem1.y = AItem2.y) and (AItem1.z = AItem2.z); end; procedure RemoveIdenticalFromList(AList: TCadVec3List; AOpen: Boolean); var i: Integer; begin // Entferne doppelte, aufeinander Folgende Eintr�ge bzw. Elemente. for i := AList.Count - 1 downto 1 do begin if IsListItemEqual(AList[i], AList[i - 1]) then AList.Delete(i); end; if not AOpen then begin if IsListItemEqual(AList.First, AList.Last) then AList.Delete(AList.Count - 1); end; AList.TrimExcess; end; end. |
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