![]() |
AW: Tetris mit Canvas funktioniert nicht wie es soll
Ja, das Drehen ist in der Tat nicht so einfach. Hierzu muß man erst mal wissen um welchen Punkt man drehen will. Was die Sache aber wieder vereinfacht, ist daß sin+/-90° eins bzw. minus eins ist Und Cos Null ist).
Als Drehpunkt bietet sich den Schwerpunkt der Figur an. Dieser ist Näherungsweise SummeXi/4, SummeYi/4. Dann verschiebt man das Koordinatensystem in diesen Punkt, dreht den Stein und verschiebt anschließend wieder zurück auf das Ursprungssytem. Ich hab jetzt keine Zeit mir deinen Code anzuschauen, sieh' mal meine Methoden GetCurrentCenterPoint und MoveCurrent:
unit uTetris;
interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Contnrs, Graphics, Dialogs, Types; type TFigurPoints = array[0..3] of TPoint; TFigurType = (ftO, ftJ, ftL, ftT, ftI, ftZ, ftS); TFigurMove = (fmMoveLeft, fmMoveRight, fmTurnRight, fmMoveDown); TToken = class private FColor: TColor; FX, FY: integer; public procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; TokenSize: integer); property Color: TColor read FColor write FColor; property X: integer read FX write FX; property Y: integer read FY write FY; end; TTetris = class(TObjectList) private FBitmap: TBitmap; FColCount, FRowCount, FLevel, FScore, FTokenSize: integer; function GetToken(Index: integer): TToken; function TokenAdd(Color: TColor; X, Y: integer): TToken; function MoveCurrent(FigurMove: TFigurMove; Applying: boolean): boolean; function GetCurrentCenterPoint: TPoint; function CanMoveCurrent(const P: TFigurPoints): boolean; function CanSetCurrent(const P: TFigurPoints): boolean; function GetCurrent: TFigurPoints; procedure SetCurrent(const Value: TFigurPoints); procedure DelLine(Row: integer); property FToken[Index: integer]: TToken read GetToken; property FCurrent: TFigurPoints read GetCurrent write SetCurrent; public procedure AddNewCurrent; function CurrentMoveDown: boolean; function CurrentMoveLeft: boolean; function CurrentMoveRight: boolean; function CurrentTurnRight: boolean; procedure CurrentFallDown; procedure Draw; procedure DelLines; function GameOver: boolean; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property Score: integer read FScore write FScore; property TokenSize: integer read FTokenSize write FTokenSize; property ColCount: integer read FColCount write FColCount; property RowCount: integer read FRowCount write FRowCount; property Level: integer read FLevel write FLevel; property Bitmap: TBitmap read FBitmap; end; implementation { TToken } procedure TToken.Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; TokenSize: integer); var X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y2, Y3: integer; begin X1 := FX * TokenSize; Y1 := FY * TokenSize; X2 := X1 + TokenSize; Y2 := Y1 + TokenSize; X3 := TokenSize div 4; Y3 := X3; Canvas.Brush.Color := FColor; Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3); end; { TTetris } function TTetris.GetToken(Index: integer): TToken; begin Result := TToken(Items[Index]); end; function TTetris.GetCurrent: TFigurPoints; var J: integer; begin for J := 1 to 4 do begin Result[J - 1].X := FToken[Count - J].X; Result[J - 1].Y := FToken[Count - J].Y; end; end; procedure TTetris.SetCurrent(const Value: TFigurPoints); var J: integer; begin for J := 1 to 4 do begin FToken[Count - J].X := Value[J - 1].X; FToken[Count - J].Y := Value[J - 1].Y; end; end; procedure TTetris.AddNewCurrent; const FigurTypeCount = 7; clOrange = $000080FF; var Left: integer; FigurType: TFigurType; begin Left := Random(FColCount - 3); FigurType := TFigurType(Random(FigurTypeCount)); case FigurType of ftO: begin TokenAdd(clYellow, Left, 0); TokenAdd(clYellow, Left + 1, 0); TokenAdd(clYellow, Left, 1); TokenAdd(clYellow, Left + 1, 1); end; ftJ: begin TokenAdd(clBlue, Left + 1, 2); TokenAdd(clBlue, Left + 1, 1); TokenAdd(clBlue, Left + 1, 0); TokenAdd(clBlue, Left, 2); end; ftL: begin TokenAdd(clOrange, Left + 1, 2); TokenAdd(clOrange, Left + 1, 1); TokenAdd(clOrange, Left + 1, 0); TokenAdd(clOrange, Left + 2, 2); end; ftT: begin TokenAdd(clPurple, Left + 1, 1); TokenAdd(clPurple, Left, 0); TokenAdd(clPurple, Left + 1, 0); TokenAdd(clPurple, Left + 2, 0); end; ftI: begin TokenAdd(clAqua, Left, 0); TokenAdd(clAqua, Left, 1); TokenAdd(clAqua, Left, 2); TokenAdd(clAqua, Left, 3); end; ftZ: begin TokenAdd(clRed, Left + 1, 1); TokenAdd(clRed, Left + 2, 1); TokenAdd(clRed, Left + 1, 0); TokenAdd(clRed, Left, 0); end; ftS: begin TokenAdd(clGreen, Left, 1); TokenAdd(clGreen, Left + 1, 1); TokenAdd(clGreen, Left + 1, 0); TokenAdd(clGreen, Left + 2, 0); end; end; Draw; end; function TTetris.GetCurrentCenterPoint: TPoint; var J: integer; P: TFigurPoints; begin Result.X := 0; Result.Y := 0; P := FCurrent; for J := 0 to 3 do begin Result.X := Result.X + P[J].X; Result.Y := Result.Y + P[J].Y; end; Result.X := Round(Result.X / 4); Result.Y := Round(Result.Y / 4); end; function TTetris.CanMoveCurrent(const P: TFigurPoints): boolean; var I, J: integer; begin Result := true; for I := 0 to Count - 5 do for J := 0 to 3 do if (P[J].X = FToken[I].X) and (P[J].Y = FToken[I].Y) then Result := false; end; function TTetris.CanSetCurrent(const P: TFigurPoints): boolean; var J: integer; begin Result := true; for J := 0 to 3 do if (P[J].X < 0) or (P[J].X >= FColCount) or (P[J].Y < 0) or (P[J].Y >= FRowCount) then Result := false; Result := Result and CanMoveCurrent(P); end; function TTetris.MoveCurrent(FigurMove: TFigurMove; Applying: boolean): boolean; var J: integer; ACurrentCenterPoint: TPoint; ACurrent, ACurrentCenter: TFigurPoints; begin Result := false; ACurrent := FCurrent; case FigurMove of fmMoveLeft: for J := 0 to 3 do Dec(ACurrent[J].X); fmMoveRight: for J := 0 to 3 do Inc(ACurrent[J].X); fmMoveDown: for J := 0 to 3 do Inc(ACurrent[J].Y); fmTurnRight: begin ACurrentCenterPoint := GetCurrentCenterPoint; for J := 0 to 3 do begin ACurrentCenter[J].X := ACurrent[J].X - ACurrentCenterPoint.X; ACurrentCenter[J].Y := ACurrent[J].Y - ACurrentCenterPoint.Y; end; for J := 0 to 3 do begin ACurrent[J].X := -ACurrentCenter[J].Y + ACurrentCenterPoint.X; ACurrent[J].Y := ACurrentCenter[J].X + ACurrentCenterPoint.Y; end; end; end; if CanSetCurrent(ACurrent) then begin Result := true; if Applying then FCurrent := ACurrent; end; end; function TTetris.CurrentMoveDown: boolean; begin Result := MoveCurrent(fmMoveDown, true); end; function TTetris.CurrentMoveLeft: boolean; begin Result := MoveCurrent(fmMoveLeft, true); end; function TTetris.CurrentMoveRight: boolean; begin Result := MoveCurrent(fmMoveRight, true); end; function TTetris.CurrentTurnRight: boolean; begin Result := MoveCurrent(fmTurnRight, true); end; procedure TTetris.CurrentFallDown; begin while CurrentMoveDown do Inc(FScore); end; function TTetris.GameOver: boolean; begin Result := not MoveCurrent(fmMoveDown, false) and not MoveCurrent(fmMoveLeft, false) and not MoveCurrent(fmMoveRight, false) and not MoveCurrent(fmTurnRight, false); end; procedure TTetris.DelLine(Row: integer); var I: integer; begin for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do if FToken[I].Y = Row then Delete(I); for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if FToken[I].Y < Row then FToken[I].Y := FToken[I].Y + 1; end; procedure TTetris.DelLines; var Row, Col, I, N, Rows: integer; begin Row := FRowCount - 1; Rows := 0; while Row > 0 do begin N := 0; for Col := 0 to FColCount - 1 do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if (FToken[I].X = Col) and (FToken[I].Y = Row) then Inc(N); if N = FColCount then begin DelLine(Row); Inc(Row); Inc(Rows); end; Dec(Row); end; case Rows of 1: Inc(FSCore, FLevel * 40); 2: Inc(FSCore, FLevel * 100); 3: Inc(FSCore, FLevel * 300); 4: Inc(FSCore, FLevel * 1200); end; end; procedure TTetris.Draw; var I: integer; begin FBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := clCream; FBitmap.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, FBitmap.Width, FBitmap.Height)); FBitmap.Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver; for I := 1 to FColCount do begin FBitmap.Canvas.MoveTo(I * FTokenSize, 0); FBitmap.Canvas.LineTo(I * FTokenSize, FRowCount * FTokenSize); end; for I := 1 to FRowCount do begin FBitmap.Canvas.MoveTo(0, I * FTokenSize); FBitmap.Canvas.LineTo(FColCount * FTokenSize, I * FTokenSize); end; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do FToken[I].Draw(FBitmap.Canvas, FTokenSize); end; function TTetris.TokenAdd(Color: TColor; X, Y: integer): TToken; begin Result := TToken.Create; Result.Color := Color; Result.X := X; Result.Y := Y; Add(Result); end; constructor TTetris.Create; begin inherited Create(true); FBitmap := TBitmap.Create; end; destructor TTetris.Destroy; begin FBitmap.Free; inherited Destroy; end; end. |
AW: Tetris mit Canvas funktioniert nicht wie es soll
Delphi bleibt jedesmal stehen wenn es einen neuen Block erzeugen soll warum?
procedure THaupt.findelinie;
var i,j,k,max,anzahl : integer; temp : array[1..16] of integer; begin gfblock.Clear; max := 0; anzahl := 0; for i := 1 to high(Block) do begin if 27-Block[i].fPosition.Y > max then max := 27-Block[i].fPosition.Y ; gfblock.Add(inttostr(Block[i].fPosition.X)+','+inttostr(Block[i].fPosition.y)+','+colortostring(Block[i].ffarbe) ); end; for j := 0 to max do begin for i := 1 to high(Block) do begin if Block[i].fPosition.Y = j then begin anzahl:= anzahl+1; temp[anzahl] := i; end; if anzahl = 16 then begin gfblock.Move(temp[1],high(Block)-1); gfblock.Move(temp[2],high(Block)-2); gfblock.Move(temp[3],high(Block)-3); gfblock.Move(temp[4],high(Block)-4); gfblock.Move(temp[5],high(Block)-5); gfblock.Move(temp[6],high(Block)-6); gfblock.Move(temp[7],high(Block)-7); gfblock.Move(temp[8],high(Block)-8); gfblock.Move(temp[9],high(Block)-9); gfblock.Move(temp[10],high(Block)-10); gfblock.Move(temp[11],high(Block)-11); gfblock.Move(temp[12],high(Block)-12); gfblock.Move(temp[13],high(Block)-13); gfblock.Move(temp[14],high(Block)-14); gfblock.Move(temp[15],high(Block)-15); gfblock.Move(temp[16],high(Block)-16); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-1); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-2); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-3); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-4); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-5); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-6); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-7); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-8); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-9); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-10); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-11); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-12); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-13); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-14); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-15); gfblock.Delete(high(block)-16); arraykurzen; end else neu; end; end; end; procedure THaupt.arraykurzen; var sl : TStringlist; i : integer; x,y : integer; farbe : Tcolor; begin setlength(Block,0); sl := TStringlist.Create; for i := 0 to gfblock.Count- 1 do begin sl.CommaText := gfblock[i]; x := strtoint(sl[0]); y := strtoint(sl[1]); farbe := stringtocolor(sl[2]); setlength(Block, Length(Block)+1); Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X := x; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X := y; Block[high(Block)].fFarbe := farbe; sl.Clear; end; findelinie; end; Thomas ich hab jetzt gemerkt warum eine Liste besser gewesen wäre als eine array :D |
AW: Tetris mit Canvas funktioniert nicht wie es soll
Entschuldige bitte, aber durch das steigt doch kein Mensch (und Compiler wohl auch nicht) durch.
Eine vernünftige Strukturierung der Programmteile und Daten wäre dringend angebracht |
AW: Tetris mit Canvas funktioniert nicht wie es soll
In was soll ich es den Strukturiren die eine Procedure lädt erst die array in eine Stringlist dann wird nach einer reihe gesucht. Wenn gefunden dann werden die Positionen in der Stringlist getauscht so dass man sie anschließend einfach löschen kann. Dann löscht die zweite procedure das array und erzeugt es anschließend neu aus der stringlist.
AW: Tetris mit Canvas funktioniert nicht wie es soll
Was soll denn um Gottes Willen die Stringlist?
Ich hab das Konzept ja von Dir und war damals so begeistert, daß ich es runter programmiert habe. Als ich mit dem Programm dann fertig war ist mir aufgefallen, daß wir es immer nur mir den letzen 4 Blöcken zu tun haben (in meinem Code das Current). Deshalb könnte man statt einer Liste von Blöcken auch einfach ein Spielfeld Array (Zeilen * Spaltenanzahl) mit der FarbInfo verwenden. Das wärs. Mehr braucht man nicht. 4 Blöcke und ein Array (of TColor). Mit dem Array kämst du wahrscheinlich auch sehr viel besser zurecht. |
AW: Tetris mit Canvas funktioniert nicht wie es soll
Eine TStringlist ist für Strings, deshalb heißt sie ja so. Wenn man etwas anderes da hineinpackt, dann funktioniert das zwar evtl., ist aber trotzdem das falsche Mittel. Ich kann auch mit einer Wasserpumpenzange einen Nagel in die Wand schlagen, nichtsdestotrotz wäre ein Hammer eigentlich besser dafür geeignet. Übrigens baust Du Dir da hübsche Speicherlecks, da die Stringliste immer wieder neu erzeugt, aber niemals freigegeben wird.
AW: Tetris mit Canvas funktioniert nicht wie es soll
hab das ganze jetzt geändert. Es tut sich leider aber immer noch nichts
unit Unit2;
interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Buttons; type TBlock = class; THaupt = class; TForm2 = class(TForm) Spielfeld: TImage; Timer1: TTimer; Button1: TSpeedButton; Edit1: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); private { Private-Deklarationen } public { Public-Deklarationen } Haupt : THaupt; end; THaupt = class(TObject) Block : array of TBlock; Anzahl : integer; kannbewegen : boolean; IDs : Integer; procedure Neu(); procedure Neufallen(); procedure verschiebenlinks(); procedure verschiebenrechts(); procedure findelinie(); procedure arraykurzen(); procedure Drehen(); function CanMoveLast(const deltaX, deltaY: integer): boolean; // procedure Prufen(); // procedure Entfernen(); private public zufall: integer; gedreht : integer; temp : array[1..16] of Integer; end; TBlock = class(TObject) private fFarbe : TColor; fPosition : TPoint; fID : Integer; public procedure zeichen; property Farbe : TColor read fFarbe write fFarbe; property Position : Tpoint read fPosition write fPosition; end; var Form2: TForm2; implementation {$R *.dfm} //Code Block procedure TBlock.zeichen; begin form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Brush.Color := fFarbe; form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Brush.Style := bssolid; form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Rectangle(fPosition.X*24, fPosition.Y*24, fPosition.X*24+24, fPosition.Y*24+24 ); end; //Code Haupt procedure THaupt.Neu; begin gedreht := 0; form2.Timer1.Enabled := false; if (form2.Edit1.text = '') then begin repeat zufall := random(5) +1; until (zufall <> 0) ; end else begin try zufall := strtoint(form2.Edit1.Text); except showmessage('keine Zahl'); repeat zufall := random(5) +1; until (zufall <> 0) ; end; end; case zufall of 1: begin // Quadrat IDs := IDs +4; setlength(Block, Length(Block)+4); Block[high(Block)-3] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-3].Farbe := clred ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= 4 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= -2 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fID := IDS-3; Block[high(Block)-2] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-2].Farbe := clred ; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= 5 ; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= -2 ; Block[high(Block)-2].fID := IDs-2; Block[high(Block)-1] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-1].Farbe := clred ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= 4 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fID := IDs-1; Block[high(Block)] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)].Farbe := clred ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= 5 ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; Block[high(Block)].fID := IDs; //showmessage('Quadrat'); form2.Timer1.Enabled := true; end; 2: begin // Winkellinks IDs := IDs +4 ; setlength(Block, Length(Block)+4); Block[high(Block)-3] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-3].Farbe := clyellow ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= 4 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= -2 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fID := IDs-3; Block[high(Block)-2] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-2].Farbe := clyellow ; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= 4 ; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; Block[high(Block)-2].fID := IDs-2; Block[high(Block)-1] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-1].Farbe := clyellow ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= 5 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fID := IDs-1; Block[high(Block)] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)].Farbe := clyellow ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= 6 ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; Block[high(Block)].fID := IDs; //showmessage('Winkel'); form2.Timer1.Enabled := true; end; 3: begin //Winkelrechts IDS := IDs +4; setlength(Block, Length(Block)+4); Block[high(Block)-3] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-3].Farbe := clblue ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= 6 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= -2 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fID := IDs-3; Block[high(Block)-2] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-2].Farbe := clblue ; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= 4 ; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; Block[high(Block)-2].fID := IDs-2; Block[high(Block)-1] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-1].Farbe := clblue ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= 5 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fID := IDs-1; Block[high(Block)] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)].Farbe := clblue ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= 6 ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; Block[high(Block)].fID := IDs; //showmessage('Winkel'); form2.Timer1.Enabled := true; end; 4: begin //T IDS := IDs +4; setlength(Block, Length(Block)+4); Block[high(Block)-3] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-3].Farbe := cllime ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= 5 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= -2 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fID := IDs-3; Block[high(Block)-2] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-2].Farbe := cllime ; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= 4 ; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; Block[high(Block)-2].fID := IDs-2; Block[high(Block)-1] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-1].Farbe := cllime ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= 5 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fID := IDs-1; Block[high(Block)] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)].Farbe := cllime ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= 6 ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; //showmessage('T'); form2.Timer1.Enabled := true; end; 5: begin // Rechteck IDs := IDs +4; setlength(Block, Length(Block)+4); Block[high(Block)-3] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-3].Farbe := clpurple ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= 5 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= -4 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fID := IDs-3; Block[high(Block)-2] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-2].Farbe := clpurple ; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= 5 ; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= -3 ; Block[high(Block)-2].fID := IDs-2; Block[high(Block)-1] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)-1].Farbe := clpurple ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= 5 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= -2 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fID := IDs-1; Block[high(Block)] := TBlock.Create; Block[high(Block)].Farbe := clpurple ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= 5 ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= -1 ; Block[high(Block)].fID := IDs; //showmessage('REchteck'); form2.Timer1.Enabled := true; end; end; end; procedure THaupt.Neufallen; var i :integer; begin Form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Brush.Color := clwhite; Form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Brush.Style := bssolid; Form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Rectangle(0,0,form2.Spielfeld.Width, form2.Spielfeld.Height); kannbewegen :=false; if CanMoveLast(0,1) then kannbewegen:= true; if kannbewegen then begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y := Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y +1 ; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y := Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y +1 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y := Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y +1 ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y := Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y +1 ; end; if (Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.y = 27) or (Block[high(Block)-2].fposition.y = 27) or (Block[high(Block)-1].fposition.y = 27) or (Block[high(Block)-0].fposition.y = 27) then kannbewegen:= false; for i := 0 to high(Block) do begin Block[i].zeichen; end; if not kannbewegen then findelinie; end; procedure THaupt.Drehen; begin kannbewegen := false; case Zufall of 1: begin //passiert nichts end; 2: begin case gedreht of 0: begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x +0; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y +2; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x+1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y+1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y - 0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x-1; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y -1; gedreht := 1; end; 1: begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x +2; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y +0; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x +1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y -1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y - 0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x - 1 ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y +1; gedreht := 2; end; 2 : begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y -2; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x -1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y -1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y -0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x +1; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y +1; gedreht := 3; end; 3 : begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x -2 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y +0; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x -1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y +1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x +0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y +0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x +1; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y -1; gedreht := 0; end; end; end; 3: begin case gedreht of 0: begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x -2; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y -0; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x+1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y +1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0 ; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y - 0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x-1; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y -1; gedreht := 1; end; 1: begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y +2; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x +1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y -1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y - 0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x - 1; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y + 1; gedreht := 2; end; 2 : begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x +2; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y +0; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x -1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y -1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y - 0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x + 1 ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y + 1; gedreht := 3; end; 3 : begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x -0 ; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y -2; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x -1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y +1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y +0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x +1; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y -1; gedreht := 0; end; end; end; 4: begin case gedreht of 0: begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x -1; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y +1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x+1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y +1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y - 0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x-1; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y -1; gedreht := 1; end; 1: begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x +1; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y +1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x +1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y -1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y - 0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x - 1; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y + 1; gedreht := 2; end; 2 : begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x +1; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y -1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x -1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y -1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y - 0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x + 1 ; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y + 1; gedreht := 3; end; 3 : begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x -1; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y -1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x -1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y +1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y +0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x +1; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y -1; gedreht := 0; end; end; end; 5: begin case gedreht of 0: begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x -2; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y +2; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x-1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y +1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y - 0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x+1; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y -1; gedreht := 1; end; 1: begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x +2; Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.Y -2; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x +1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.Y -1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x -0; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.Y -0; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.x - 1; Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y:= Block[high(Block)].fPosition.Y + 1; gedreht := 0; end; end; end; end; end; procedure THaupt.verschiebenlinks; var i : Integer; begin if (Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x = 0) or (Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x = 0) or (Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.x = 0) or (Block[high(Block)-0].fPosition.x = 0) then begin end else begin if canmovelast(-1,0) then begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X -1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X -1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X -1; Block[high(Block)-0].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-0].fPosition.X -1; Form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Brush.Color := clwhite; Form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Brush.Style := bssolid; Form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Rectangle(0,0,form2.Spielfeld.Width, form2.Spielfeld.Height); for i := 0 to high(Block) do begin Block[i].zeichen; end; end; end; end; procedure Thaupt.verschiebenrechts; var i : Integer; begin if (Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.x = 15) or (Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.x = 15) or (Block[high(Block)-10].fPosition.x = 15) or (Block[high(Block)-0].fPosition.x = 15) then begin end else begin if canmovelast(1,0) then begin Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-3].fPosition.X +1; Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-2].fPosition.X +1; Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-1].fPosition.X +1; Block[high(Block)-0].fPosition.X:= Block[high(Block)-0].fPosition.X +1; Form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Brush.Color := clwhite; Form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Brush.Style := bssolid; Form2.Spielfeld.Canvas.Rectangle(0,0,form2.Spielfeld.Width, form2.Spielfeld.Height); for i := 0 to high(Block) do begin Block[i].zeichen; end; end; end; end; function THaupt.CanMoveLast(const deltaX, deltaY: integer): boolean; var N, I, J: integer; begin Result := true; N := High(Block); for I := 0 to N - 4 do for J := 0 to 3 do if (Block[N - J].fPosition.X + deltaX = Block[I].fPosition.X) and (Block[N - J].fPosition.y + deltaY = Block[I].fPosition.Y) then Result := false; end; procedure THaupt.findelinie; var i,j,k,max,anzahl : integer; begin max := 0; J := 0; for i := 1 to high(Block) do begin if 27-Block[i].fPosition.Y > max then max := 27-Block[i].fPosition.Y ; end; while (j < max) and (anzahl<>16) do begin anzahl := 1; for i := 1 to high(Block) do begin if Block[i].fPosition.Y = j+27 then begin temp[anzahl] := Block[i].fID; anzahl:=anzahl+1; if anzahl = 16 then begin arraykurzen end else begin neu(); end; end; end; end; end; procedure THaupt.arraykurzen; var i,j,x : integer; begin for i := 1 to high(Block) do begin for j := 1 to 16 do begin if block[i].fID = temp[j] then begin x := i+1; repeat Block[x-1].fPosition.X := Block[x].fPosition.x; Block[x-1].fPosition.X := Block[x].fPosition.y; Block[x-1].fFarbe := Block[x].fFarbe; Block[x-1].fID := Block[x].fID; x := x+1; setlength(Block, length(Block)-1); until (x = high(Block)) ; end; end; end; findelinie; end; //Fenster procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Haupt.Neu(); end; procedure TForm2.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); var i : integer; begin for i := 1 to high(Haupt.Block) do begin Haupt.Block[i].Free; end; Haupt.Free; end; procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Haupt := THaupt.Create; setlength(Haupt.Block, 0); Haupt.IDs := 0; end; procedure TForm2.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if key = VK_UP then Haupt.Drehen; if key = VK_left then Haupt.verschiebenlinks; if key = Vk_right then Haupt.verschiebenrechts; if key = vk_down then Haupt.Neufallen; end; procedure TForm2.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin Haupt.Neufallen(); end; end. |
AW: Tetris mit Canvas funktioniert nicht wie es soll
Siehe #23, zumindest ich persönlich habe wenig Lust, mich durch den ganzen Code zu quälen. Wieso greift THaupt auf Form2.Canvas zu? Eine Canvas-Property wäre doch viel flexibler. Der ganze DRY-Code in den case-Abfragen könnte auch gekürzt werden, indem man eine Methode zum Ändern der Position etc. einführt und nur noch diese aufruft usw.
AW: Tetris mit Canvas funktioniert nicht wie es soll
Auf form2.canvas wird nie zugegriffen. Nur auf form2.spielfeld.canvas
Spielfeld ist ein TImage |
AW: Tetris mit Canvas funktioniert nicht wie es soll
Meinetwegen, aber das ändert ja nichts an der Tatsache, dass die THaupt-Klasse auf Form2 zugreift.
Alle Zeitangaben in WEZ +1. Es ist jetzt 15:38 Uhr. |
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