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Re: WinSpy - Der Fenster Spion (Update 06.09.08)
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schon besser, es lässt sich starten und wenn ich zum Beispiel das Fenster unter der Maus anzeigen lasse oder dem Fokus folge, dann klappt es. Wenn ich jedoch kleich nach dem Start auf ein Fenster doppelklicke, gibts ne AV. Mfg FAlter |
Re: WinSpy - Der Fenster Spion (Update 06.09.08)
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Hy in deiner neuen Bata hab ich ein Problem beim größe ändern der Main Form...
Hab mal nen Screener angehangen.. |
Re: WinSpy - Der Fenster Spion (Update 06.09.08)
:arrow: Update 06.09.2008 - V. + 523
[*] Verwendung der neusten Jedi - Version[*] Unsichtbare Fenster wurden nicht angezeigt (optional)[*] Fix AV bei Doppelklick auf Fenster Liste[*] Fix Scrollbar bei Fenster Liste |
Re: WinSpy - Der Fenster Spion (Update 06.09.08)
Hello toms sorry for my enlgish but i dont know german langauge.
I use your window spy program alot to make my life easy with handels, But I would like to know what API's are you using to get items from external TListView(delphi) control? I have tryed diffrent things but non of them working and in your program its no problem to get the items, but i really need to get the items in to my programs listview control instead. maybe you could show me a small example of what APIs you use in your routine to get the items from external TListView(Delphi) ??? |
Re: WinSpy - Der Fenster Spion (Update 06.09.08)
Re: WinSpy - Der Fenster Spion (Update 06.09.08)
Thanks toms, I have looked over the source code it seems pretty old and uses units thats not in delphi latest releases but it end up all fine with some modifycations so i did'nt have to use UprocessMemManger unit which in retuned used old delphi units.
I used VirtuallAllocEx instead and the following is what resulted
as you can see im actually after a specific subitem in systemlistview. Thanks for your help it was greatly appericated :)
Procedure TForm1.GetItemsSysListView(SysListHWND: Hwnd; Listbox: TListBox);
Var iCount,i : integer; lvItem : LV_ITEM; plvRemoteItem : ^LV_ITEM; pszItemText : PChar; pszRemoteItemText : PChar; nReadWritten : DWORD; ProcessHND : THandle; PID : DWORD; stResult : string; const ITEM_BUFFER : Integer = $4000; begin if SysListHWND = 0 then RaiseLastWin32Error; GetWindowThreadProcessId(SysListHWND, @PID); ProcessHND:= OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_OPERATION or PROCESS_VM_READ or PROCESS_VM_WRITE or PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,false, PID); try pszItemText := AllocMem(ITEM_BUFFER); FillMemory(addr(lvItem), sizeof(LV_ITEM), 0); plvRemoteItem := VirtualAllocEx(ProcessHND, nil, sizeof(LV_ITEM), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); pszRemoteItemText := VirtualAllocEx(ProcessHND, nil, ITEM_BUFFER, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); iCount:= sendmessage(SysListHWND,LVM_GETITEMCOUNT,0,0); dec(iCount); lvItem.cchTextMax := ITEM_BUFFER; lvItem.iSubItem := 2; lvItem.pszText := pszRemoteItemText; stResult:= ''; for i:= 0 to iCount do begin if (not WriteProcessMemory(ProcessHND, plvRemoteItem, addr(lvItem), sizeof(LV_ITEM), nReadWritten)) then showmessage(inttostr(getLastError)); SendMessage(SysListHWND, LVM_GETITEMTEXT, WPARAM(i), LPARAM(plvRemoteItem)); if (not ReadProcessMemory(ProcessHND, pszRemoteItemText, pszItemText, ITEM_BUFFER, nReadWritten)) then showmessage(inttostr(getLastError)); stResult:= stResult + strpas(pszItemText); ListBox.Items.Append(pszItemText); end; finally FreeMem(pszItemText); VirtualFreeEx(ProcessHND, pszRemoteItemText, 0, MEM_RELEASE); VirtualFreeEx(ProcessHND, plvRemoteItem, 0, MEM_RELEASE); end; end; [edit=Luckie]Inserted Delphi code tags. Mfg, Luckie[/edit] |
Re: WinSpy - Der Fenster Spion (Update 06.09.08)
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Re: WinSpy - Der Fenster Spion (Update 06.09.08)
![]() Diese gibt einen detaillierten Fehlerreport aus. |
Re: WinSpy - Der Fenster Spion (Update 06.09.08)
Re: WinSpy - Der Fenster Spion (Update 06.09.08)
Alle Zeitangaben in WEZ +1. Es ist jetzt 07:39 Uhr. |
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