Pseudemys Nelsoni |
1. Aug 2003 03:17 |
Re: Server eines Chats rausfinden?
also das prog zeigt mir das an:
CVERS 11015 4610
PASS supersecret
apgar WIYlMYM0 0
SERIAL 0106452273212387660902
USER UserName HostName :RealName
verchk 32514 720911
SETOPT 17,33 375 IONWERFER :- Welcome to Westwood Online! 372 IONWERFER :- Server version is 4.2, last built on Thu Feb 27 2003 at 15:34:35 PST 372 IONWERFER :- Local date and time is July 31, 2003 2:53pm. 372 IONWERFER :- ELECTRONIC ARTS IS NOW DIRECTLY 372 IONWERFER :- SUPPORTING TIBERIAN SUN 372 IONWERFER :- 372 IONWERFER :- Electronic Arts is now overseeing the support and maintenance of the 372 IONWERFER :- Tiberian Sun game servers and ranking systems. 372 IONWERFER :- 372 IONWERFER :- EA will continue to support Tiberian Sun for as long as necessary. For 372 IONWERFER :- technical support issues, please contact the EA support department at 372 IONWERFER :- 372 IONWERFER :- 372 IONWERFER :- Remember that EA and Westwood employees will *NEVER* ask you for 372 IONWERFER :- your personal information or game serial number. If anyone asks 372 IONWERFER :- you for this information, please report them to EA customer service. 372 IONWERFER :- If your serial number gets out, you will no longer be able to 372 IONWERFER :- play online. 372 IONWERFER :- 372 IONWERFER :- Chat is currently disabled. 372 IONWERFER :- 376 IONWERFER :End of /MOTD command.
SETOPT 17,32
LIST 0 18 310 IONWERFER 21 358 IONWERFER 600554`fantastic power`ONE.`1231676`14`1231848`0`-4262640`-16243304`0`0`0`0`x`x`x 321 IONWERFER Channel :Users Name 327 IONWERFER #Lob_18_0 26 0 2452: 327 IONWERFER #Lob_18_1 12 0 2452: 327 IONWERFER #Lob_18_2 1 0 2452: 323 IONWERFER :End of /LIST
JOIN #Lob_18_1 zotclot9
:IONWERFER!UserName@HOST JOIN :600554,3576157843 #Lob_18_1 353 IONWERFER * #Lob_18_1 :IONWERFER,600554,3576157843 bballchk6,948012,1132235379 dx93dx93,0,1354253248 udo4711,904418,1350833089 seat07,0,1113234825 saeGGchen,0,3655452506 adieboi,906377,1366026663 dejr08def,907158,3630903772 Sponk89,947507,1351127031 winx08,0,406506767 Lockiejr2,946814,2898088204 xmanu0016,910041,3576692109 Schreber,0,1350661401 @sunbot04,0,2130706433 366 IONWERFER #Lob_18_1 :End of /NAMES list.
nur woher weiss ich WANN ich z.b PASS , SERIAL etc an den server senden muss?