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Re: Zeos Query - too many connections
Also hier mal zur Erklaerung, vielleicht kann man den Fehler so finden:
Habe 2 Units Model.pas und Model_Database.pas In Model.pas habe ich folgende Klassen:
TAttributes = class(TObject) private public end; TMain = class(TObject) private public function DBSearch(Criteria: TAttributes): TObjectList; Virtual; Abstract; function DBCreate(): TZQuery; Virtual; Abstract; function DBEdit(): TZQuery; Virtual; Abstract; function DBDelete(): TZQuery; Virtual; Abstract; end; { ---- Attributes ---- } TDockingstationAttributes = class(TAttributes) private FComment: String; FFabricant: String; FID: Integer; //.. public function GetComment: String; function GetFabricant: String; function GetID: Integer; //... procedure SetComment(Comment: String); procedure SetFabricant(Fabricant: String); procedure SetID(ID: Integer); //... end; { ---- /Attributes ---- } { ---- Main ---- } TDockingstation = class(TMain) private FAttributes : TDockingstationAttributes; public constructor Create(); function GetAttributes(): TDockingstationAttributes; procedure SetAttributes(Comment: String='';Fabricant: String=''; ID: Integer=0; ...); end; { ---- /Main ---- } { ---- Search ---- } TDockingstationSearch = class(TMain) private public function DBSearch(Modus: String; Criteria: TDockingstationAttributes) : TObjectList; Overload; end; { ---- /Search ---- } { ---- Attributes ---- } TComputerAttributes = class(TAttributes) private //.. FComment: String; //.. FGraphicCard: String; //.. FDockingstation: TDockingstation; // <-- Computer enthaelt dockingstation objekt public //..get/set end; { ---- /Attributes ---- } { ---- Main ---- } TComputer = class(TMain) private FAttributes: TComputerAttributes; public constructor Create(); function GetAttributes(): TComputerAttributes; procedure SetAttributes(Comment: String='';...GraphicCard: String='';...); end; { ---- /Main ---- } { ---- Search ---- } TComputerSearch = class(TMain) private public function DBSearch(Modus: String; Criteria: TComputerAttributes): TObjectList; Overload; end; { ---- /Search ---- } implementation //............ function TDockingstationSearch.DBSearch(Modus: String; Criteria: TDockingstationAttributes): TObjectList; var FMdbDsSearch: Model_Database.TDockingstationSearch; FWsList: TObjectList; begin FWsList := TObjectList.Create; FMdbDsSearch := Model_Database.TDockingstationSearch.Create; FWsList := FMdbDsSearch.DBSearch(Modus,Criteria); Result := FWsList; end; //................ function TComputerSearch.DBSearch(Modus: String; Criteria: TComputerAttributes) : TObjectList; var FMdbCSearch: Model_Database.TComputerSearch; FCList: TObjectList; begin FCList := TObjectList.Create; FMdbCSearch := Model_Database.TComputerSearch.Create; FCList := FMdbCSearch.DBSearch(Modus,Criteria); Result := FCList; end; //.. In Model_Database.pas steht folgendes:
TDatabase = class(TObject)
private FWQuery : TZQuery; FDQuery : TZQuery; FCQuery : TZQuery; FMQuery : TZQuery; FSqlConnection : TZConnection; public constructor Create(); function DBSearch(Criteria: Model.TAttributes) : TObjectList; virtual; abstract; procedure DBCreate(); virtual; abstract; procedure DBEdit(); virtual; abstract; procedure DBDelete(); virtual; abstract; end; TDockingstationSearch = class(TDatabase) private public function DBSearch(Modus: String; Criteria: Model.TDockingstationAttributes) : TObjectList; Overload; end; TComputerSearch = class(TDatabase) private public function DBSearch(Modus: String; Criteria: Model.TComputerAttributes) : TObjectList; Overload; end; implementation constructor TDatabase.Create(); begin FSqlConnection := TZConnection.Create(FSqlConnection); FSqlConnection.HostName := ''; //Server FSqlConnection.User := ''; //Benutzername FSqlConnection.Password := ''; //Passwort FSqlConnection.Database := ''; //Name der Datenbank FSqlConnection.Protocol := 'mysql-4.1'; FSqlConnection.Port := 3306; FDQuery := TZQuery.Create(FDQuery); FDQuery.Connection := FSqlConnection; FCQuery := TZQuery.Create(FCQuery); FCQuery.Connection := FSqlConnection; end; function TDockingstationSearch.DBSearch(Modus: String; Criteria: Model.TDockingstationAttributes): TObjectList; var FDSList: TObjectList; I: Integer; FEqual1,FEqual2 : String; FMyDockingstation: Model.TDockingstation; begin FDSList := TObjectList.Create; FMyDockingstation := Model.TDockingstation.Create; //... // Search in the database for dockingstations by using the criteria FDQuery.Close; FDQuery.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM Dockingstation'; FDQuery.SQL.Add(' WHERE (1=1'); //... FDQuery.SQL.Add(')'); FDQuery.Open; while not FDQuery.EOF do begin // Use search result to create a new dockingstation object FMyDockingstation.SetAttributes('','', FDQuery.FieldByName('DockingstationID').AsInteger,'', ); // Add dockingstation to a list of dockingstation ojects FDSList.Add(FMyDockingstation); FDQuery.Next; end; FDQuery.Free; Result := FDSList; end; function TComputerSearch.DBSearch(Modus: String; Criteria: Model.TComputerAttributes): TObjectList; var //.. begin //.. FCList := TObjectList.Create; //.. // Search in the database for computers by using the criteria FCQuery.Close; FCQuery.SQL.Text := 'SELECT'; FCQuery.SQL.Add('....'); //... FCQuery.Open; while not FCQuery.EOF do begin FMyComputer := Model.TComputer.Create; // Use search result to create a new computer object FMyID := FCQuery.FieldByName('RechnerID').AsInteger; FMyComment := FCQuery.FieldByName('Bemerkungen').AsString; FMyGraphicCard := FCQuery.FieldByName('Grafikkarte').AsString; //... // HIER KOENNTE DER FEHLER LIEGEN WEIL ICH HIER WIEDER EINE DOCKINGSTATIONSEARCH ERZEUGE UND DAS GANZE IN DER GROSSEN WHILE SCHLEIFE VOM FCSQLQUERY --------------------- if (FCQuery.FieldByName('DockingstationID').AsInteger > 0) then begin FMyDSearch := TDockingstationSearch.Create; FMyDCriteria := TDockingstationAttributes.Create; // Search for the dockingstation that is used by the computer FMyDCriteria.SetID( FCQuery.FieldByName('DockingstationID').AsInteger); FDList := FMyDSearch.DBSearch('vague',FMyDCriteria); // Create the dockingstation object for the computer object FMyDockingstation := FDList[0] as Model.TDockingstation; end; //--------------------- // Set all the information of the computer object FMyComputer.SetAttributes(...,FMyComment,...,FMyGraphicCard,.., FMyDockingstation...); // Add computer object to a list of computer ojects FCList.Add(FMyComputer); FCQuery.Next; end; FCQuery.Free; Result := FCList; end; |
Re: Zeos Query - too many connections
Re: Zeos Query - too many connections
Re: Zeos Query - too many connections
Wird trotzdem eine sehr große Logdatei.. Ka ob es Sinn macht die zu posten
Re: Zeos Query - too many connections
Re: Zeos Query - too many connections
Hmm wie genau soll ich bitte sowas verstehen ?
Re: Zeos Query - too many connections
Re: Zeos Query - too many connections
Beim Erzeugen wird keine Logdatei erstellt :gruebel:
Re: Zeos Query - too many connections
Du mußt das Projekt erzeugen damit wirklich für jede Unit TD32-Debuginfos vorhanden sind und du statt Speicheradressen Funktions/Methodennamen bekommst.
Re: Zeos Query - too many connections
Hmm wenn ich das Projekte erzeuge dann bekomme ich aber kein neues LOG file, welches ich ja parallel zur .exe finden muesste.
Sry aber ka was ich falsch mache |
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