Re: Gegenteil von WM_NextDlgCtl
15. Sep 2007, 12:21

Zitat von MS-SDK:
wCtlFocus = wParam; // identifies control for focus
fHandle = (BOOL) LOWORD(lParam); // wParam handle flag
Value of wParam. If the fHandle parameter is TRUE, the wCtlFocus parameter identifies the control that receives the focus. If fHandle is FALSE, wCtlFocus is a flag that indicates whether the next or previous control with the WS_TABSTOP style receives the focus. If wCtlFocus is zero, the next control receives the focus; otherwise, the previous control with the WS_TABSTOP style receives the focus.
Value of lParam. Contains a flag that indicates how Windows uses the wCtlFocus parameter. If the fHandle parameter is TRUE, wCtlFocus is a handle associated with the control that receives the focus; otherwise, wCtlFocus is a flag that indicates whether the next or previous control with the WS_TABSTOP style receives the focus.
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