Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002 Ort: Unterhaching 11.412 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Jetzt wieder mal zwei optimierte Routinen, welche normalerweise durch die TIdEncoderMIME, TIdDecoderMIME (Indy Bibliothek) Komponenten abgedeckt werden.
![]() Erster Grund contra der Indy Lösung: es ist eine Komponente (VCL). Zweiter Grund contra der Indy Lösung: die ist seht langsam.
Der Base64/MIME Codec wird i.A. zum Codieren von z.B. EMail Attachments benutzt.
Geschwindigkeiten in Ticks
========================== Variante Encoding Decoding Assembler ~110 ~290 INDY 9.x ~315 ~1490 Ticks - von GetTickCount Rechner: 450 MHz Pentium; 128 MB RAM; innerhalb des D7 Debugger
{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * Unit Name : uBase64Codec * Author : Daniel Wischnewski * Copyright : Copyright © 2001-2003 by gate(n)etwork GmbH. All Rights Reserved. * Creator : Daniel Wischnewski * Contact : Daniel Wischnewski (e-mail: delphi3000(at)wischnewski.tv); * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} // * * * License * * * // // The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla // Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except // in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // [url]http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html[/url] // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, // WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for // the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. // // * * * My Wish * * * // // If you come to use this unit for your work, I would like to know about it. // Drop me an e-mail and let me know how it worked out for you. If you wish, you // can send me a copy of your work. No obligations! // My e-mail address: delphi3000(at)wischnewski.tv // // * * * History * * * // // Version 1.0 (Oct-10 2002) // first published on Delphi-PRAXiS ([url]www.delphipraxis.net[/url]) // // Version 1.1 (May-13 2003) // introduced a compiler switch (SpeedDecode) to switch between a faster // decoding variant (prior version) and a litte less fast, but secure variant // to work around bad formatted data (decoding only!) // // Version 1.2 (Juni-09 2004) // included compiler switch {$0+}. In Delphi 6 and 7 projects using this code // with compiler optimizations turned off will raise an access violation // {$O+} will ensure that this unit runs with compiler optimizations. // This option does *not* influence other parts of the project including this // unit. // Thanks to Ralf Manschewski for pointing out this problem. // unit Base64; {$O+} interface // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // !! THE COMPILER SWITCH MAY BE USED TO ADJUST THE BEHAVIOR !! // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // enable "SpeedDecode" // the switch to gain speed while decoding the message, however, the codec // will raise different exceptions/access violations or invalid output if // the incoming data is invalid or missized. // disable "SpeedDecode" // the switch to enable a data check, that will scan the data to decode to // be valid. This method is to be used if you cannot guarantee to validity // of the data to be decoded. {.DEFINE SpeedDecode} {$IFNDEF SpeedDecode} {$DEFINE ValidityCheck} {$ENDIF} uses SysUtils; // codiert einen String in die zugehörige Base64-Darstellung function Base64Encode(const InText: AnsiString): AnsiString; overload; // decodiert die Base64-Darstellung eines Strings in den zugehörigen String function Base64Decode(const InText: AnsiString): AnsiString; overload; // bestimmt die Größe der Base64-Darstellung function CalcEncodedSize(InSize: Cardinal): Cardinal; // bestimmt die Größe der binären Darstellung function CalcDecodedSize(const InBuffer; InSize: Cardinal): Cardinal; // codiert einen Buffer in die zugehörige Base64-Darstellung procedure Base64Encode(const InBuffer; InSize: Cardinal; var OutBuffer); overload; register; // decodiert die Base64-Darstellung in einen Buffer {$IFDEF SpeedDecode} procedure Base64Decode(const InBuffer; InSize: Cardinal; var OutBuffer); overload; register; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} function Base64Decode(const InBuffer; InSize: Cardinal; var OutBuffer): Boolean; overload; register; {$ENDIF} // codiert einen String in die zugehörige Base64-Darstellung procedure Base64Encode(const InText: PAnsiChar; var OutText: PAnsiChar); overload; // decodiert die Base64-Darstellung eines Strings in den zugehörigen String procedure Base64Decode(const InText: PAnsiChar; var OutText: PAnsiChar); overload; // codiert einen String in die zugehörige Base64-Darstellung procedure Base64Encode(const InText: AnsiString; var OutText: AnsiString); overload; // decodiert die Base64-Darstellung eines Strings in den zugehörigen String procedure Base64Decode(const InText: AnsiString; var OutText: AnsiString); overload; implementation const cBase64Codec: array[0..63] of AnsiChar = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; Base64Filler = '='; function Base64Encode(const InText: string): string; overload; begin Base64Encode(InText, Result); end; function Base64Decode(const InText: string): string; overload; begin Base64Decode(InText, Result); end; function CalcEncodedSize(InSize: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin // no buffers passed along, calculate outbuffer size needed Result := (InSize div 3) shl 2; if ((InSize mod 3) > 0) then Inc(Result, 4); end; function CalcDecodedSize(const InBuffer; InSize: Cardinal): Cardinal; type BA = array of Byte; begin Result := 0; if InSize = 0 then Exit; if InSize mod 4 <> 0 then Exit; Result := InSize div 4 * 3; if (BA(InBuffer)[InSize - 2] = Ord(Base64Filler)) then Dec(Result, 2) else if BA(InBuffer)[InSize - 1] = Ord(Base64Filler) then Dec(Result); end; procedure Base64Encode(const InBuffer; InSize: Cardinal; var OutBuffer ); register; var ByThrees, LeftOver: Cardinal; // reset in- and outbytes positions asm // load addresses for source and destination // PBYTE(InBuffer); mov ESI, [EAX] // PBYTE(OutBuffer); mov EDI, [ECX] // ByThrees := InSize div 3; // LeftOver := InSize mod 3; // load InSize (stored in EBX) mov EAX, EBX // load 3 mov ECX, $03 // clear upper 32 bits xor EDX, EDX // divide by ECX div ECX // save result mov ByThrees, EAX // save remainder mov LeftOver, EDX // load addresses lea ECX, cBase64Codec[0] // while I < ByThrees do // begin xor EAX, EAX xor EBX, EBX xor EDX, EDX cmp ByThrees, 0 jz @@LeftOver @@LoopStart: // load the first two bytes of the source triplet LODSW // write Bits 0..5 to destination mov BL, AL shr BL, 2 mov DL, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] // save the Bits 12..15 for later use [1] mov BH, AH and BH, $0F // save Bits 6..11 rol AX, 4 and AX, $3F mov DH, BYTE PTR [ECX + EAX] mov AX, DX // store the first two bytes of the destination quadruple STOSW // laod last byte (Bits 16..23) of the source triplet LODSB // extend bits 12..15 [1] with Bits 16..17 and save them mov BL, AL shr BX, 6 mov DL, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] // save bits 18..23 and AL, $3F xor AH, AH mov DH, BYTE PTR [ECX + EAX] mov AX, DX // store the last two bytes of the destination quadruple STOSW dec ByThrees jnz @@LoopStart @@LeftOver: // there are up to two more bytes to encode cmp LeftOver, 0 jz @@Done // clear result xor EAX, EAX xor EBX, EBX xor EDX, EDX // get left over 1 LODSB // load the first six bits shl AX, 6 mov BL, AH // save them mov DL, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] // another byte ? dec LeftOver jz @@SaveOne // save remaining two bits shl AX, 2 and AH, $03 // get left over 2 LODSB // load next 4 bits shl AX, 4 mov BL, AH // save all 6 bits mov DH, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] shl EDX, 16 // save last 4 bits shr AL, 2 mov BL, AL // save them mov DL, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] // load base 64 'no more data flag' mov DH, Base64Filler jmp @@WriteLast4 @@SaveOne: // adjust the last two bits shr AL, 2 mov BL, AL // save them mov DH, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] shl EDX, 16 // load base 64 'no more data flags' mov DH, Base64Filler mov DL, Base64Filler // ignore jump, as jump reference is next line ! // jmp @@WriteLast4 @@WriteLast4: // load and adjust result mov EAX, EDX ror EAX, 16 // save it to destination STOSD @@Done: end; {$IFDEF SpeedDecode} procedure Base64Decode(const InBuffer; InSize: Cardinal; var OutBuffer); overload; register; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} function Base64Decode(const InBuffer; InSize: Cardinal; var OutBuffer): Boolean; overload; register; {$ENDIF} const {$IFDEF SpeedDecode} cBase64Codec: array[0..127] of Byte = {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} cBase64Codec: array[0..255] of Byte = {$ENDIF} ( $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {005>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 000..009 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {015>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 010..019 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {025>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 020..029 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {035>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 030..039 $FF, $FF, $FF, $3E, $FF, {045>} $FF, $FF, $3F, $34, $35, // 040..049 $36, $37, $38, $39, $3A, {055>} $3B, $3C, $3D, $FF, $FF, // 050..059 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {065>} $00, $01, $02, $03, $04, // 060..069 $05, $06, $07, $08, $09, {075>} $0A, $0B, $0C, $0D, $0E, // 070..079 $0F, $10, $11, $12, $13, {085>} $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, // 080..089 $19, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {095>} $FF, $FF, $1A, $1B, $1C, // 090..099 $1D, $1E, $1F, $20, $21, {105>} $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, // 100..109 $27, $28, $29, $2A, $2B, {115>} $2C, $2D, $2E, $2F, $30, // 110..119 $31, $32, $33, $FF, $FF, {125>} $FF, $FF, $FF // 120..127 {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} {125>} , $FF, $FF, // 128..129 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {135>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 130..139 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {145>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 140..149 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {155>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 150..159 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {165>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 160..169 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {175>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 170..179 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {185>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 180..189 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {195>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 190..199 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {205>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 200..209 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {215>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 210..219 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {225>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 220..229 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {235>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 230..239 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {245>} $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, // 240..249 $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, {255>} $FF // 250..255 {$ENDIF} ); asm push EBX mov ESI, [EAX] mov EDI, [ECX] {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} mov EAX, InSize and EAX, $03 cmp EAX, $00 jz @@DecodeStart jmp @@ErrorDone @@DecodeStart: {$ENDIF} mov EAX, InSize shr EAX, 2 jz @@Done lea ECX, cBase64Codec[0] xor EBX, EBX dec EAX jz @@LeftOver push EBP mov EBP, EAX @@LoopStart: // load four bytes into EAX LODSD // save them to EDX as AX is used to store results mov EDX, EAX // get bits 0..5 mov BL, DL // decode mov AH, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} // check valid code cmp AH, $FF jz @@ErrorDoneAndPopEBP {$ENDIF} // get bits 6..11 mov BL, DH // decode mov AL, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} // check valid code cmp AL, $FF jz @@ErrorDoneAndPopEBP {$ENDIF} // align last 6 bits shl AL, 2 // get first 8 bits ror AX, 6 // store first byte STOSB // align remaining 4 bits shr AX, 12 // get next two bytes from source quad shr EDX, 16 // load bits 12..17 mov BL, DL // decode mov AH, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} // check valid code cmp AH, $FF jz @@ErrorDoneAndPopEBP {$ENDIF} // align ... shl AH, 2 // ... and adjust rol AX, 4 // get last bits 18..23 mov BL, DH // decord mov BL, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} // check valid code cmp BL, $FF jz @@ErrorDoneAndPopEBP {$ENDIF} // enter in destination word or AH, BL // and store to destination STOSW // more coming ? dec EBP jnz @@LoopStart pop EBP // no // last four bytes are handled separately, as special checking is needed // on the last two bytes (may be end of data signals '=' or '==') @@LeftOver: // get the last four bytes LODSD // save them to EDX as AX is used to store results mov EDX, EAX // get bits 0..5 mov BL, DL // decode mov AH, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} // check valid code cmp AH, $FF jz @@ErrorDone {$ENDIF} // get bits 6..11 mov BL, DH // decode mov AL, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} // check valid code cmp AL, $FF jz @@ErrorDone {$ENDIF} // align last 6 bits shl AL, 2 // get first 8 bits ror AX, 6 // store first byte STOSB // get next two bytes from source quad shr EDX, 16 // check DL for "end of data signal" cmp DL, Base64Filler jz @@SuccessDone // align remaining 4 bits shr AX, 12 // load bits 12..17 mov BL, DL // decode mov AH, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} // check valid code cmp AH, $FF jz @@ErrorDone {$ENDIF} // align ... shl AH, 2 // ... and adjust rol AX, 4 // store second byte STOSB // check DH for "end of data signal" cmp DH, Base64Filler jz @@SuccessDone // get last bits 18..23 mov BL, DH // decord mov BL, BYTE PTR [ECX + EBX] {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} // check valid code cmp BL, $FF jz @@ErrorDone {$ENDIF} // enter in destination word or AH, BL // AH - AL for saving last byte mov AL, AH // store third byte STOSB @@SuccessDone: {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} mov Result, $01 jmp @@Done @@ErrorDoneAndPopEBP: pop EBP @@ErrorDone: mov Result, $00 {$ENDIF} @@Done: pop EBX end; procedure Base64Encode(const InText: PAnsiChar; var OutText: PAnsiChar); var InSize, OutSize: Cardinal; begin // get size of source InSize := Length(InText); // calculate size for destination OutSize := CalcEncodedSize(InSize); // reserve memory OutText := StrAlloc(Succ(OutSize)); OutText[OutSize] := #0; // encode ! Base64Encode(InText, InSize, OutText); end; procedure Base64Encode(const InText: AnsiString; var OutText: AnsiString); overload; var InSize, OutSize: Cardinal; PIn, POut: Pointer; begin // get size of source InSize := Length(InText); // calculate size for destination OutSize := CalcEncodedSize(InSize); // prepare string length to fit result data SetLength(OutText, OutSize); PIn := @InText[1]; POut := @OutText[1]; // encode ! Base64Encode(PIn, InSize, POut); end; procedure Base64Decode(const InText: PAnsiChar; var OutText: PAnsiChar); overload; var InSize, OutSize: Cardinal; begin // get size of source InSize := Length(InText); // calculate size for destination OutSize := CalcDecodedSize(InText, InSize); // reserve memory OutText := StrAlloc(Succ(OutSize)); OutText[OutSize] := #0; // encode ! {$IFDEF SpeedDecode} Base64Decode(InText, InSize, OutText); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} if not Base64Decode(InText, InSize, OutText) then OutText[0] := #0; {$ENDIF} end; procedure Base64Decode(const InText: AnsiString; var OutText: AnsiString); overload; var InSize, OutSize: Cardinal; PIn, POut: Pointer; begin // get size of source InSize := Length(InText); // calculate size for destination PIn := @InText[1]; OutSize := CalcDecodedSize(PIn, InSize); // prepare string length to fit result data SetLength(OutText, OutSize); FillChar(OutText[1], OutSize, '.'); POut := @OutText[1]; // encode ! {$IFDEF SpeedDecode} Base64Decode(PIn, InSize, POut); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ValidityCheck} if not Base64Decode(PIn, InSize, POut) then SetLength(OutText, 0); {$ENDIF} end; end. ![]()
Daniel Lizbeth
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