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Comparing functions

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 28. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 8. Nov 2007
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Comparing functions

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 21:06
From IO driver #1

 procedure GetPCIRDWord(dwBus, dwDev, dwFunc, offs: byte; var pdata: DWord);
 procedure SetPCIRDWord(dwBus, dwDev, dwFunc, offs: byte; pdata: DWord);

From IO driver #2

function GetPCRD(Bus, Dev, Func, Reg : byte): dword;
procedure SetPCRD(Bus, Dev, Func, Reg : byte; value : dword);

Can driver 2 functions be used same as driver 1 in this way

  dwResult : DWORD;
  //-------Reading a temperature of the Core0----------
  SetPCRD(0,24,$03,$E4, dwResult and not (1 shl 2)); //Core0 select
  C0:= Format('%d °C',[(dwResult shr 16 and $FF)-49]);
  Label0.Caption := C0;
  Form1.Caption:= C0;
  Application.Title:= C0;
  if not Core2Present then Exit;

  //-------Reading a temperature of the Core1----------
  SetPCRD(0,24,$03,$E4, dwResult or (1 shl 2)); //Core1 select
  Label1.Caption := Format('%d °C',[(dwResult shr 16 and $FF)-49]);

I have tried it this way but i can't even compile this becouse IDE gives an error Internal L1333 error.

  pdata : DWORD;
  //-------Reading a temperature of the Core0----------
  SetPCIRDWord(0,24,$03,$E4, pdata and not (1 shl 2)); //Core0 select
  C0:= Format('%d °C',[(pdata shr 16 and $FF)-49]);
  Label0.Caption := C0;
  Form1.Caption:= C0;
  Application.Title:= C0;
  if not Core2Present then Exit;

  //-------Reading a temperature of the Core1----------
  SetPCIRDWord(0,24,$03,$E4, pdata or (1 shl 2)); //Core1 select
  Label1.Caption := Format('%d °C',[(pdata shr 16 and $FF)-49]);

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Benutzerbild von Mackhack

Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2003
Ort: San Diego, CA/USA
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Delphi 2006 Architect

Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 22:06
Did you write this code or did you copy and paste it again like all the other code fragments you've showed us so far?
Um etwas Neues zu schaffen muss man seine Ohren vor den Nein-sagern verschliessen um seinen Geist öffnen zu können.
(George Lukas)
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Alt 28. Aug 2007, 22:11     Erstellt von Razor
Dieser Beitrag wurde von Matze gelöscht. - Grund: Beitrag auf Wunsch von Razor ausgeblendet.

Registriert seit: 13. Dez 2003
Ort: Berlin
1.756 Beiträge

Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 10:38
Zitat von Razor:
Can driver 2 functions be used same as driver 1 in this way
Well, take a minute (just one minute, ok!) to think about it! How could you expect two different functions to work the same way? They don't even have the same signature.

I don't know how you could expect meeting your deadline without having any knowledge about the pure Delphi-basics at all. Sorry man, but if you don't even get the meaning of these lines you've posted...
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 11:20
Yes i do understand them,they both read dword from pci bus,but maybe is it better to join the 2 driver to 1 single driver?What you think about that?
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 11:35
Both driver offer the same functionality so device which one to use and then change your code to use the selected one...
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 11:37
So basicly here goes for an old version of a driver and a new version of a driver wich has also x64,x86.But why does it delphi give out L1333 internal error I dont understand this...

The second driver also provides msr read functions basicly both do....
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Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 12:36
Where does this highly interesting code comes from ?
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 12:40
Basicly this can't compile...


omcdrv.GetPCIRDWord(0,24,$03,$E4,pdata); // Here i get Internal error L1333
omcdrv.SetPCIRDWord(0,24,$03,$E4, pdata and not (1 shl 2));

C0:= Format('%d °C',[(pdata shr 16 and $FF)-49]);
Label0.Caption := C0;

//procedure GetPCIRDWord(dwBus, dwDev, dwFunc, offs: byte; var pdata: Cardinal);
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Registriert seit: 21. Dez 2003
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 13:10
Zitat von OlafSt:
Where does this highly interesting code comes from ?
Found some parts with Google Code
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