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Comparing functions

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 28. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 8. Nov 2007
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 17:07
Maybe someone can write an example how to use PortIO (getpcrd,setpcrd) with omcdrv (GetPCIRDWord,SetPCIRDWord).

I dont understand what Muetze ment.
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 17:20
What did we say about double-posting?
You're doing it again, so take this (again) as a warning to NOT double post.

Muetze confused a word. He did not mean device but decide.
You have to decide what driver is needed to be called and then you have to call the function of the correct driver.
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
Über mich: Sebastian Gingter @ Thinktecture Mein Blog:
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 17:22
He said both offer same functionality so i have to decide wich one to use but its impossible to use 2 becouse i get BSOD(BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH)if i use it,get it?

As i said an example would be perfect just how to make this compilable

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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 17:31
Zitat von Phoenix:
Muetze confused a word. He did not mean device but decide.
You have to decide what driver is needed to be called and then you have to call the function of the correct driver.
Ups, sorry. Phoenix is right - the word was wrong - decide is what i mean.

Zitat von Razor:
He said both offer same functionality so i have to decide wich one to use but its impossible to use 2 becouse i get BSOD(BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH)if i use it,get it?
Yes, we all understand this. And I said you have to decide which one you want to use and then transform all your code using the other driver to use the new selected one. So, do you get it?

That you can't use both is completly logical and so you have to decide which one to use. So decide and then change the sources to use onyl the selected one...
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 17:34
[delphi]Alright alright and thanks buuut

[pre]procedure GetPCIRDWord(dwBus, dwDev, dwFunc, offs: byte; var pdata: Cardinal);
procedure SetPCIRDWord(dwBus, dwDev, dwFunc, offs: byte; pdata: Cardinal);

omcdrv.GetPCIRDWord(0,24,$03,$E4,pdata); [/pre]


function GetPCRD(Bus, Dev, Func, Reg : byte): dword;
procedure SetPCRD(Bus, Dev, Func, Reg : byte; value : dword);

dwResult:=GetPCRD(0,24,$03,$E4); [/pre]

Now how in heaven can i change this this arent theh same functions...
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 17:39
procedure GetPCIRDWord(dwBus, dwDev, dwFunc, offs: byte; var pdata: Cardinal);
function GetPCRD(Bus, Dev, Func, Reg : byte): dword;
dwBus = Bus
dwDev = Dev
dwFunc = Func
offs = Reg div 4
pData = result

procedure SetPCIRDWord(dwBus, dwDev, dwFunc, offs: byte; pdata: Cardinal);
procedure SetPCRD(Bus, Dev, Func, Reg : byte; value : dword);
dwBus = Bus
dwDev = Dev
dwFunc = Func
offs = Reg div 4
pData = value
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 18:02
Zitat von Muetze1:
procedure GetPCIRDWord(dwBus, dwDev, dwFunc, offs: byte; var pdata: Cardinal);
function GetPCRD(Bus, Dev, Func, Reg : byte): dword;
dwBus = Bus
dwDev = Dev
dwFunc = Func
offs = Reg div 4
pData = result

procedure SetPCIRDWord(dwBus, dwDev, dwFunc, offs: byte; pdata: Cardinal);
procedure SetPCRD(Bus, Dev, Func, Reg : byte; value : dword);
dwBus = Bus
dwDev = Dev
dwFunc = Func
offs = Reg div 4
pData = value
Well so it goes like this then

form1.caption:=pdata //???
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 18:44
Basicly it is ok so, but I think you have to divide the given offset by four. The code is ok, but the line with the question-marks are Delphi basics and not hw specific.
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 19:50
I don't know what i am doing wrong
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 20:46

other search result says clear all DCU's and build again
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