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Comparing functions

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 28. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 8. Nov 2007
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 4. Nov 2007, 20:59
Learn the basics. It is increadibly how you show us your missing knowledge...

Ok, back to topic: what do you think does "outside" and "inside" mean?
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 4. Nov 2007, 20:59
That'd be a new kind of OOP. Methods being hidden to the class itself and only accessable by others.
Markus Kinzler
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 4. Nov 2007, 21:05
Okay guys if you help me with this i promise i will post the final and finished product ...and yea i have a looot to learn.newbie i am...

Back to the problem..i made a pic

So why is it there var pdata:cardinal and in the omcdrv.pas its var pdata:dword; dont really really get it; and plus why cant i call that function....
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 4. Nov 2007, 22:56
Take a look in the help to get the facts about cardinal and dword and their sizes, properties, etc.
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 4. Nov 2007, 23:02
Muetze1 you said something bout dividing by 4 what did you mean?
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 4. Nov 2007, 23:07
Anyways i wanted to post this also...

Old functions

function GetPCRD(Bus, Dev, Func, Reg : byte): dword;
  SetPortLong($0CF8, $80000000 or (dword(Bus) shl 16) or ((dword(Dev) and
             $1f) shl 11) or ((dword(Func) and $07) shl 8) or (Reg and $fc));

procedure SetPCRD(Bus, Dev, Func, Reg : byte; value : dword);
  SetPortLong($0CF8,$80000000 or (dword(Bus) shl 16) or ((dword(Dev) and
              $1f) shl 11) or ((dword(Func) and $07) shl 8) or (Reg and $fc));
  SetPortLong($0CFC, value);

New functions
procedure tPCIIO.GetPCIRDWord( dwBus, dwDev, dwFunc, offs : byte; var pdata:DWord );
  FIPortIORef.WritePortL(PCRAddress,$80000000 or (longint(dwBus) shl 16) or ((longint(dwDev) and $1f) shl 11) or
            ((longint(dwFunc) and $07 ) shl 8) or (offs and $fc));
  pdata := FIPortIORef.ReadPortL(PCRData);

procedure tPCIIO.SetPCIRDWord(dwBus, dwDev, dwFunc, offs:byte; pdata:DWord);
//var IPort: IPortIO;

  //IPort := oHWIO.IPortIORef;
  FIPortIORef.WritePortL(PCRAddress,$80000000 or (longint(dwBus) shl 16) or ((longint(dwDev) and $1f) shl 11) or
              ((longint(dwFunc) and $07) shl 8) or (offs and $fc));
  FIPortIORef.WritePortL(PCRData, pdata);

What i tried to do

procedure tmainfrm.amd64x2start;
pdata: DWord;

       GetInstance.IPCIIORef.SetPCIRDWord(0,24,$03,$E4, pdata and not (1 shl 2));
       C0:=Format('%d °C',[(pdata shr 16 and $FF)-49]);

//But then i get [Warning] Variable 'GetInstance' might not have been initialized

procedure tmainfrm.amd64x2start;

pdata: DWord;

       OMCDRV.tSetPCIRDWord(0,24,$03,$E4, pdata and not (1 shl 2));
       C0:=Format('%d °C',[(pdata shr 16 and $FF)-49]);

//But then i get [Fatal Error]Internal error: BA1993 or [Fatal Error] Internal error: L1333

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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 5. Nov 2007, 08:12
Zitat von Razor:
So why is it there var pdata:cardinal and in the omcdrv.pas its var pdata:dword; dont really really get it; and plus why cant i call that function.... :shock:
To help you with this problem I need a view into OMCDrv.pas, because the GetPCIRDWord function have to be validated.
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Alt 5. Nov 2007, 08:28     Erstellt von Razor
Dieser Beitrag wurde von Matze gelöscht. - Grund: Beitrag auf Wunsch von Razor ausgeblendet.
Benutzerbild von Mackhack

Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2003
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 5. Nov 2007, 08:31
What is that unit exactly for? Sounds like an interesting project!
Um etwas Neues zu schaffen muss man seine Ohren vor den Nein-sagern verschliessen um seinen Geist öffnen zu können.
(George Lukas)
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Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 5. Nov 2007, 08:32
As i said the project will be realased when finished but hilfeee!!!
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Benutzerbild von Mackhack

Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2003
Ort: San Diego, CA/USA
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Delphi 2006 Architect

Re: Comparing functions

  Alt 5. Nov 2007, 08:33
Zitat von Razor:
As i said the project will be realased when finished but hilfeee!!!
Ok, is crystal clear and we all do understand it but I still would like to know what this is for and the unit you just posted so we might be able to help more out here!
Um etwas Neues zu schaffen muss man seine Ohren vor den Nein-sagern verschliessen um seinen Geist öffnen zu können.
(George Lukas)
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