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C++ 2 Delphi, Core2duo/quad Reading

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 27. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 7. Mai 2008
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Re: C++ 2 Delphi, Core2duo/quad Reading

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 13:05
Ahh i provided core2duo/core2quad cpu usage and nobody was thankfull,i see people begging for codes to be translated and people just do it?Explain that?

Why you think i am posting in this forum at all?So other users can benefit from this also!

I only need MSR Access code i figured the cpuid and other stuff by myself

EDIT: i found this code on newsgroups

{ hier können eigene, bessere Namen definiert werden } 
  TMachineStateRegisterRange = (Bit0 = 0, Bit63 = 63);
  TMachineStateRegister = set of TMachineStateRegisterRange;

function getMsr(whichone: Integer): TMachineStateRegister;
  res: TMachineStateRegister;
    mov ecx, whichone
    lea esi, res
    mov [esi], ax
    mov [esi+4], dx
  getMsr := res;

  msr: TMachineStateRegister;
  i: TMachineStateRegisterRange;

  msr := getMsr(0);
  for i := Low(TMachineStateRegisterRange) to
           High(TMachineStateRegisterRange) do
    if i in msr then
      WriteLn('Bit ', Ord(i), ' ist gesetzt.');

Found this also

    function ReadMSR(msr_num: DWord; var msr: tmsr): boolean;
    function WriteMSR(msr_num: DWord; const msr: tmsr): boolean;
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Re: C++ 2 Delphi, Core2duo/quad Reading

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 13:51
As I stated many times before: you can not read out any MSR register with the RDMSR instruction in your ring 3 application. As said before: you will get a EPrivilegeInstruction exception. Try this code on your system - and not only just paste it here and hoping to find someone who glues your pieces to an working application...
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Re: C++ 2 Delphi, Core2duo/quad Reading

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 13:58
Alright wrong thinking yes...

As i have seen in other code C code the athor of it said to me that hi and lo are dwords


But the address is 0x19C,so we have to read MSR for 100 TjMAX and 85 Tjmax

i have this function in another driver i found,can this read this thing as we want to?

function ReadMSR(msr_num: DWord; var msr: tmsr): boolean;

ReadMSR(lo,0x19C):=true; //i doubt this is the way and thats why i ask if it is
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Re: C++ 2 Delphi, Core2duo/quad Reading

  Alt 9. Nov 2007, 16:05
If someone has core 2 duo contact me i need betatesters...
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Re: C++ 2 Delphi, Core2duo/quad Reading

  Alt 12. Nov 2007, 20:07

As i said i read msr register this way
  Form1: TForm1;
    isLoadDr: boolean;
   HiPart, LowPart:tmsr;

{$R *.dfm}

//Remember 2 registers $19C and $EE.
//19C is for DTS checking.
//EE is for Tjunction EE.
//Low > EAX
//Hi > EDX

procedure tform1.RDMSR;


procedure tform1.intelC2D;

  if msr.lowPart=0 then
   RichEdit1.Lines.add('No Digital Thermal Sensor Detected!');


Now here comes the conclusion the read msr is the same for EAX.When i tested this on my computer Celeron D cpu, i got read EAX 0
but when i tested on C2D i got the EAX 0.Here i stoped beceouse i dont know how to go on....
$EE is for determening Tjunction value and $19C is for detecting DTS-Digital thermal sensor value 0-no other value yes.
Forumula is Core temp=Tdata-Tjunction

So help is needed in order to finish this project..

Offtopicoes anybody know where can i get nforce specs/datasheets?
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Re: C++ 2 Delphi, Core2duo/quad Reading

  Alt 5. Mai 2008, 09:33
Forget everything i said till now.

-I have to start at the begining and thats making a x32/x64 driver.What would be the most suitable enviroment to make it since delphi i don't think can make them.

-Driver signing for x64 vista.

-I have new computer with q6600 so testing is no problem.
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Re: C++ 2 Delphi, Core2duo/quad Reading

  Alt 7. Mai 2008, 14:01
Can some post a working example without the driver i have been working on this for 2 weeks no results..
I only found these by my own research..

//Remember 2 registers $19C and $EE.
//19C is for DTS checking.
//EE is for Tjunction EE.
//Low > EAX
//Hi > EDX

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