Thema: Delphi Treiber Handling

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Benutzerbild von JamesTKirk

Registriert seit: 9. Sep 2004
Ort: München
604 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: Treiber Handling

  Alt 30. Dez 2009, 19:24
Zitat von nanix:
Thank you for your information.I am a bit amazed that i am the only one that figured this out
Perhaps that's because noone else (in this forum) is using the kit you are using

Zitat von nanix:
Also James what do you think about adding dbpring on exceptions and errors.This would make debuging much easier.Becouse you can then inspect the driver.See whats going on in realtime.
That's basically the purpose of DbgPrint If possible I'll try to implement the stack trace feature of Free Pascal, which allows you to find the unit and line where an exception occured. (That will be very handy when used with DbgPrint )

I don't know how well the Delphi kernel mode handles exceptions, but in the case of my port I've not yet enabled the interaction with system exceptions (like Access Violation, Div By Zero, etc.), but exceptions that are thrown by Pascal code (with raise) are handled if there is a surrounding except block. One should nevertheless catch all exceptions because the result of not doing this might be an infamous BSOD

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