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Event/Alarm component?

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 22. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 23. Aug 2007
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Event/Alarm component?

  Alt 22. Aug 2007, 15:53
Does this kind of commponent exist?
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Re: Event/Alarm component?

  Alt 23. Aug 2007, 09:26
Zitat von Razor:
Does this kind of commponent exist?
well, I will use my second sight to guess what an Event/Alarm component could be... What a pity, it doesn't work, so maybe you could just explain it (or wait for somebody who will guess right).

Of course there are components offering some kind of Event, just take a look at most of the controls (e.g. TButton offers events to signal that a mouse-button was pressed, released, ...). If you are wondering how this works, just take some seconds and use google, some keywords may be Delphi, Event, Observer-Pattern

Regards Der Unwissende
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Re: Event/Alarm component?

  Alt 23. Aug 2007, 10:19
Or as seen in groupware applications triggering appointment delays?
Markus Kinzler
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