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Cpu Usage fur Core2duo/Core2quad

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 19. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 5. Mai 2008
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Cpu Usage fur Core2duo/Core2quad

  Alt 19. Aug 2007, 19:14
This is fairly impossible i tried carbon cpu commponents and adcpuusage component all show error on core2duo.
Is there any special way for this,if so please tell.

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Re: Cpu Usage fur Core2duo/Core2quad

  Alt 21. Aug 2007, 23:34
Obviosly if i waited you guys to respond it wouldnt happen but it did and i figured out

 unit Unit1;


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  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    ProgressBar1: TProgressBar;
    ProgressBar2: TProgressBar;
    ProgressBar3: TProgressBar;
    ProgressBar4: TProgressBar;
    Label1: TLabel;
    Label2: TLabel;
    Label3: TLabel;
    Label4: TLabel;
    Timer1: TTimer;
    cxCpu402: TcxCpu40;
    procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
if cxCpu402.Available.Available=1 then begin
ProgressBar1.position:=cxCpu[1].Usage.Value.Asnumber; //single core processors


if cxCpu402.Available.Available=2 then begin

 Label1.Visible:=true; //dual core processors

if cxCpu402.Available.Available=4 then begin



 Label3.Visible:=true; //quad core processors



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Benutzerbild von Matze

Registriert seit: 7. Jul 2003
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Turbo Delphi für Win32

Re: Cpu Usage fur Core2duo/Core2quad

  Alt 22. Aug 2007, 09:44
Your code snippet is useless. I attached the unit you are using that anybody will be able to get the same results.

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Source from:
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Dateityp: pas cxcpu40_905.pas (118,6 KB, 41x aufgerufen)
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Re: Cpu Usage fur Core2duo/Core2quad

  Alt 22. Aug 2007, 10:19
You can't say its useless,+ you provided wrong stuff you must attach adcpuusage.pas
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Dateityp: zip (467,1 KB, 68x aufgerufen)
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Benutzerbild von negaH

Registriert seit: 25. Jun 2003
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Re: Cpu Usage fur Core2duo/Core2quad

  Alt 22. Aug 2007, 11:40
Matthias provide wrong stuff for your code snippet ?

Regards, Hagen
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Re: Cpu Usage fur Core2duo/Core2quad

  Alt 22. Aug 2007, 11:41
Zitat von Razor:
You can't say its useless,+ you provided wrong stuff you must attach adcpuusage.pas
You are wrong. Your code is usesless without the unit posted by Matze. You provided unused stuff. Where in your uses clauses are you using the adcpuusage.pas? Where?

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  Dialogs, cxCpu40Nv, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ComCtrls,cxCpu40;
You only use cxCPU40xx unit - posted by Matze...

Will you ever learn to getting down and stop being snooty?
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Re: Cpu Usage fur Core2duo/Core2quad

  Alt 22. Aug 2007, 11:43
Ok i just wanted to say he could accually post the accuall package couse carbon softs component doesnt provide cpu usage,Alexey's Dynnikov Adcpuusage does the thing .

cxCpu40Nv> uses his (adcpuusage.pas) component.Cxcpu is only there for core detection.
Compile,test and see!

Afterall i made the code snippet so,little respect please..
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
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Re: Cpu Usage fur Core2duo/Core2quad

  Alt 22. Aug 2007, 12:02
Hmm, maybe it would be not absolutely senseless, if you attach the needed units ... your code may be nice, but no person could use it without having those units ... so matze did some of _your_ work ... code without the corresponding units is nearly worthless ...


PS: which kind of tool are you coding? it seems that you collect lots of informations about hardware-analysis!
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Re: Cpu Usage fur Core2duo/Core2quad

  Alt 22. Aug 2007, 12:05
He added a unit now he did almost whole work,is this a joke

Yes i am colecting lots of information about hardware,i am doing a tool that will contain what the best tools nowadays contain,its still a secret.

If i posted the picture right now it would be a havoc.But i wont
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Re: Cpu Usage fur Core2duo/Core2quad

  Alt 22. Aug 2007, 12:51
Hmm... Still a secret, huh ?

Up till now I haven't seen anything spectacular now - but I'm always ready for a surprise
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