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GPU access with I2C bus

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 19. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 29. Aug 2007
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Registriert seit: 13. Dez 2003
Ort: Berlin
1.756 Beiträge

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

  Alt 27. Aug 2007, 19:30
Zitat von Razor:
That thing has I2C READ and Write functions,wich we can use with sdk not INSTALED .To make it work we only need to translate what we want from sdk then use Hardware access to comunicate with eeprom on the board.
Wow, I don't think that this is an good idea at all! Well, direct hw-access is something that will cause a lot of trouble if you don't know what you're doing and sorry, but you don't! All I can badly offer is the advise to increase your knowlegde before you continue your work!


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Re: GPU access with I2C bus

  Alt 27. Aug 2007, 19:32
What do you suggest how to kill this problem?

Registriert seit: 13. Dez 2003
Ort: Berlin
1.756 Beiträge

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 11:17
Well, you might study some basic concepts, something like the advantages of abstraction-layers (e.g. the hw-abstraction-layer), of course you should also get information about how to access hw-directly on a windows-system (driver programming, wdk, ddk, ...)

And maybe you should also have a look at the website of RivaTuner, some ATI graphic adapters are supported as well.

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Re: GPU access with I2C bus

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 22:07
DDK -driver development kit is a good idea ! But,wich languages are supported,i dont think delphi is
Benutzerbild von Mackhack

Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2003
Ort: San Diego, CA/USA
1.446 Beiträge
Delphi 2006 Architect

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 22:14
Zitat von Razor:
What do you suggest how to kill this problem?
Learn more about this specific stuff, learn how to develop software then stop copying and pasting and implement your own without asking others constantly to do your work!

Just my 2 cents!!!
Um etwas Neues zu schaffen muss man seine Ohren vor den Nein-sagern verschliessen um seinen Geist öffnen zu können.
(George Lukas)

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Re: GPU access with I2C bus

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 22:15

This why FORUM is about so don't give me that SMARTA** stuff
Daniel G

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Re: GPU access with I2C bus

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 22:21
Zitat von Razor:

This why FORUM is about so don't give me that SMARTA** stuff
For c&p-solutions? I don't think so...

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Re: GPU access with I2C bus

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 23:04
Then WHY is it then about i am not beegging for solutions if i dont know something i post and SO DOES everybody here?
Benutzerbild von Mackhack

Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2003
Ort: San Diego, CA/USA
1.446 Beiträge
Delphi 2006 Architect

Re: GPU access with I2C bus

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 23:08
Zitat von Razor:
Then WHY is it then about i am not beegging for solutions if i dont know something i post and SO DOES everybody here?
Pretty simple: WE don't do YOUR work! You provide us YOUR work, we will help YOU with solutions to fix a problem or to improve your code/work!

That's how it works!
Um etwas Neues zu schaffen muss man seine Ohren vor den Nein-sagern verschliessen um seinen Geist öffnen zu können.
(George Lukas)

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Re: GPU access with I2C bus

  Alt 28. Aug 2007, 23:10

EDIT 2:/ WTF people here ask for code and users just paste it,wow it aint JUST ME!
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