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Memory Leak?

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 17. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 17. Aug 2007
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Memory Leak?

  Alt 17. Aug 2007, 18:20

Yes i get error when closing my application,I included the screenshot.But this error and message only show when i use FastMM(Memory Manager replacement).

Can you give me an advice on making my application faster,it takes about 3-4 secs to start?
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Re: Memory Leak?

  Alt 17. Aug 2007, 18:26
oh yeah, fastmm tells you that you have A WHOLE BUNCH of mermory leaks. You have to free all object instances you use after use.

As they mainly seem to be VCL components, maybe you are dynamically instatiating them? then you should still free them after use!
Lukas Erlacher
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Re: Memory Leak?

  Alt 17. Aug 2007, 18:29
So you mean like this?

procedure tmainfrm.cpuid;
 if mitec_cpu1.CPUIDSupported=true then

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Benutzerbild von Phoenix

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Re: Memory Leak?

  Alt 17. Aug 2007, 19:16
Actually the how is correct. But the where or better: when is wrong.

Every control you create dynamically, you need to free in the destructor of the owner. That is - in that case - the destructor of the Form.
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
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