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Gigabyte dll functions

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 11. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 29. Aug 2007
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 23. Aug 2007, 03:26
Maybe start up a disassembler and investigate on your own? How about IDA 4.3 Freeware?
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 23. Aug 2007, 18:25
Well i wouldnt know even where to start,all i found is this but what does this mean?Does it contain any parameters,well i doubt so.

public LX_IsQDIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard proc near
or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; LX_IsMSIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard endp

Can someone translate this?To delphi..

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef int (*isgigabytemobo)(void);

int main()
HMODULE hGigabyteLib = NULL;
isgigabytemobo LX_IsGigaMainBoard = NULL;

hGigabyteLib = LoadLibrary(L"W83781D.DLL");

if (hGigabyteLib != NULL)
printf("Library loaded: W83781D.DLL.\n");

LX_IsGigaMainBoard = (isgigabytemobo)GetProcAddress(hGigabyteLib, "LX_IsGigaMainBoard");

if (LX_IsGigaMainBoard != NULL)
printf("Found LX_IsGigaMainBoard.\n");

printf("i: %i.\n", LX_IsGigaMainBoard());
printf("Could not find LX_IsGigaMainBoard.\n");

printf("Couldn't load library W83781D.DLL.\n");


return 0;
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 24. Aug 2007, 00:00
Zitat von Razor:
Well i wouldnt know even where to start,all i found is this but what does this mean?Does it contain any parameters,well i doubt so.

public LX_IsQDIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard proc near
or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; LX_IsMSIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard endp
No parameters. It just returns 0xFFFFFFFF, which is another way of saying -1 (32bit) or setting all bits in a LongBool to 1.

Zitat von Razor:
Can someone translate this?To delphi..
The important part is

typedef int (*isgigabytemobo)(void);
which says that:

type TFNisgigabytemobo = function(): Integer; cdecl; (where cdecl is not important, because no params are being passed)
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 24. Aug 2007, 02:03
Even though if a function doesnt have a parameter can it be called?I guess than it will only return 0 or -1 ,yes or no
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 24. Aug 2007, 02:11
Of course can a function without parameters be called.

Given the short disassembly excerpt, this function returns exactly ONE value: -1

But I presume that the actual meaning is BOOL (i.e. LongBool in Delphi) and that this is supposed to return -1 or 0, yes.
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 24. Aug 2007, 02:15
public LX_IsQDIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard proc near
or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; LX_IsMSIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard endp

So this is accuall boolean function that returns -1 or 0 ,you can also sometime see the parameter in the name of the function.Is can only be boolean.
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 24. Aug 2007, 03:04
Zitat von Razor:
So this is accuall boolean function that returns -1 or 0 ,you can also sometime see the parameter in the name of the function.Is can only be boolean.
The point is, that per definition a LongBool (Windows.BOOL) can have any value other than 0 and will be true in that case. This also means that it is not sufficient to check for 1 (as true) and 0 (as false) but rather you should check against 0 (i.e. FALSE) in all cases.
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 24. Aug 2007, 13:49
Can you help me with other functions
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 24. Aug 2007, 20:48
How much do you pay per hour?

I can try, but my spare time is limited anyway, so I'd prefer you forward only those parts you really can't solve yourself. Please do it via the forum anyway, so other can benefit from the findings.
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 12:59
For me it returns -1 or false but i dont know for accual users that have gigabyte board.So you may test it


  Fastmm4,Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, StdCtrls;
  w83781ddll = 'w83781d.dll';
  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Label1: TLabel;
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }
    function LX_IsGigaMainBoard : integer;external 'w83781d.dll';
  Form1: TForm1;
   hInstdll: THandle;

{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
hInstdll := LoadLibrary(w83781ddll);
if LX_IsGigaMainBoard=-1 then
label1.caption:='you dont have a giga board!'
else if LX_IsGigaMainBoard=0 then
 label1.caption:='you do have a giga board!';

procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);

Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: dll w83781d_205.dll (60,0 KB, 20x aufgerufen)
Dateityp: dll markfundrv_767.dll (112,0 KB, 21x aufgerufen)
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