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Gigabyte dll functions

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 11. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 29. Aug 2007
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 11. Aug 2007, 18:09
Zitat von Razor:
Nobody knows and now you are deleting my posts?Oh thats nice!
This is just a forum, it has rules and some code of behaviour, including not to berate anybody. And only the fact of berating Muetze1 was r_kerbers reason to remove the post.
Well, the code of behaviour also includes, that every requester is supposed to post some detailed information about the problem to solve, the things tried out and so on. Well I think Muetze just wanted to say, that you should work on that points. So it is a little unconventional to deploy some code without the possibility to test the correctness of that code and even without any specification. As far as I can see, you just guessed how the function could work. But you should tell if so! At least this means a risk to all people testing your code on a Gigabyte-Board.

If you want to know, how the dll is working, you could dissassemble it and take a look at the enty-point of the corresponding function inside the dll. Of course this is not easy, but this is the best way to get the information. Of cource you could ask bitsetter, maybe by PN or post the question in a thread. But please keep it polite and post all information, including where you've got the code from and why you changed it the way you did. Of course it also good to know where your code has been testet (you've just said, that the code does not work the right way).
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 11. Aug 2007, 18:41
Ok i am really sorry to Meutze1 you and many others!Wont happen again!

As i said i do not know ASM i will just post the code,cant understand it.
I load this in to IDA (Dissassembler)

But i am sure somebody will understand it...

For LX_Get_CPUFanCount function

public LX_Get_CPUFanCount
LX_Get_CPUFanCount proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
push eax
push 1
call W_Get_FanCount
retn 4
LX_Get_CPUFanCount endp
For LX_IsGigaMainBoard function

; Exported entry 14. LX_IsGigaMainBoard

public LX_IsGigaMainBoard
LX_IsGigaMainBoard proc near
mov eax, dword_1000D674
dec eax
neg eax
sbb eax, eax
LX_IsGigaMainBoard endp
For LX_IsQDIMainBoard function

; Exported entry 15. LX_IsMSIMainBoard
; Exported entry 16. LX_IsQDIMainBoard

public LX_IsQDIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard proc near
or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; LX_IsMSIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard endp

For LX_IsMSIMainBoard function

; Exported entry 15. LX_IsMSIMainBoard
; Exported entry 16. LX_IsQDIMainBoard

public LX_IsQDIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard proc near
or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; LX_IsMSIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard endp
For LX_Get_CPUFanCount function

; Exported entry 5. LX_Get_CPUFanCount

public LX_Get_CPUFanCount
LX_Get_CPUFanCount proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
push eax
push 1
call W_Get_FanCount
retn 4
LX_Get_CPUFanCount endp

For LX_Get_SystemFanValue function

; Exported entry 9. LX_Get_SystemFanValue

public LX_Get_SystemFanValue
LX_Get_SystemFanValue proc near

var_4= dword ptr -4
arg_0= dword ptr 4

push ecx
cmp dword_1000D680, 1
jnz short loc_100038DA
For LX_Get_PowerFanValue function

; Exported entry 8. LX_Get_PowerFanValue

public LX_Get_PowerFanValue
LX_Get_PowerFanValue proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

cmp dword_1000D680, 1
jnz short loc_10003938
For LX_Get_VoltageP12Value function

; Exported entry 11. LX_Get_VoltageP12Value

public LX_Get_VoltageP12Value
LX_Get_VoltageP12Value proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
push eax
push 4
call W_Get_VINValue
retn 4
LX_Get_VoltageP12Value endp

For LX_Get_VoltageP5Value function

; Exported entry 13. LX_Get_VoltageP5Value

public LX_Get_VoltageP5Value
LX_Get_VoltageP5Value proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
push eax
push 3
call W_Get_VINValue
retn 4
LX_Get_VoltageP5Value endp

For LX_Get_VoltageP3Value function

; Exported entry 12. LX_Get_VoltageP33Value

public LX_Get_VoltageP33Value
LX_Get_VoltageP33Value proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, dword_1000D680
push esi
cmp eax, 1
jnz short loc_100039A8

For LX_Get_CaseOpenStatus function

; Exported entry 7. LX_Get_CaseOpenStatus

public LX_Get_CaseOpenStatus
LX_Get_CaseOpenStatus proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
push eax
push 10h
call W_Get_Status
retn 4
LX_Get_CaseOpenStatus endp

For W_Get_FanLoLimit function

; Exported entry 28. W_Get_FanLoLimit

public W_Get_FanLoLimit
W_Get_FanLoLimit proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4
arg_4= dword ptr 8

xor eax, eax
mov ax, word_1000D894
cmp eax, 290h
jg short loc_10002C0E

For W_Set_FanLoLimitValue function

; Exported entry 57. W_Set_FanLoLimitValue

public W_Set_FanLoLimitValue
W_Set_FanLoLimitValue proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4
arg_4= dword ptr 8

xor eax, eax
mov ax, word_1000D894
cmp eax, 130h
jg short loc_10002E18
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 11. Aug 2007, 20:51
Sorry to double post but dosent the info help?If not then this was not worth posting..
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Benutzerbild von Phoenix

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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 11. Aug 2007, 22:51
Perhaps those information is in fact helpful and the other guys just did'nt had the time to look at it.

'Pushing' a thread like you do is only allowed after a minimum of 24 hours here, so I really urge you to stick to our forum rules here and only reply to an own post which is more than a whole day old.

We mods already got complaints about some of your posts (as well as the deactivated one was a users complaint) and we got complaints about your pushing, so please try to calm a bit down if there isn't an answer after three or four hours, get yourself a cup of really hot tea and have a book beside you. Just don't bring us in a haste, okay?
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
Über mich: Sebastian Gingter @ Thinktecture Mein Blog:
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 11. Aug 2007, 22:55
Opology has been stated to the mods,muetze1 and everybody else. Kein Problem
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Turbo Delphi für Win32

Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 12. Aug 2007, 01:48
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Gruß bitsetter
"Viele Wege führen nach Rom"
Wolfgang Mocker (geb. 1954), dt. Satiriker und Aphoristiker
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 12. Aug 2007, 02:28
Thank you very much!

Can you provide more information about other functions thanks in advance!

LX_IsGigaMainBoard //Checks if its gigabyte board
LX_IsMSIMainBoard //Checks if its MSI board
LX_IsQDIMainBoard //Checks if its QDI board

These are voltages (12 V,3,3 V,5 V,-5 V,-12 V,VBAT,+5 VSB and vcore)


Voltage regulation

Voltage Alarm


By this you can set Voltage Alarm limit

Checks if its open case i guess its boolean or longbolean maybe even integer( 0,-1)


Another interested functions i dont know what they do

W_IsDualCPU //Check mechanism for dual core/quad core cpus?
W_IsGBT //is gigabyte board?
W_IsHWM //Dont know for this one,i think it has to do with graphic cards,not 100% sure...
W_IsITE //ITE GigaRAID controler?
W_Get_FanLoLimit //Alarm maybe for fans?
W_CaseO_Clear //Case opened?
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 12. Aug 2007, 15:26
LX_IsGigaMainBoard //Checks if its gigabyte board

This functions 100%.Works like this if you have a Gigabyte board then it will show i:0(as boolean true) if you don't have a Gigabyte board then it will show i:-1(as boolean false).Simple,eh?

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef int (*isgigabytemobo)(void);

int main()
   HMODULE hGigabyteLib = NULL;
   isgigabytemobo LX_IsGigaMainBoard = NULL;

   hGigabyteLib = LoadLibrary(L"W83781D.DLL");

   if (hGigabyteLib != NULL)
      printf("Library loaded: W83781D.DLL.\n");

      LX_IsGigaMainBoard = (isgigabytemobo)GetProcAddress(hGigabyteLib, "LX_IsGigaMainBoard");

      if (LX_IsGigaMainBoard != NULL)
         printf("Found LX_IsGigaMainBoard.\n");

         printf("i: %i.\n", LX_IsGigaMainBoard());
         printf("Could not find LX_IsGigaMainBoard.\n");
      printf("Couldn't load library W83781D.DLL.\n");


   return 0;
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Alt 12. Aug 2007, 22:40     Erstellt von Razor
Dieser Beitrag wurde von r_kerber gelöscht. - Grund: Don\'t push within 24 hours!
Alt 13. Aug 2007, 02:15     Erstellt von Razor
Dieser Beitrag wurde von r_kerber gelöscht. - Grund: Don\'t push within 24 hours!

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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 16. Aug 2007, 12:05
No comments?
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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 22. Aug 2007, 23:26
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