* The default version of Advantage Data Architect uses third-party
Delphi components to help improve the user interface. To build this
version of the Advantage Data Architect, you will need to get these
third-party components:
* The EBars Suite from DevExpress <www.devexpress.com>
* A form printing component, TExcellentFormPrinter. The source
comes with the demo version that will print thin lines across
your page. If you want the full version, you can get it at
TExcellentHomePage <www.code4sale.com/joehecht>.
* A datasource exporting component, TExportX-
DB from Y-Tech
Corporation <www.igather.com/components>.
* A syntax highlighting component, TSyntaxMemo. This component used
to be available at <www.dbrocksoftware.com>, but no longer appears
to be available.