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Delphi 12 Athens

Re: Speicherausrichtung (Align) berechnen

  Alt 26. Nov 2009, 11:37
Aktuell sieht es so aus:

TXMLSerializeRDataType wären alle unterstützten Typen und daraus müßte man eigentlich alles Andere erstellen können.

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.CalcOffsets; wäre die entscheidende Baustelle für die Berechnung.
Sitze grad an den ShortStrings und danach werd ich mal 'nen Test machen, ob das Aktuelle so überhaupt läuft und dann müßten irgendwie die Records und statischen Arrays mit rein.
Record und Array dürfte dann gleich sein, da ein Record ja eigentlich nur einem StaticArray mit Length=1 entsprechen müßte.

  TXMLSerializeRDataType = (rtByteBool, rtWordBool, rtLongBool, {rtBoolean, rtBOOL,}
    rtByte, rtWord, rtLongWord, rtWord64, {rtCardinal,}
    rtShortInt, rtSmallInt, rtLongInt, rtInt64, {rtInteger,}
    rtSingle, rtDouble, rtExtended, {rtReal,} rtCurrency, rtDateTime,
    rtAnsiCharArray, rtWideCharArray, {rtCharArray,} rtUtf8String,
    rtShortString, rtAnsiString, rtWideString, rtUnicodeString, {rtString,}
    rtBinary, rtPointer{=rtDynBinary}, rtVariant, rtObject,
    rtRecord, rtArray, rtDynArray, rtDummy, rtAlign);

  TXMLSerializeRecordInfo = Class
      _Parent: TXMLSerializeRecordInfo;
      _Data: Array of Record
        Offset: Integer;
        Size: Integer;
        ElementSize: Integern;
        Name: TWideString;
        DType: TXMLSerializeRDataType;
        Elements: Integer; // for rtAnsiCharArray, rtWideCharArray, rtShortString, rtBinary, rtArray and rtDummy
        SubInfo: TXMLSerializeRecordInfo; // for rtRecord, rtArray and rtDynArray
      _Align: LongInt;
      _OffsetsOK: Boolean;
      _Size: LongInt;
      _ElementSize: LongInt;
      _SOptions: TXMLSerializeOptions;
      _SerProc: TXMLSerializeProc;
      _DeSerProc: TXMLDeserializeProc;
      _CreateProc: TXMLClassCreateProc;
      Procedure CheckOffsets (Intern: Boolean = False);
      Procedure CalcOffsets;
      Function GetCount: Integer; Inline;
      Function GetFullOffset(Index: Integer): Integer;
      Function GetOffset (Index: Integer): Integer; Inline;
      Function GetSize (Index: Integer): Integer; Inline;
      Function GetName (Index: Integer): String; Inline;
      Function GetDType (Index: Integer): TXMLSerializeRDataType; Inline;
      Function GetElements (Index: Integer): Integer; Inline;
      Function GetSubInfo (Index: Integer): TXMLSerializeRecordInfo; Inline;
      Procedure Set_ObjectOpt(Source: TXMLSerializeRecordInfo);
      Procedure SetSOptions (Value: TXMLSerializeOptions); Inline;
      Procedure SetSerProc (Value: TXMLSerializeProc); Inline;
      Procedure SetDeSerProc (Value: TXMLDeserializeProc); Inline;
      Procedure SetCreateProc(Value: TXMLClassCreateProc); Inline;
      Constructor Create;
      Destructor Destroy; Override;
      Procedure SetAlign( Align: LongInt = 4 {packed = 1}); Inline;
      Function Add ( Name: String; DType: TXMLSerializeRDataType; Elements: Integer = 1): TXMLSerializeRecordInfo;
      Function IndexOf (Const Name: String): Integer; Overload;
      Function IndexOf (RecordInfo: TXMLSerializeRecordInfo): Integer; Overload;
      Procedure Assign (RecordInfo: TXMLSerializeRecordInfo);
      Procedure Parse (Const S: String);
      Procedure Clear;

      Property Count: Integer Read GetCount;
      Property FullOffset[Index: Integer]: Integer Read GetFullOffset;
      Property Offset [Index: Integer]: Integer Read GetOffset;
      Property Size [Index: Integer]: Integer Read GetSize;
      Property Name [Index: Integer]: String Read GetName;
      Property DType [Index: Integer]: TXMLSerializeRDataType Read GetDType;
      Property Elements [Index: Integer]: Integer Read GetElements;
      Property SubInfo [Index: Integer]: TXMLSerializeRecordInfo Read GetSubInfo;
      Property Align: LongInt Read _Align;

      // for (de)serialization of objects
      Property SOptions: TXMLSerializeOptions Read _SOptions Write SetSOptions;
      Property SerProc: TXMLSerializeProc Read _SerProc Write SetSerProc;
      Property DeSerProc: TXMLDeserializeProc Read _DeSerProc Write SetDeSerProc;
      Property CreateProc: TXMLClassCreateProc Read _CreateProc Write SetCreateProc;

  rtBoolean = {$If SizeOf(Boolean)  = 1} rtByteBool {$ELSE} unknown {$IFEND};
  rtBOOL = {$If SizeOf(BOOL)     = 4} rtLongBool {$ELSE} unknown {$IFEND};
  rtCardinal = {$If SizeOf(Cardinal) = 4} rtLongWord {$ELSE}
                {$If SizeOf(Cardinal) = 8} rtWord64 {$ELSE} unknown {$IFEND}{$IFEND};
  rtInteger = {$If SizeOf(Integer)  = 4} rtLongInt {$ELSE}
                {$If SizeOf(Integer)  = 8} rtInt64 {$ELSE} unknown {$IFEND}{$IFEND};
  rtReal = {$If SizeOf(Real)     = 4} rtSingle {$ELSE}
                {$If SizeOf(Real)     = 8} rtDouble {$ELSE}
                {$If SizeOf(Real)    = 10} rtExtended {$ELSE} unknown {$IFEND}{$IFEND}{$IFEND};
  rtCharArray = {$If SizeOf(Char)     = 1} rtAnsiCharArray {$ELSE}
                {$If SizeOf(Char)     = 2} rtWideCharArray {$ELSE} unknown {$IFEND}{$IFEND};
  rtString = {$If SizeOf(Char)     = 1} rtAnsiString {$ELSE}
                {$If (SizeOf(Char)    = 2) and not Declared(UnicodeString)} rtWideString {$ELSE}
                {$IF (SizeOf(Char)    = 2) and     Declared(UnicodeString)} rtUnicodeString {$ELSE} unknown {$IFEND}{$IFEND}{$IFEND};

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.CheckOffsets(Intern: Boolean = False);
  Var i: Integer;

    If not Intern Then While Assigned(_Parent) do Self := _Parent;
    For i := 0 to High(_Data) do
      If _OffsetsOK and Assigned(_Data[i].SubInfo) Then Begin
        _OffsetsOK := _OffsetsOK and _Data[i].SubInfo._OffsetsOK;
    If not _OffsetsOK Then CalcOffsets;

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.CalcOffsets;
  Const DSize: Array[TXMLSerializeRDataType] of Byte = (1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 8,
      1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 8, 10, 8, 8, 0, 0, SizeOf(Pointer), 0, SizeOf(Pointer),
      SizeOf(Pointer), SizeOf(Pointer), 0, SizeOf(Pointer), SizeOf(Variant),
      SizeOf(TObject), 0, 0, SizeOf(Pointer), 0, 0);

  Var D, i, i2: Integer;

    _OffsetsOK := False;
    _Size := 0;
    D := -2;
    For i := 0 to High(_Data) do Begin
      If Assigned(_Data[i].SubInfo) Then Begin
        _Data[i].Size := DSize[_Data[i].DType];
      End Else _Data[i].Size := DSize[_Data[i].DType];
      If D <> _Data[i].Size Then D := -1;
      Case _Data[i].DType of
        rtByteBool, rtWordBool, rtLongBool,
        rtByte, rtWord, rtLongWord, rtWord64,
        rtShortInt, rtSmallInt, rtLongInt, rtInt64,
        rtSingle, rtDouble, rtExtended, rtCurrency, rtDateTime,
        rtUtf8String, rtAnsiString, rtWideString, rtUnicodeString,
        rtPointer, rtVariant, rtObject, rtDynArray: Begin
          i2 := _Data[i].Size;
          If i2 > _Align Then i2 := _Align;
          If D = -2 Then D := i2 Else If D <> i2 Then D := -1;
          Inc(_Size, (i2 - _Size mod i2) mod i2);
          Inc(_Size, _Data[i].Size);
        rtAnsiCharArray, rtBinary, rtDummy: Begin
          If D = -2 Then D := 1 Else If D <> 1 Then D := -1;
          Inc(_Size, (i2 - _Size mod i2) mod i2);
          Inc(_Size, _Data[i].Elements);
        rtWideCharArray: Begin
          i2 := 2;
          If i2 > _Align Then i2 := _Align;
          If D = -2 Then D := i2 Else If D <> i2 Then D := -1;
          Inc(_Size, (i2 - _Size mod i2) mod i2);
          Inc(_Size, _Data[i].Elements * 2);
        rtShortString: Begin

        rtRecord, rtArray: Begin

        rtAlign: Begin
          i2 := _Data[i].Elements;
          If i2 > _Align Then i2 := _Align;
          If D = -2 Then D := i2 Else If D <> i2 Then D := -1;
          Inc(_Size, (i2 - _Size mod i2) mod i2);
    _OffsetsOK := True;

Function TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.GetCount: Integer;

    Result := Length(_Data);

Function TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.GetFullOffset(Index: Integer): Integer;
    If (Index >= 0) and (Index < Length(_Data)) Then Begin
      Result := _Data[Index].Offset;
      If Assigned(_Parent) Then Inc(Result, _Parent.FullOffset[_Parent.IndexOf(Self)]);
    End Else Result := -1;

Function TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.GetOffset(Index: Integer): Integer;

    If (Index < 0) or (Index >= Length(_Data)) Then Result := -1
    Else Result := _Data[Index].Offset;

Function TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.GetSize(Index: Integer): Integer;

    If (Index < 0) or (Index >= Length(_Data)) Then Result := -1
    Else Result := _Data[Index].Size;

Function TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.GetName(Index: Integer): String;

    If (Index < 0) or (Index >= Length(_Data)) Then Result := ''
    Else Result := String(_Data[Index].Name);

Function TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.GetDType(Index: Integer): TXMLSerializeRDataType;

    If (Index < 0) or (Index >= Length(_Data)) Then Result := Pred(Low(TXMLSerializeRDataType))
    Else Result := _Data[Index].DType;

Function TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.GetElements(Index: Integer): Integer;

    If (Index < 0) or (Index >= Length(_Data)) Then Result := -1
    Else Result := _Data[Index].Elements;

Function TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.GetSubInfo(Index: Integer): TXMLSerializeRecordInfo;

    If (Index < 0) or (Index >= Length(_Data)) Then Result := nil
    Else Result := _Data[Index].SubInfo;

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.Set_ObjectOpt(Source: TXMLSerializeRecordInfo);
  Var i: Integer;

    _SOptions := Source._SOptions;
    _SerProc := Source._SerProc;
    _DeSerProc := Source._DeSerProc;
    _CreateProc := Source._CreateProc;
    If Assigned(_Parent) and (_Parent <> Self) Then
    For i := 0 to High(_Data) do
      If Assigned(_Data[i].SubInfo) and (_Data[i].SubInfo <> Self) Then

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.SetSOptions(Value: TXMLSerializeOptions);

    _SOptions := Value + [xsSaveClassType];

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.SetSerProc(Value: TXMLSerializeProc);

    _SerProc := Value;

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.SetDeSerProc(Value: TXMLDeserializeProc);

    _DeSerProc := Value;

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.SetCreateProc(Value: TXMLClassCreateProc);

    _CreateProc := Value;

Constructor TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.Create;
  Var X: TSearchRec;

    _Align := Integer(@X.Size) - Integer(@X.Time);
    _SOptions := [xsSaveClassType];

Destructor TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.Destroy;

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.SetAlign(Align: LongInt = 4);

    _OffsetsOK := False;
    If Align in [1, 2, 4, 8] Then _Align := Align;

Function TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.Add(Name: String; DType: TXMLSerializeRDataType; Elements: Integer = 1): TXMLSerializeRecordInfo;
  Var i: Integer;

    _OffsetsOK := False;
    i := Length(_Data);
    Name := Trim(Name);
    If Name = 'Then Name := Format('rec:%d', [i]);
    If not TXHelper.CheckString(Name, xtElement_NodeName) and (IndexOf(Name) >= 0) Then
      Raise EXMLException.Create(ClassType, 'Add', @SInvalidValue, Name);
    SetLength(_Data, i + 1);
    _Data[i].Name := TWideString(Name);
    _Data[i].DType := DType;
    If DType in [rtAnsiCharArray, rtWideCharArray, rtShortString, rtBinary, rtArray, rtDummy, rtAlign] Then
      _Data[i].Elements := Elements Else _Data[i].Elements := 1;
    _Data[i].SubInfo := nil;
    If DType in [rtRecord, rtArray, rtDynArray] Then Begin
      _Data[i].SubInfo := TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.Create;
      _Data[i].SubInfo._Parent := Self;
    //_Data[i].SubInfo._Align := _Align; // set by constructor
      _Data[i].SubInfo._SOptions := _SOptions;
      _Data[i].SubInfo._SerProc := _SerProc;
      _Data[i].SubInfo._DeSerProc := _DeSerProc;
      _Data[i].SubInfo._CreateProc := _CreateProc;
    Result := _Data[i].SubInfo;

Function TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.IndexOf(Const Name: String): Integer;
    Result := High(_Data);
    While (Result >= 0) and not TXHelper.MatchText(Name, _Data[Result].Name, False) do Dec(Result);

Function TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.IndexOf(RecordInfo: TXMLSerializeRecordInfo): Integer;
    Result := High(_Data);
    While (Result >= 0) and (not Assigned(RecordInfo)
        or (RecordInfo <> _Data[Result].SubInfo)) do Dec(Result);

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.Assign(RecordInfo: TXMLSerializeRecordInfo);
  Var i: Integer;

    For i := 0 to RecordInfo.Count do Begin
      Add(RecordInfo.Name[i], RecordInfo.DType[i], RecordInfo.Elements[i]);
      If Assigned(RecordInfo.SubInfo[i]) Then SubInfo[i].Assign(RecordInfo.SubInfo[i]);

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.Parse(Const S: String);
  Const Convert: Array[0..37] of Record
      Key: Char;
      Typ: TXMLSerializeRDataType;
      Size: Char;
      Elements: Boolean;
    End = (
      (Key: 'b'; Typ: rtByteBool; Size: '1'                ),
      (Key: 'b'; Typ: rtWordBool; Size: '2'                ),
      (Key: 'b'; Typ: rtLongBool; Size: '4'                ),
      (Key: 'b'; Typ: rtBoolean ),
      (Key: 'b'; Typ: rtBOOL; Size: 'x'                ),
      (Key: 'w'; Typ: rtByte; Size: '1'                ),
      (Key: 'w'; Typ: rtWord; Size: '2'                ),
      (Key: 'w'; Typ: rtLongWord; Size: '4'                ),
      (Key: 'w'; Typ: rtWord64; Size: '8'                ),
      (Key: 'w'; Typ: rtCardinal ),
      (Key: 'i'; Typ: rtShortInt; Size: '1'                ),
      (Key: 'i'; Typ: rtSmallInt; Size: '2'                ),
      (Key: 'i'; Typ: rtLongInt; Size: '4'                ),
      (Key: 'i'; Typ: rtInt64; Size: '8'                ),
      (Key: 'i'; Typ: rtInteger ),
      (Key: 'f'; Typ: rtSingle; Size: '4'                ),
      (Key: 'f'; Typ: rtDouble; Size: '8'                ),
      (Key: 'f'; Typ: rtExtended; Size: '0'                ),
      (Key: 'f'; Typ: rtReal ),
      (Key: 'y'; Typ: rtCurrency ),
      (Key: 't'; Typ: rtDateTime ),
      (Key: 'c'; Typ: rtAnsiCharArray; Size: 'a'; Elements: True),
      (Key: 'c'; Typ: rtWideCharArray; Size: 'w'; Elements: True),
      (Key: 'c'; Typ: rtCharArray; Elements: True),
      (Key: 'u'; Typ: rtUtf8String ),
      (Key: 's'; Typ: rtShortString; Size: 's'; Elements: True),
      (Key: 's'; Typ: rtAnsiString; Size: 'a'                ),
      (Key: 's'; Typ: rtWideString; Size: 'w'                ),
      (Key: 's'; Typ: rtUnicodeString; Size: 'u'                ),
      (Key: 's'; Typ: rtString ),
      (Key: 'x'; Typ: rtBinary; Elements: True),
      (Key: 'v'; Typ: rtVariant ),
      (Key: 'o'; Typ: rtObject ),
      (Key: 'r'; Typ: rtRecord ),
      (Key: 'a'; Typ: rtArray; Elements: True),
      (Key: 'd'; Typ: rtDynArray ),
      (Key: 'n'; Typ: rtDummy; Elements: True),
      (Key: 'l'; Typ: rtAlign; Elements: True));

  Var C: Char;
    S2: String;
    i, i2, i3, i4: Integer;

    i := 1;
    While i <= Length(S) do
      Case S[i] of
        #9, ' ': Inc(i);
        '(', '[', '{': Begin
          Case S[i] of
            '(': C := ')';
            '[': C := ']';
            Else C := '}';
          i3 := 0;
          i2 := i;
            If S[i2] = S[i] Then Inc(i3);
            If S[i2] = C Then Dec(i3);
          Until (i3 = 0) or (i2 > Length(S));
          If (i3 <> 0) or not Assigned(_Data) or not Assigned(_Data[High(_Data)].SubInfo) Then
            Raise EXMLException.Create(ClassType, 'Record-Parse', @SInvalidValue, [Copy(S, i, 25)]);
          _Data[High(_Data)].SubInfo.Parse(Copy(S, i + 1, i2 - i - 2));
          i := i2;
        'P', 'p':
          If (i < Length(S)) and ((S[i + 1] = '1') or (S[i + 1] = '2')
              or (S[i + 1] = '4') or (S[i + 1] = '8')) Then Begin
            SetAlign(Ord(S[i + 1]) - Ord('0'));
            Inc(i, 2);
          End Else Raise EXMLException.Create(ClassType, 'Record-Parse', @SInvalidValue, [Copy(S, i, 25)]);
        Else Begin
          i2 := 0;
            If (Char(Ord(S[i]) or $20) = Convert[i2].Key) and ((Convert[i2].Size = #0) or
                ((i < Length(S)) and (Char(Ord(S[i + 1]) or $20) = Convert[i2].Size))) Then Begin
              If Convert[i2].Size <> #0 Then Inc(i);
              If Convert[i2].Elements Then Begin
                i3 := 0;
                While (i3 < $0CCCCCCC) and (i <= Length(S))
                    and (S[i] >= '0') and (S[i] <= '9') do Begin
                  i3 := i3 * 10 + (Ord(S[i]) - Ord('0'));
              End Else i3 := 1;
              S2 := '';
              If (i < Length(S)) and (S[i] = '"') Then Begin
                i4 := i + 1;
                While (i4 < Length(S)) and (S[i4] <> '"') do Inc(i4);
                If S[i4] <> '"Then
                  Raise EXMLException.Create(ClassType, 'Record-Parse', @SInvalidValue, [Copy(S, i, 25)]);
                S2 := Copy(S, i + 1, i4 - i - 1);
                i := i4 + 1;
              End Else If (i < Length(S)) and ((S[i] = '>') or (S[i] = '=')) Then Begin
                i4 := i + 1;
                While (i4 <= Length(S)) and (S[i4] <> ' ') and (S[i4] <> #9) do Inc(i4);
                S2 := Copy(S, i + 1, i4 - i);
                i := i4;
              Add(S2, Convert[i2].Typ, i3);
          Until i2 > High(Convert);
          If i2 > High(Convert) Then
            Raise EXMLException.Create(ClassType, 'Record-Parse', @SInvalidValue, [Copy(S, i, 25)]);

Procedure TXMLSerializeRecordInfo.Clear;
  Var i: Integer;

    _OffsetsOK := False;
    For i := High(_Data) downto 0 do _Data[i].SubInfo.Free;
    _Data := nil;
Und warum kann Delphi eigentlich noch kein {$ALIGN 16}
$2B or not $2B
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat