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Re: Deutsches Vista auf englisches W7 updaten?

  Alt 25. Nov 2009, 09:36
Nein, geht nicht (gerade gelesen):
Q: If I purchased a qualifying Windows Vista product in one language version, can I get a different language version for the upgrade? For example, if my PC came with a French version of Windows Vista Home Premium can I get the upgrade as Spanish Windows 7 Home Premium?

A: The Windows 7 Upgrade Option program does not allow for language switching. The language version of the Windows Vista product that you ordered will be the language version of the Windows 7 product you will receive.
Quelle: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/buy...grade-faq.aspx
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
Über mich: Sebastian Gingter @ Thinktecture Mein Blog: https://gingter.org
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