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idftp.onwork wird nicht aufgerufen (Indy 9)

Ein Thema von iGoA · begonnen am 7. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 8. Aug 2007

Registriert seit: 9. Jul 2007
69 Beiträge

Re: idftp.onwork wird nicht aufgerufen (Indy 9)

  Alt 8. Aug 2007, 11:47
Habe im Netz folgendes gefunden:
When was the last time you updated your version of Indy?
The snapshot has been labeled as "10.1.5" for a long time.
My guess is that you are still using an older snapshot
that had a buggy implementation of the TIdIOHandler.Write
(TIdStream) method. In some older snapshot releases, the
Write(TIdStream) method used write buffering, which caused
all sorts of problems in several components. One of the
side-effects being that the OnWork event can be ignored
since the data is not actually written to the connection
until after Write(TIdStream) has triggered the OnWorkEnd
That buffering has already been removed awhile ago. Please
make sure that you are using the absolute latest snapshot.
Probiere gerade auf Indy 10 zu gehen. Hoffentlich löst das mein Problem.
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat


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